Living Hell in Paradise

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07 Aug 2012 10:27 PM by christinejoyce Star rating. 56 posts Send private message

I am going to change any names to protect the innocent. I am sitting outside my lovely apartment in Formentera Del Segura which we bought just last year. We have five families who are gypsie, who are squatting in empty non sold apartments. We purchased our property last October, and visited in April there was no obvious presence back then, although we were made aware that there were many robberies of apartments. These people take delight in robbing neighbours, using the pool, gaining access from stolen keys and generally installing fear into the legal residents. They have abused a number of us in the pool, have entered apartments that unfortunate people have not double secured a door, for example, one newly arrived person forgot to double lock the front door on arrival, popped out to the nearby supermarket, taking around 10 mins to return to find both their cases had been taken! She has since seen the gypsies wearing her clothes! The advice given is don't bother calling the Police as your life afterwards would be in jepody! They entered our local bar, not naming it, and demanded the young boys to come off the pool table, the 'father' of the five families stood there and made sure his boys had the table, enough to say all the visitors left the bar, very quickly! Oh the joy of living in this community!

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07 Aug 2012 11:09 PM by ads Star rating. 4133 posts Send private message

So sorry to hear this. What if you were to video this, put it up on youtube and tell all in the vicinity to view it and pass on the details.... would the authorities then perceive this as negative publicity and start to do somethng about it? This is pure bullying. Are the local Spanish population intimidated by them also? It can't be good business for the local bar owner.... Just an idea!

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08 Aug 2012 10:59 AM by geofb Star rating. 19 posts Send private message

I'm looking to move to Spain shortly , but with frequent returns to the UK, are gypsies a problem in Spain?

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08 Aug 2012 11:05 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

It’s not 'the gypsies' as a group who are a problem,  but the people, from many ethnic backgrounds, who are thieves, and that applies everywhere (in the world).

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08 Aug 2012 11:11 AM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

That hardly cuts it John, with your connections surely you can sort this

or are the victims to blame again for not doing their due diligence

perhaps you should give them a good verbal kicking for their crime????



N. Sands

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08 Aug 2012 11:18 AM by ads Star rating. 4133 posts Send private message

All the more reason to have effective authorities to deal with any problems that arise and for communities to come together (Spanish and responsible foreign citizens alike) to stamp out this form of behaviour before it takes hold. Presumably people will want to know if this an isolated incident or a growing problem, given the large numbers of empty apartments.

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08 Aug 2012 11:46 AM by I_Love_Javea Star rating in Gibraltar / Morocco .... 125 posts Send private message

 I have lived in spain for the last 26 years. In my experience the vast majority of problems are caused by expats normally British and German. The main reason for me the leaving UK was the yobbish, uncouth, bullying attitude of a increasing number of the indiginous "state owes me a living" ferral families. Unfortunately over the years and with the never ending and increased state funding of this type of scum we are increasingly seeing them holidaying here in Spain, bringing their depraved attitudes with them.

On the other hand I have the greatest respect for the overwhelming majority of Spanish nationals from all sectors of society who continue to value the family unit and show increadible tolerance to visitors in their fantastic country.

Why is it that a certain sector of British visitors here instist on trying to instill this "holier than thou" attitude and spend all their time bitching out Spain and its inhabitants.

The Spanish police still command a sense of respect from the Spanish people. The British Police Force cannot even touch the ferral scum in the UK without being sued for wrongful arrest and are spat on and sworn at by 7 year olds who already know their rights but cannot even speak propertly. If you could be bothered to make a formal denuncia, you would soon see a change, if any of your allegations are actually true. I suspect that it is easier to sit on a bar stool with a beer in your hand just talking the usual drivel about all your problems are caused by "stupid spaniards" or the "crap systems" in spain.

If you cannot get on here then get out! There are hundreds of thousands of Expats enjoying all that spain has to offer, with none of the continual problems the insescent moaners seem to come across every day in their lives.



Shiny happy people - where?

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08 Aug 2012 1:25 PM by elaineG Star rating in Spain . 409 posts Send private message

John you are so right, as I love Javea says,  more often its the British who create the problems. Amd althopugh I love the man, Old Norm does not help the British image.


But John, 'your friend ' Norm he is such a hoot hahahahaha. 

  Nevers when to be serious and when to say thoes funny things !!!!!   

Or maybe he is just a 'funny man' ! MMMMM

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08 Aug 2012 1:33 PM by ads Star rating. 4133 posts Send private message

The Spanish police still command a sense of respect from the Spanish people

That's good to hear. So the answer presumably is to swiftly make a formal denuncia and report back your findings Christinejoyce. I hope it solves the problem.

But reading between the lines it sounded as though the threats were sufficiently intimidating to inihibit this approach, Not easy when you are living so close to the problem, and all too easy to dismiss from those who aren't being exposed to such ongoing threats.

It's sad to hear that someone who has lived in Spain for so long has come to this conclusion re the British/German residents but it's equally sad to hear when problems such as these are met with such an aggressive response.

I wish there could be a balance to all these extreme views and I wish that the way forward could be to face up to problems as they arise and work together to resolve them, without a divisive us and them attitude from all camps. At the end of the day the us and them approach only alienates and doesn't help to resolve problems.

Perhaps that wish for harmony and a positive pro-active approach will be considered holier than thou, or naive from some but I still live in hope!

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11 Aug 2012 11:18 PM by christinejoyce Star rating. 56 posts Send private message

I am not getting into the good bad expat thing or sitting on a bar stool pontificating with local expats! I am very threatened by my neighbours who are and I will repeat, squatting in people's apartments, either previously empty or pre owned. The 'family' is living in 5 units and will happily enter other units and steal if given an opportunity. Yes there are bad other nationalities and I am ONLY concerned with these Spanish Roma's! Do not use my thread to come off he point. I took the advice of our president, who lives here all year, and involving the police would guarantee retribution, which s exactly what happened before to another resident. My partner was accosted by about 5 people from the family, and had to run into the local bar for safety. So now tell me how to avoid conflict? And do please enlighten me on how I have created this problem, I would be so grateful to know!

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11 Aug 2012 11:31 PM by christinejoyce Star rating. 56 posts Send private message

I resent your comments I love javea, I am not sitting bad mouthing in a bar, About law abiding Spaniads etc etc. Or a holier than thou attitude we have been with other residents felt very intimidated. Enough said, and, don't tell me to get out if I don't like it etc. you are very welcome to spend a week in my apartment and experience it for yourself!

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12 Aug 2012 12:18 AM by ads Star rating. 4133 posts Send private message

Given the extreme circumstances by these Spanish Romas that you describe Christinejoyce, is there no protective police scheme in place to support you? If this form of extreme bullying has no counter measures in place to protect innocent citizens once they place denuncias, then its perfectly understandable why you feel so vulnerable. Have you considered going to the Police station with other residents and your community president to explain what has happened in the past re retribution and ask them what powers they have at their disposal to protect the community?


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13 Aug 2012 1:18 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Well John,

is that a runner - a group or community denuncia?

you have been silent for some time, I hope you are beavering away behind the scene??????

what about all the other toughies on here - move in for a week and sort it out - or are you only verbal toughies?????



N. Sands

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14 Aug 2012 9:07 AM by Profesoradeespañol Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

 Hello  Christinjoyce,

In my opinion, the best solution for you is to move out of the property, trying to sell it ( if you can, of course). Spaniards normally try not to deal with gypsies, even the Police. If you go to Police and report, they will just go there and do nothing. Many times, even policemen are afraid of this community (everybody have children and wives) and don't want to bother them much. They normally sell drugs and so on for a living. And, after that, gypsies will bother you more and more (this probably will happen). Or try not to interact with this community, this is what everybody does.

Hope it helps. But, I also would like to emphasise that I don't want to discriminate anybody, not every gypsy is the same.

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