Paying a speeding Ticket

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04 Nov 2011 12:00 AM by Tamsin Star rating. 169 posts Send private message


We have  just received a speedy fine of 100 Euros when we were travelling to Jerez in September .

Has anyone any idea  how or where we pay it?    We went  on the web site but we could not make head not tail of it.   My husband speaks Spanish but his written Spanish is not too good .

Will be grateful for any help . I hope this is not one of these fines that keeps going up and up the longer you  fail to pay.





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04 Nov 2011 2:59 PM by Faro Star rating in London. 1139 posts Send private message

Go to the post office and pay in cash

the online system rarely works

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04 Nov 2011 3:25 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

Pitby´s avatar

There should be the name of a bank where you can pay it on the form - if you get there quick enough, you may only have to pay €50, as they discount it for quick payment!

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04 Nov 2011 3:58 PM by Marysafc Star rating in Harrow and Peñiscola. 113 posts Send private message

 I paid one online last year. It arrived by special delivery just before Christmas from a trip in October. Got to admit that it was a bit trial and error as to which numbers to put into which boxes but got it work eventually. Combination of google translate and guesswork


Think you have to pay it within a monthof the date on the fine, not the date of the offence, to get the discount.

_______________________ Custom-made silver and enamel jewelery

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07 Nov 2011 2:31 PM by Tamsin Star rating. 169 posts Send private message

Trouble is we live in the UK ???

We have tried on various occasions this week-end to pay this fine on the web to no avail. We tried every single number we could  find . In the end we had to ask my husband's brother in law to pay the fine for us.

Lucky for us  he lives in GIb and is retired - but how do other people manage ?  We hate having to ask the family to constantly help us out. and try and sort these things out ourselves, but we find web sites in Spain so bad . Where are all the good web designers  ?

Thanks for your help .






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07 Nov 2011 3:22 PM by foxbat Star rating in Granada. 1112 posts Send private message

foxbat´s avatar


During your internet searching did you try this...

This is the definitive method of payment when you dont have an electronic DNI or digital signature and the procedure is fully described in English here

Good Luck




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12 Nov 2011 9:05 AM by midasgold Star rating in Mijas.. 93 posts Send private message

Do the same as the Spanish and forget it !

(When in Rome ..etc .)

If lucky, there is another day.

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12 Nov 2011 2:43 PM by ms51 Star rating in uk/Los Alcazares. 100 posts Send private message


We had the same thing a few years ago when we hired a car, the only way to pay it is in Spain, I know pain in the bum.

We sent it to a friend of ours who lives in Spain. It CAN NOT be done in the UK. We even asked the advice of the police here,they said if your not going there again done bother with it, but as we go every couple of months, didnt want to risk being stopped at the airport.

Even the Brithish embassy couldnt help. So my advice would be send it to a friend and forward the money.

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12 Nov 2011 3:05 PM by HAWKINGS111 Star rating in Las Filipinas. Spain.... 290 posts Send private message

HAWKINGS111´s avatar


Yes when you are in Spain it is easy. As long as you pay the fine within 1 month of the date on the fine you get a 30% discount {unless that has changed}. So i just took the form to the Correos {post office} and the lady filled it in for me, took my €70 and gave me a receipt. Jobs a good-un.



      Now  Retired and have our money back in FULL via our bank guarantee.    Bob and Pauline.

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12 Nov 2011 3:56 PM by Flybynight Star rating. 60 posts Send private message

Flybynight´s avatar

As far as I understand from previous posts on other threads you CAN pay your fine online from the UK.

Trust this helps.

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12 Nov 2011 4:03 PM by Marysafc Star rating in Harrow and Peñiscola. 113 posts Send private message

 You can definitely pay online from uk, used my mastercard last December to pay it as already mentioned without a digital  certificate and we managed to get the 50% discount.

_______________________ Custom-made silver and enamel jewelery

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12 Nov 2011 4:05 PM by Flybynight Star rating. 60 posts Send private message

12 Nov 2011 5:25 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

I have recently paid 3 on-line and got the 50% discount.



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12 Nov 2011 5:35 PM by Marysafc Star rating in Harrow and Peñiscola. 113 posts Send private message

 Speed merchant? We only ever hire the smallest car (gets very noisy above 120km/hr!) as there are only 2 of us and begrudge paying for a full tank of fuel that we never use. I still can't believe that a little Daihaitsu takes 50€ worth of fuel!

_______________________ Custom-made silver and enamel jewelery

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12 Nov 2011 5:43 PM by ms51 Star rating in uk/Los Alcazares. 100 posts Send private message

Great news that we can now pay online, saves a lot of worry. BUT lets be honest we shouldnt be speeding

And yes I agreed the fuel price on a hire car is awful, that why we brought our own car, no more being had for every cent.


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12 Nov 2011 6:41 PM by Rocky and Hank Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

I was advised by my solicitor to pay at the Post Office (Correros) as you get a receipt to prove you have paid. Hope this helps.

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12 Nov 2011 8:00 PM by Flybynight Star rating. 60 posts Send private message

Flybynight´s avatar

Rocky and Hank

In Tamsin's 2nd post she explained they were in the UK though.

Ii also found this, excellent I think. Take a look.


This message was last edited by Flybynight on 12/11/2011.

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12 Nov 2011 8:09 PM by ms51 Star rating in uk/Los Alcazares. 100 posts Send private message

No I think there main home is in the UK, so cant pay at the post office, but people have said you can pay online??? didnt work for me, but maybe things have improved over the last 2 year, I thought they had to be done at a bank or post office IN SPAIN, but if the online one works......... Good luck Tasmin

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13 Nov 2011 1:01 PM by Benow Star rating in Sierra Golf . 11 posts Send private message



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14 Nov 2011 2:46 PM by Tamsin Star rating. 169 posts Send private message

Parking offence paid now by his brother in law . 50 Euro fine  and 2 Euros for not paying iat the Police Station ????

Thank you everyone for your replies .

One thing you can be sure of he won't speed again but sometimes it is so easy to do .



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