The Comments |
Having reached the grand old age of 65 the UK government have decided to pay me a more than generous pension.
However, I have never asked for, nor do I want to receive the payments they credit to my account every four weeks. I have a more than generous series of investments that are more than enough for me so my question is -- How do I stop them sending it as the UK government are in more need than I am?
I tried to stop the winter allowance but gave up and put into a local charity tin. But since I now live for most of the year overseas is there anyway I can stop this nonsence.
Just a thought!! But how about setting up a Direct Debit for the pension to be paid into a named charity??
Or failing that,you could pay it into my account and I will make sure its not wasted!!!!!!!
I have never asked for, nor do I want to receive the payments they credit to my account every four weeks
How do they have your bank account details if you did not instruct them that was where you wanted them to make the payments to ?
If you spend 183 days a year or more in Spain then you even though you were to give the pension away you would still be obliged to make a declaration here and from what you say (I have a more than generous series of investments) you would then have tax to pay.
And I assume, even if not tax resident in Spain, the tax on that income would still need to be paid somewhere.
You must have had to claim the pension in the first place and supply your bank details. Otherwise it would not be paid.
You also must have known because the tell you that it's possible to defer the pension for as long as you wish and it increases in value.
I suspect you have another agenda here.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
As many of you say it looks like it was my fault. in trying to clear all my affairs before returning to Oz I almost certainly completed the DWP forms and gave my Bank details.
As it so happens I now live back in Oz only spending a few months in the UK for the summer cricket and BBC Proms and have decided that I really don't need the pension payments nor winter fuel payments.
I have written to DWP about the payments but have had no reply, this maybe because I live on a sailboat in Oz and gave that and an email for reply.
Steve647 seems to have a good suggestion - no not to you but to charities vis DD.
No other agenda just an Oz who sees the mother country in need and I really don't need benefits.
Looking fwd to The London games and the SAfers cricket, the opening rehersal of the games was just fantastic - well done London
FYI am resident on a sailboat, registered in Bermunda, currently moored in Perth WA but will be moving with me in September to cruise The Pacific Islands (always has been my dream).
So no not resident anywhere, House in Oxford owned by BVI company and have sold all property in Oz so can take my income tax free.
So why be worried about a few quid from the DSS. If you paid your taxes in UK your post would have more credibility. Why one one hand say you don't want your pension, don't need it etc; then move heaven and earth to avoid paying tax?
Sorry I just buy this bull shit.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
Sorry to upset you Mickyfinn in my 40-years in UK paid a lot of tax and never had a handout and don't need it now just want it to go too someone where it will make a difference. As such will use Steve647 suggestion, then I chose who gets it.
There really is no need for sour grapes because I've got my finances in order and am trying to do the right thing.
Thought it would be easy todo but dealing with DWP from a distance has proved 'challenging'.
Most EoS users have a collective wisdom and knowledge on a wide range of subjects and its good to tap into from time to time.
His DBS, curious, what's the name of the boat?
Lady Warmer - named after a WW2 Collier.
It's a Moody 64 bearthed at Royal Yatch Club in Perth.
Not upset, not sour grapes, not anything, I just don't believe your story, it's not crediible. ;I don't understand either your need to post on here with it. You know perfectly well what you can do with the money your entitled too, claimed but now for your own reasons say you don't want.
There is a whole host of decent charities in the world with which you could do some good with the money. Just do it.
This thread is a bit like a sucide jumper that keeps telling everyone below he wants to end it all and threatens to jump. He never does. Most sucides just jump.
It's the audience they crave.
This message was last edited by Mickyfinn on 26/07/2012.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
Thanks DBS for the speedy reply.
As I've said before, it's that time of the evening when one's likely to have had a drink, and regret hasty words. (Still in UK til Tuesday, at the wrong end of a bottle of Amarone!) DBS, presumably you are either in Perth replying 24/7 at 03h30 in the morning. Or you're in London on a wonderful spree at the Olympics.
But why, in the name of all that's wonderful would you be sitting at your computer 24/7 fielding questions about your wealth? You have told us already that you own a yacht. You have told us already that your Merc AMG wears out a set of tyres a week. You have told us that your investments have set you up for life. You even once offered me tax advice. And now you tell us that, such a clever chappie as you, doesn't know how to stop the UK govt paying you a pension you don't want. WHY ARE YOU TELLING US ALL THIS? Do you think you are likely to get sympathy from some expat family in Spain worrying about how they are going to pay their mortgage or rent?
Do you think anyone gives a flying whatsit about how much money you have? Please tell me, why do you think anyone gives a godamn? That's what interests me -WHAT MOTIVATES YOU? I mean, you make understanding the postings of our very own johnxzy seem like psychology 001. While you are at it, have a stab as to WHY Rod posts HIS messages with SOME words in capitals?
Enquiring minds want to know.
Yours, trying to be understanding and sympathetic, Guy
This message was last edited by GuyT on 26/07/2012.
Couldn't stop myself. This morning called the Royal Perth Yacht Club (0061 89389 1555) and spoke to a helpful girl called Michelle. Said I had sold a paperback on ebay Celestial Navigation for Idiots but had lost the buyers details, but it was definitely Lady Warmer, which I understood to be a Moody 64, and was berthed at the RPYC. We had enjoyable banter, wondering what a lady warmer might have been, but once we'd stopped laughing she said, well, I've never heard of it but I'll double check....came back a few minutes later and said they'd checked the registers and no, it's definitely not here. No-one has even heard of it, so it's not as if it's been and gone. So, it would appear to be a ghost vessel, a Flying Dutchman ploughing the seas of someone's fantasies. It probably has the Merc AMG lashed to its deck under a tarpaulin. Have to admit, it's pretty sad of me to bother checking.
I've got a bigger one than everyone else but I don't keep on about it 
D-B-S =** Edited - Offensive to other member **.................... This message was last edited by EOS Team on 27/07/2012.
A yachtsman/old hand boater who can't spell 'berthed'??????
He is correct that dealing with the DWP is challenging, never mind from a distance. An issue that will only get worse as the DWP become responsible for the universal credit. Just seen Mr Bean dreaming at the olympic ceremony, does he have a double live as DBS?
_______________________ Do unto others as you would want them to do to you.
I am always willing to talk and converse to ladies or gents in a sensible way.