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12 Jun 2007 12:00 AM by wetone Star rating in PALOMARES. 220 posts Send private message




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12 Jun 2007 5:52 PM by susan s Star rating in Essex. 39 posts Send private message

Can you find me something that makes me look like I have a figure like Cameron Diaz???

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12 Jun 2007 8:20 PM by nfm2862 Star rating in Welling, Kent & Al A.... 1460 posts Send private message

nfm2862´s avatar
I'll have some of those clothes as well Susan - I think they will prove very popular


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12 Jun 2007 8:22 PM by Smiley Star rating in San Pedro de Alcanta.... 2502 posts Send private message

Smiley´s avatar
If you have anything in a slinky green number that will make me look like Cameron Diaz I will as well - will have to be green to go with my natural shade!! Preferably not in crocodile skin as it could have unpleasant repurcussions.


Smiley -

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13 Jun 2007 9:15 AM by susan s Star rating in Essex. 39 posts Send private message

Sorry Smiley but I think in green you may look more like Shrek....

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13 Jun 2007 9:44 AM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Hi Susan s,

There is a product on the market that makes every woman look like Cameron Diaz!

I was wearing some at the weekend.

Beer Goggles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



_______________________ still here after all these years!

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13 Jun 2007 10:00 AM by Smiley Star rating in San Pedro de Alcanta.... 2502 posts Send private message

Smiley´s avatar
Shrek hmmmm? Guess anything would be an improvement -


Smiley -

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13 Jun 2007 10:04 AM by susan s Star rating in Essex. 39 posts Send private message

Georgia were you wearing them at them weekend........I hear you had a bit of a sore head on Monday.Get ready for fiesta in Algorfa.... I will get my outfit from wetone....anything you fancy in particular(I'm getting the Brad Pitt one for my husband so you can't have that for yourself!)


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13 Jun 2007 10:38 AM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Yeah had them on at the weekend,had to swap them for the darker version on monday to stop the glare!!!!!!!!!!!

So busy today got fifteen clients in the shop all wanting to buy property!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oooops,sorry picked the rose tinted one's up by mistake!!!.

Have they got any Mexican Costumes,the Sombrero is great when you want to slide down the wall and fall asleep.




_______________________ still here after all these years!

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13 Jun 2007 2:18 PM by harley Star rating in West Midlands/ Costa.... 67 posts Send private message

harley´s avatar
Georgia dear,
I am conjuring up in my head all sorts of images of you, scary 



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13 Jun 2007 3:16 PM by susan s Star rating in Essex. 39 posts Send private message

Georgia hope you don't go for a dirty sanchez moustache!!!!!

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13 Jun 2007 3:24 PM by Rixxy Star rating in San Pedro. 2010 posts Send private message

Rixxy´s avatar

Georgia would go ANYWHERE for a dirty moustache!!!

Can I have those rose tinted glasses please!


Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!

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13 Jun 2007 4:02 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Don't like moustaches they have a habit of stealing your beer while you are drinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just got back from selling a lovely villa to a couple close to where i live.can eat this week now!!!.

Happy customers and soon to be happy neighbours.

Rixxy- you can borrow my rose tinted glasses for now as i will not need them for a few days as optimism has returned(up yours trev!!).

Stop Press;Janice has been in again today on the way to the market,i am considering getting her a desk and chair.I sent her all your love.

it's damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn hot here now, in the 90'ssssssssssssssssssssssssss.



_______________________ still here after all these years!

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13 Jun 2007 4:06 PM by Rixxy Star rating in San Pedro. 2010 posts Send private message

Rixxy´s avatar

I know the feeling - I have to get rid of mine daily  

Am ok for the glasses for the timebeing - have notario manana miles away near Gib!!!

Say hi to Janice now you have a new member of staff to work for you.... And its hot here too - new office has a POOOOOLLLLLL area so got bikini ready and wireless to work around the pool!

Will send you a pic of me hard at it (and work)

Take it easy!


Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!

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13 Jun 2007 4:14 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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You have a poooooooooooooooool in your office!!!!!!!!!!.

What a great idea,how do you stop your desk sinking!!!!!!???.

i await the piccys of you hard at it!!!!!!.

Have employed Janice as an information Beureau,is there anything that lady doesn't know?

If you have now got a pool you will be able to invite friends around more often without them drying out(if you know what i mean)


_______________________ still here after all these years!

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14 Jun 2007 12:22 PM by robmct Star rating in Edinburgh/London - .... 196 posts Send private message

robmct´s avatar

Hi Rixxy

Where you the lady on the ITV Trev D program last week.. ??

It was ncie to see my Complex  Costa Galera, on TV,   Direct Auctions didn't sell much ?? - howz the market looking ??

Howz the weather,  im coming out Fri 22 nd...need to get away from London 24 humidity and get some real sun ;-)



Rob :-)

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14 Jun 2007 5:01 PM by Rixxy Star rating in San Pedro. 2010 posts Send private message

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Georgia! the pool isnt actually IN the office (shame) but in the tropical gardens. From my terrace I have a sea view and mountain view, plenty of bars/restaurants below and its the dogs!

Best place in the world to be doing business from!!!. I have east and west facing terraces, so plenty of SUN Oh and the beach is a 2 minute walk..... will I ever get any work done...................

Hi Rob, yes I was the auctioneer on the programme. Although we only sold one on the day (before auction) we sold another 3 after out of the 6 lots we offered - normal for us as people are still wary of buying through the auction and also prefer to conduct business privately! Bit strange but Im used to it after 4 years doing this business.

I have read all the comments and I stay neutral - its what we do as a business, offer a platform for people to buy and sell. Owners hope to acheive one figure, the buyer offers a different one and sometimes they meet in the middle!

We offer a route for people who have to sell, not necessarily because they have their fingers burnt but for all sorts of reasons, bereavement, financial and other changes.

The Costa Galera one was one we sold and it finally completed today - hallelujah!

Far as Im concerned the market is depressed but it will rise again in time - it is a cyle and whilst I see s lot of slopw down in many areas, its a 'normal' market  - (I have lived here for over 12 years and been in property for over 22!) And the smart money is buying back. Yes in a lot of places prices have been much overinflated - all the 'good' media coverage saw to that and now the balance is being redressed!

I could go on and on as many on here know but I really would send you to sleep!

Suffice to say the downward cyle has started but it will come back again!

The sun ALWAYS shines here (except in Seville at the weekend when it rained, but it was fun to jump in the puddles and soak little kids!!!)

Have a great evening everyone oh and autographs are now being digitally signed for only 100 euros a shot!


Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!

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14 Jun 2007 5:15 PM by robmct Star rating in Edinburgh/London - .... 196 posts Send private message

robmct´s avatar
Hi Rixxy

I thought you did a very professional job, especially when it must have been hard to
deal with no real bidding and im sure the program deleted all the good parts.

Can i ask what you sold on Costa Galera,  was it a 2 bed ground floor apt or a 2/3 or 4 bed duplex ??
and if it's ok can i ask how much it sold for...

I love my complex and area and happy to wait out this slow down times..

can't wait to go out next Fri for sun someshine and plenty of chilling out...



Ps. Do you know about any new shopping complex behind my complex over hills and just before mountain range. some serious
        works going on over that way.... it's near the land fill site ???????

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15 Jun 2007 10:51 AM by Rixxy Star rating in San Pedro. 2010 posts Send private message

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Hola - thanks for that! Ive had loads of emails and phone calls of support about it, quite embarassing really! Cos Im a real shy retiring wallflower as anyone who knows me knows..............

There was some bidding going on but to be honest at the auctions I run here not a lot happens in the room - sales before and then after! Can be a bit like bingo at times, I look at them, their heads go down!!! I held an aution in Dublin last May and boy what a difference! Mad bidding from all over the room, so here its not the same and also to take into account is I am only touching a fraction of the expat market able to get to the auction on that day. I get better response from the online biddong, telephone and proxies. Also I take the auctions to the UK and Ireland and again they are much better.

CGalera was a ground floor 2 bedder with garden, sea and golf views fase 5. Went for 190k. Its a beautiful complex and the new owerns are really happy. The last owners bless them actually had to send money over to complete the deal - the notario was rather bemused at that and accused all of us of black money under the table! The Spanish cannot comprehend having to sell below market value and therefore keep their properties on for years and years!

It is very unfortunate many people have got caught up in this, but I saw this one coming 5 years ago - basically too much too fast. And when you take into consideration that in 2000 when I was working at one of the larger boys, statistics were showing 67% of buyers in an off-plan development were buying for speculation purposes and not to live here, it was not rocket science to see what was going to happen.

But my voice was very small and I never got involved in off-plan, in fact I had (still got) a management and rental agency, to deal with the end product. I realized that was going to be harder when a high percentage of my rentors were people who had bought their own! Diluting the rental market, an income relied upon by so many agents to close a sale was going to have a knock on effect.

Having been in the property game for over 22 years (UK and now here) I thought it would be pertinent to offer auctions, a place where the buyer and seller is in charge, where they decide what is the market price. Combined with low selling fees it seems to be doing ok and helping people along the waym, but it still really angers me when I have to listen to owners who quite frankly have been duped with false information and now are in such dire straights its making them ill, they are losing family and their quality of life has suffered greatly. I do have people bawling their eyes uot in the office and it pains me to not be able to help them!

Anyway, Spain is a fantastic place to live, I have been here for over 12 years, my children grew up here and this is home for me. Never going anywhere else, except for when Georgia takes me to the bahamas as he has promised on numerous occaisions now  

Bit overcast today but Im looking at the really inviting pool - I will take a pic and show you all and hopefully it will clear as its my secretary Marias birthday tomorrow and she doenst know it but I have booked a table at the local chiringuito, its on the beach, I got a cake and balloons, party hapts and poppers and 6 of us are going to suprise her - so gotta get on with work as its a half day today

Gotta life to go out and get!

No idea about the complex to be honest, one mound of dust looks the same to me now but if your in our area give us a buzz and we can have a coffee!

Take it easy folks - heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers the sun..............................


Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!

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15 Jun 2007 1:56 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Hi Rixxy,

I remember mentioning something to you in conversation about"Bananas" not "Bahamas"!!!!!!!!!!!! and i can't beleive i offered to pay! i am that tight i get the clients to drive my car on viewing trips when we need to go through the tolls! i cant reach to pay then!!!

It's that female selective hearing again!!!!

Dead jealous of your office,send me some piccys and i will make a background to fill my window.

It's my birthday soon so make a note 21 candles and i like jelly.



_______________________ still here after all these years!

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