Spanish motorway robberies on british tourist etc

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05 Aug 2012 2:07 PM by Abyss_Rover Star rating in Mallorca. 72 posts Send private message


Although this is not in line with the original topic, it looks like this thread could be generalising so I will add this. I have mentioned on other forum threads, the use of CCTV is a huge deterrent. Modern systems store the video off site so there is no way to destroy the evidence, even if the thief thinks they are taking the evidence, by taking the recorder.


There are also smaller, single camera recording systems, for use in 12 volt dc as on cars. These are hard to see but can record enough for a prosecution.


Anyone finding the police to be avoiding any report of a crime, should ask for their complaints book or get their Abogado to report it, with the evidence.


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05 Aug 2012 2:28 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar

carrying £25000 around why has he no bank account?bank transfers have been going for a long time now. very good too they are unles you have something to hide

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05 Aug 2012 3:04 PM by papa Star rating. 64 posts Send private message

CAN'T trust ANY Spanish builder    Avoid buying from them !!!!

  The majority of them are CROOKS 

   Stealing clients deposits and remortgaging some clients properties without their authorisation.  The BANKS are also AWARE of these SCAMS and turn a blind eye (for a back hander )

All this is now surfacing in Spain 

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05 Aug 2012 4:51 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


This is very much a storm a tea cup.
OK there are crimes being committed, but that applies to every country in the world.    I have lived here 25 years and before that was a regular visitor. So far, I not been the victim of any crime.
As for the police not being interested: I assume that most of the victims who express that view,  speak little if any Spanish and thus can only guess what the reaction really is that they are getting.  If the police cannot understand what the victim is saying then it would be incredible if the victim got the response they would like.   UK police may seem disinterested if addressed in Spanish.
For maybe ten years, Spain has had a system for people to make reports by telephone (902 102 112) in several language. That does not imply they do not care.-
                     The phone in system has not been running for a couple of months, however, I understand it will be available again from tomorrow, although it may not be a 24/7 service now.  (It too is crisis hit).



This message was last edited by johnzx on 05/08/2012.

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05 Aug 2012 5:18 PM by papa Star rating. 64 posts Send private message

It's NOT a storm in a tea cup !!


I have been in Spain over 30 years and speak fluent Spanish  My relatives and friends are also Spanish

They agree with me that crime is rife in Spain and corruption is in the majority of the government offices, that's why some of the Judges and Mayors are being arrested nearly every month. The police at the present time are getting away with many antics, but may be their time will come.

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05 Aug 2012 5:28 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


I  don’t have your time in Spain (as I said only 25 years), but for 15 years I have had a very relationship with the National Police, and to some extent the Guardia Civil.
 I thereby know first-hand what they do in relation to investigation and, as I know many of the officers by sight, I know that the number of police patrolling, my town for sure, is considerably higher than would be found in UK (I say that from 30 years UK police experience).  
With my hands-on experience,  know where the population are safer.  
We must agree to differ




This message was last edited by johnzx on 05/08/2012.

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05 Aug 2012 5:46 PM by papa Star rating. 64 posts Send private message

Pleased to learn that you have adequate police patrolling in your town Let's hope they are a close step behind the Morrocans and Eastern Europeans, watching THEM instead of harassing the Brits as they do in most costal areas 

You are however correct in saying there are more police patrols in Spain than in the UK because the police numbers are forever being reduced and the Spanish police are paid much less in relation to the UK police

I Like your philosopy and I do hope you and your family/friends keep safe from the scumbags

Best wishes


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05 Aug 2012 6:51 PM by MANXMONKEY Star rating in Channel Islands. 81 posts Send private message


Language problems, no such worry in the UK. In UK they have instant access to interpretors and use them immediately. The thought of having a complaint because you didn't is too risky. However, it doesn't mean you are going to get your crime solved all the same.  I have a number of friends and relatives from across all ranks and those that are happy in the job are those I wouldn't want in the force. Those that are any good are getting out.  Once the system has started rolling it is just an annoying and frustrating mess. Officers duplicating reports and yet losing the thread and often the reason of the report - primary officer starts something then goes off ill for weeks on end (especially if used to elongate their holiday) etc. etc. which is why unreported crimes are up such a lot and actual reported crime is down and yet the clear up rate when discounting "arrangements for taking other crimes into account" is about 9%. So 91% of reported crimes are un solved!  There is a new system where if a crime reaches court it should  be heard unless there is a serious reason not to be.  This has screwed up the CPS because they are used to being lazy incompetents and turning up without paper work (I have just this minute looked at the paperwork your honour....) and asking for another date.  Now the defence just say, "No", you've had a year to put this case of criminal damage / assault / theft etc. together so it should be heard or dismissed" and so even those that get to court are more and more dismissed!  I keep thinking we'd be better off sacking the whole police force and doing without - . what a tax saving that would be!

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05 Aug 2012 6:57 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


Exactly so.


That why I said,    "With my hands-on experience, I  know where the population are safer."

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05 Aug 2012 10:37 PM by Javelin Star rating. 17 posts Send private message

Hi Julianz

In response to your remarks regarding the theft of my luggage at Alicante airport  I offer the following.

The purpose of my message was not to invite critisism or apportion blame but simply to warn incoming passengers of the danger. 

If I had been warned I would not have been wasting time writing this.

Try not to be so negative. Look for the good and enjoy life.




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05 Aug 2012 11:03 PM by Javelin Star rating. 17 posts Send private message

Theft of my Cabin Bag - Alicante Airport

To all you "bin there done that"  " lets blame somebody"  know it alls who missed the real purpose of my message I say this:

Less you fall foul of thieves, make sure:

1. You are aware 100%  24 hours a day.

2. You are aware 100 %  7 days a week.

3. You are aware 100 % 52 weeks a year.

For those who didn't read it fully. The purpose of my message was a warning to airport passengers. It was NOT a sob story.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm now I feel much better!!!

Nuff sed 

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06 Aug 2012 8:48 AM by Julianx Star rating in Spain. 61 posts Send private message

The purpose of my message was not to invite critisism or apportion blame but simply to warn incoming passengers of the danger. 
If I had been warned I would not have been wasting time writing this.
 Well Javelin (both of us being over 70)  I am astounded that you had never thought you should always be aware of the circumstances and take appropriate care of your property, wherever you are in the world and in all circumstances.   I really do not think that there are many who were not already aware of that though, but thanks anyway..
I hope you were insured and that the company have taken a sympathetic view on your claim.

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06 Aug 2012 10:40 AM by papa Star rating. 64 posts Send private message

To sumarise about theft at Alicante arrivals:


This has been going on for over 20 years and the people we should be blaming are:  The scumbags and the lack of policing in that area


WHY WHY OH WHY   haven't the police made a BIG effort to catch the scumbags after all these years       Have you asked yourselves why they haven't    I believe I know why !!!

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06 Aug 2012 12:31 PM by UKinSpain Star rating. 21 posts Send private message

Please see the recent information posted on our website regarding motorway robberies in Spain

If you have been a victim of a crime please visit the above website and click on Help for British Nationals where you will find useful advice.


British Consulate

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06 Aug 2012 1:01 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


Good advice from UKINSPAIN, how avoid being a victim.
To renew a British passport costs getting on for 200 euros, a Spanish one is 20 euros. 
Other charges made by the British Consulate are also incredible high and, when you need to renew your passport, they oblige you to break the law in that you must send the old Passport to Madrid, when the law says you MUST carry the original at all times. To make things worse,  the Embassy know about this breach of the law, but say they cannot do anything about it.
Service, what service !”



This message was last edited by johnzx on 06/08/2012.

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06 Aug 2012 1:49 PM by MANXMONKEY Star rating in Channel Islands. 81 posts Send private message



I think best advice is to ignore this "requirement".  In fact I had a hotel insist in keeping my passport in their safe many years ago and got all the way to the French border before I remembered they hadn't given it me back - so that's another NO NO!

I have been stopped by police twice in Spain recently, once for doing a U turn which they didn't like but I pointed out was perfectly legal and that they were annoying me and once bang to rights speeding which ended up with me reluctantly paying a fine. Neither time did they ask for my passport. Ialso helped someelderly American ladies who were mugged and was really delayed in the police station giving a statement and again they never asked for any ID at all. 

My advice, keep your passport nice and safe somewhere, don't carry it unless you are travelling or need it to open an account etc.  On those occasions that you carry it, keep it separate to cash and cards. Good luck, don't worry about all this stuff as it happens to only a small percentage of people but make security a simple standard way of living.  In your home as well as out on the streets.  Remember another thing, a car is a vehicle of transport, not a magic protection castle. drive defensively; be aware of those around you and make sure you plan routes and if in doubt hit your home address on the satnav which will at least get you out of any dodgy areas (never put HOME in the satnav, use something like GYM or LAKESIDE). And if you regularly drive around the same area put the police stations that will be near you in the Satnav under POLICE SAN P and POLICE MONTGO etc. My new satnav has a "WHERE AM I"  button and from that you can press POLICE SATIONS / PETROL / HOSPITALS etc. - Very useful, check out if your satnav has this and familiarise yourself with how to use it.   I don't know about this advice about not stopping for the police.  I always stop for a police officer in uniform in a marked car.  I have never been stopped by a plain car in my life but guess I'd not do so.  Again, use the satnav and drive to a police station and if you happen to see plod on the way make a fuss and get yourself to over to them.

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13 Aug 2012 6:45 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Dear All,

have advised friends of this and they have asked about best and worst times to travel etc., including is a convoy mentality best?

Any further advice please?



N. Sands

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13 Aug 2012 6:59 PM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

When in Spain I carry my miniature laminated copy of my passport, perfectly legal.


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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13 Aug 2012 8:09 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Foxilady:   When in Spain I carry my miniature laminated copy of my passport, perfectly legal.
But not legal ID.   For UK citizens the only legal ID is an original passport or a copy certified by Passport Office or a British Consulate.
I am of course well aware that we can ‘get away’ with producing other items but only to people who do not know the situation. 
The police often accept copies but sometimes they insist on the real thing, notaries and courts also require the original ID.

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13 Aug 2012 8:20 PM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

Thanx John, I didn't know that.  I have always used my copy without a problem - I shall now get it notarised methinks.

We learn something everyday don't we.

Cheers Foxi


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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