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If you can't eat here for €150 per week, you've got a problem or are shopping in the wrong places!
What the hell does the price of a Supermarket trolley have with "How are things in Your area?"
now now, some of us have to eat at home you know!!!
_______________________ N. Sands
Just saw a bar in a busy tourist area of CDS offering a coffee and a bsicuit for 0.90€ Beat that in UK !
Where did the figure of 150 euros come from? we spend 70-100 euros a week, for a normal shop for two of us. My daughter spends about 100 per week in Tescos for four people, does not get lots of ready meals, buys plenty of fresh fruit, veg etc.
I was including 'menu del dias' and drinks!
quote camposol " we spend 70-100 euros a week, for a normal shop for two of us".
Wow !! That much !!. I need spend only 180 euros a MONTH for 2 to eat well on fresh salmon fillets and steak plus many other such foods. However we don´t drink alcohol or buy ready packaged meals which undoubtably can boost the supermarket bill considerably.
There are some Moroccans here who raid the bins and never spend any more than €15 PER MONTH!
'15€ a month!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
Spendthrifts!!!!!!!!!! I've always said that you lot down the port have more money than sense..............................
I think this thread is in danger of turning into the Monty Python "hole in the road" sketch! it's not a competition. Most of us shop in supermarkets used by many nationalities.There's not much point comparing shopping bills-not all items are food, and in between shopping expeditions we all top up.There seems to be a sort of snobbery about only shopping in Spanish supermarkets, and buying every thing fresh.Well, i'm surprised at some of the prices, not always lower than Brit shops, and certainly not as much choice, and if we want to cheat and buy something easy,( and many of us do) especially in this weather, when we'd rather flop than cook, then why not? why should anyone feel superior cooking everything from scratch?
Camposol the Spanish supermarkets in Lorca have as many of products we are used to in UK. Difference being they are not always packaged the same consequently we can miss them.
Apart from the fact that ready meals are, pro rata, very expensive , what is snobbish about not buying them !! I never bought them in UK because I didn´t like them but each to their own and I certainly wouldn´t call a cheat anyone who does.
I don´t spend loads of time, even in winter, cooking and when the weather this hot then we have salads.....obviously the ingedients have to be fresh....with forementioned salmon ( cookable in microwave in a few mins) or similar quick and easy to cook meats. Preparing a meal in the same time as to microwave a ready made product, hardly makes one a superior cook !!
But to get back to the question from OP . It seems living in a holiday hotspot or where there are many holiday homes then crime appears more noticable.
30 Aug 2012 2:00 PM
 . 0 posts
In most areas in Australia you will be delivered a physical directory that lists everything local such as businesses and government services. This local directory is really handy when you want to find a local tradesman or service.
Local directories can also be found online that will assist you in finding many of your local amenities, along with contact details listed. Some websites are easier to navigate than others.
Often if you just punch in your new postcode you will come up with a personalised local directory of all the local businesses that are online.
Maybe this thread is a bit old, but here we go.
I moved to Spain permanantly in 2000. I mostly lived/worked in/near the Costa del Sol. (In the holiday trade.)
There was always robberies and thefts especially in the summer time. (They would target holiday rentals and cars.)
This has not changed.
I then moved a little inland, and preferred it - at first. But of late we have been talking about a (n official!) Neighbour Hood Watch Scheme - as the robberies have increased, the police seem to have little
I can't believe that in 2012 people found difficulties in Spain, we travel twice a year in the off season to Spain for 3 months and have been doing this for the last 5 years. We have never experienced any trouble, our dollar has decreased in the last 6 months though it doesn't make a lot of difference as the airfares are good and compared to Sydney we are miles better off, we rent our apartment for $2000 per month and pay 300euros in Spain, we hire a car for 9euros a day and are way in front.
the airfares are good and compared to Sydney we are miles better off, we rent our apartment for $2000 per month and pay 300euros in Spain, we hire a car for 9euros a day and are way in front.
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currently living in the Capital. but the last area was a real mess cuz of the traffic