habitation licence

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13 Feb 2012 12:00 AM by navidad Star rating. 15 posts Send private message

Does anyone know if the legalising of the illegal properties has taken placed yet?   I mentioned some time ago some pensioners who unbeknown to themselves  bought houses which were granted a NAVE licence, their abogado did not tell them, they had bought the land, the land owner/seller arranged a builder to construct houses to their own design with all necessary permission.   Their abogado has been asked several times for the copy of the planning permission which he retained, the abogado claims he does not have the copy of the planning permision, surely he would have checked it during the legal process which he was paid a min of 8000 euro per propert for!

Some of the neighbours who live there full time were denounced almost 3 years ago by the town hall for illegal build,  they were all told they had permission to build a house, when they learned they had permission for a storage warehouse they were stunned, BUT under the legalising laws and given the houses have been erected now for about 8 years, can the town hall near Albox but not under their jurisdiction . demolish their homes?

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13 Feb 2012 11:07 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Lack of due diligence by the conveyancing lawyer yet again? Has anyone advised if you have a case against the conveyancing lawyer?

Has anyone won a case against a lawyer in Spain? Is there any accountability of legal professionals in Spain?

And they say it is safe to buy in Spain when there are no Law Societies prepared to take strong action against these transgressions?

Just how long can this form of abuse continue?



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14 Feb 2012 12:20 AM by Himilce Star rating in MANCHESTER AND MURCI.... 2 posts Send private message


ALONSO HARO SOLICITORS www.ahsolicitors.com

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17 Feb 2012 11:11 AM by Joe59 Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

I read something in Sur in English, it seems that only 10% of the houses will be legalised, and did not mention anything about the rest.

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17 Feb 2012 11:32 AM by DMS Star rating in Spain. 27 posts Send private message

DMS´s avatar


The Decree from the Andalucía Junta Regarding the Regularization of Housing.
Over the last few months there has been a lot of speculation in the press regarding, the soon to be published, Decree on the Regularization of Housing in rural areas from the Andalucía Junta.
It’s true that on 10th January the Department of Public Works and housing of the Andalucía Junta advanced a draft of this decree, but to date, in spite of numerous press releases about this decree, which is intended to legalize much of the housing illegally constructed on rural plots, it has still not been officially published in the BOJA (Official Gazette of the Junta de Andalucía). Therefore, we don’t know the exact terms of this new directive, nor the date when it comes into effect, or even the real scope of the decree. So we would recommend that you don’t rely on what’s written in the papers. 
We would suggest that you wait until the decree is officially published in the BOJA so that you know exactly what the final content of the decree is and are sure that the legal implications for the regularization of the situation are clear. The thousands of properties that were built illegally on undevelopable land over the last few years have to be regularized to make people aware of their legal obligations and so that the law can be enforced and upheld.
We will be following this closely, and as soon as the decree is officially published we will study and analyze it, then we will publish our comments and guidelines for you.
Manilva Solicitors

Marbella Solicitors Manilva Solicitors

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