Living on 1000.euros

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06 Oct 2012 3:07 PM by dalmata Star rating. 22 posts Send private message

Please can you tell us your provider for Sky and internet DonLcohanagar?

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06 Oct 2012 3:08 PM by kevin473 Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

 For Donlachnagar

I find electricity more expensive in Spain and proportionately fuel is cheaper in the UK, any motoring fines are disproportionate here in Spain, a friend of mine temporarily used a cardboard number plate on his trailer and was fined 500euros. I am challenging a fine I received and the fine details are not correct but I have been told that as its a typing error they will still chase the money. Some foodstuffs are cheaper in Uk if you use some of the supermarkets. The Spanish do not have a clue about  "deals" in the supermarkets or are at the beginning of using them. The government is racist and xenophobic




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06 Oct 2012 3:12 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Cheaper in UK-White goods, paint, garden furniture,insurances, electricity,second hand cars,computers,mobile phones, food, -that's just for starters

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06 Oct 2012 3:15 PM by blue5147 Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

blue5147´s avatar

Hello, My husband and myself live entirely on my pension as he had a job when we first came here and was last in first out when the squeeze first started. my pension varies between €650 - €700 per month. We own our 3 bedroom detached Villa in the mountains of Murcia, bought with the proceeds of selling our Bungalow in UK..  We have a vehicle each, two rescue dogs, there's always money left to pay all the bills including two mobile phones ,Broadband, Internet land line phone with free calls to 18 countries,chemicals and upkeep of the pool  (8x4 ), we collect enough free wood laying about to keep us warm in winter,( we do get hard frosts in Winter!), We visit the local Village/Town 2 or 3 times a week and always call in at our favorite cafe for 'Cafe con leche, té with leche frio and 2 bocadillo's' We are able to easily afford the Council Tax approx €200 per anum, Electric & water, Broadband & telephone, Plenty of food, drinks and nick nacks,  we have had an extension on the kitchen and the pool built on saved money.  I am in a wheelchair at the moment and my husband is my full time carer but we get NO benefits at all from the UK, I don't even get the cold weather bonus because I didn't claim it while I was in the UK!   Don't even think about bringing an English car over here with you, it costs approx €1000.00 just to reregister it and it makes driving awkward plus you get stopped regularly to check your papers to see if you have registered it over here, any parts have to be ordered from UK except service bits.  There are probably things I have forgotten but I think you will get the jist. 

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06 Oct 2012 3:26 PM by DonLochnagar Star rating in Mazarron. 161 posts Send private message

Camposol, These are insignificances. Insurance?  I don't think so.  Here 180€, UK £720 house insurance.  When was the last time you used electricity or gas in the UK.  More expensive than here.  I was paying £120 p.m. every month for power in the UK.  White goods, paint ets.,  go to a wholesaler like Leroy merlin or the Thader.  Food, two bags of veg for 7€ in the market.  4 lettuce for 1€.  Eating out?  Menu del dia.  Wine with meal?  5.50€, the UK minimum of £14.  Cheap food?  The supermarkets have killed the town centres by sucking the life out of them and shut down the small shops.  Is that what you want in Spain?  Cars may be cheaper in the UK, but are much cheaper to run here and last longer.  You lost this arguement the last time we had it too!

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06 Oct 2012 3:28 PM by DonLochnagar Star rating in Mazarron. 161 posts Send private message

Kevin473.  Don't break the law then.  The Government racist.  How do you work that out?

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06 Oct 2012 3:30 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Couple of points here;

I think your budget is amazing. I have met plenty of people here whoo find it hard to get by with a far greater amount each month

1 a huge unfairness here is the variance in the IBI derisory amountsfor some, over the top for others

2 you say you are often stopped and papers checked to see if you have reregistered in Spain;we live in another part of Murcia, and the civil guardia completely ignore UK registered cars on Camposol, indeed a builder has lived here for over 10 years with a fleet of UK registered vehicles, with impunity.

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06 Oct 2012 3:30 PM by DonLochnagar Star rating in Mazarron. 161 posts Send private message

Dalmata, Compusurf Camposol for internet and phone and Astra satelite services,  ask for Dave.  tell him Alan recommended you.

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06 Oct 2012 3:47 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Don lochnagar-did you live in a castle in UK, paying £720-you must have down sized out here! my house and buildings combined insurance is nearly 400 euros here-inc accidental damage to buildings and contents-many pay cheaper, but are under insured. Paint-if you travel a long distance to these big stores you are using more diesel.Food-never seen the offers in Tesco, Asda?market fruit and veg-often not of great quality, not that cheap off camposol market. Eating out-agree with you there, but plenty of two for one offers in UK. I go to UK regularly, and my daughter's combined electricity/gas bill for three months in winter .was less than mine for the two of us over the same period.

By the way I have never lost an argument with you!

PS I am with Compusurf telephone /internet, same deal as you, I think-36.99  euros. not 19.99


This message was last edited by camposol on 06/10/2012.

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06 Oct 2012 4:38 PM by DonLochnagar Star rating in Mazarron. 161 posts Send private message

Camposol, Ah, you must have got conned into taking the 3gig service.  You get the same with 1!  Downgrade.  I had a 3 bed semi in the UK.  The insurance with my mortgage which I cancelled was £1400 p.a.!  I just renewed my insurance herE for a 3 bed Rebecca for 189€ including public liability for my 2 cats.  Cheapest wine in Asda is £3.33 per 70cl bottle.  Here I can buy the same crap for 3.99€ for 5 litres.  Sol de Pena was selling here the last time, I was here, before I moved out permanently, in Consum for 1€ per bottle.  I saw it in a cash and carry in Scotland for £22 per 6 bottle case.  I challenge you to reveal yourself in  a private message, as you obviously stay in Camposol, one of the best places to live in Spain, like I do.

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06 Oct 2012 5:27 PM by baabaabing Star rating. 60 posts Send private message

I tell you why your bills in the supermarket are so high it's because you shop for English crap marmite etc.
when we go to marcadonna we always over indulge and we end up giving to the elec £120.00/ month, council tax £139.00/month,stupid sky 110.32 / month, water (meter) £70.00 per month,£72.00 for 2 mobiles / month, oil central heating 1000 life's @62p / Ltr £620 that lasts 3 months, I could go on remember we havnt inc insurances,food, car, children Xbox games at £49.00 a pop oh and that's x 3 as there 3 kids inc me and they can't play out as the weather here is vile. Cheapest wine uk for us 3.99 Spain local wine €1.80 and its georgious even the size of the apples in the uk no bigger than crab apples Spain inc peppers the the size of a uk melon. Give me Spain every time over the UK. The UK is called treasure island by the rest of the world for a reason.over priced and for total tat. We have our own oil and we should be as wealthy as Saudi oh no sell that to the Saudis or they wont buy our jets. Don't bother starting a fight with me as I'm not interested you won't convince me as I have seen the comparison to many times for myself.17c for a flight back to the UK from Barca Ryan air during November €10 or so for a T 10 any train any bus any time lasts me all week.
I'm just posting the numbers so peeps can compare.
Ace thread, brilliant responses.

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06 Oct 2012 6:08 PM by tamaraessex Star rating in Colmenar, Malaga. 508 posts Send private message

tamaraessex´s avatar
Europa Network fast reliable wi-fi internet is €19.99 pm inc 120 mins free phone calls to other European countries, and free UK tv channels streamed to your computer. I'm very happy with them, and they got Movistar to install the landline in record time!


 Blog about settling into a village house in the Axarquía.

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06 Oct 2012 6:48 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Baabaabing-you have no idea where i shop or what I buy( hate marmite). For your information I use the shops that the Spanish do! if you can't budget in Mercadona (not Marcadonna!) that's your problem.Your UK use of electricity sounds excessive-my bills were nothing like that.I had pay as you go mobile-much cheaper.If you can't find decent sized eating apples, you're not looking hard enough, not that they are hard to find.Children's x boxes-hardly a necessity! Don't bother with Sky-there are enough free channels.Don't understand your air fare figures.Who says bigger peppers are better anyway-actually there's not a lot of difference. The weather in UK is not vile ALL the time.Couldn't care less about the price of wine-only drink alcohol very occasionally. Think you need the advice of Superscrimper's Mrs Moneypenny.

Donlochnagar-I have duo plan 29.99+iva. Because I changed from another provider, we get 2mb/2mb, which would normally cost 39.99 +iva.instead of 1mb/1mb. You cannot get phone and internet together for 19.99.  The surf plan alone is 19.99. Look at the deals inside the back page of the Costa Calida chronicle. Your UK insurance was huge-I lived in a 3 bed semi, insured with pru, nothing like yours. I'm with Liberty Seguros here-the agent said many do not have a high enough contents insurance, no way could they replace everything. Another point-if you have to go far and wide to these big shopping complexes, as I said,  lots of fuel, not being local more difficult to return faulty goods; Ifyou want to buy timber for DIY, much dearer in Spain. You won't find laptops or TVs as good or as cheap as in Comet UK. Just a thought, who in their right mind would buy a cooked chicken from the van outside Consum-7.50 e,-only 3.99 freshly cooked from Tescos, and a lot more higienically  too!

No, I won't reveal my name for a private war of words-that's why we all write on Eye on Spain!

If you think Camposol is the best place to live in Spain, you obviously haven't read the posts of others, on different threads-they seem to have a far better quality of life in their areas.


This message was last edited by camposol on 06/10/2012.

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06 Oct 2012 7:47 PM by DonLochnagar Star rating in Mazarron. 161 posts Send private message

Camposol, I rest my case.


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06 Oct 2012 8:20 PM by rolley Star rating in Torrevieja . 41 posts Send private message

No mortgage but live very well on 1200 € per month that includes all the bills and two nights out a month

Live life to the full as if every day is your last. You never know!

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06 Oct 2012 9:41 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

1000 euros  per month, excluding rent or mortage, is ample for the majority of  a 2 person family  with a car in Spain.

Obviously many of us would like more money then we could go out every night of the week instead of 2. But in UK 1000 sterling wouldn´t be enough to go out once a month I fear.

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07 Oct 2012 1:43 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Donlochnagar-compusurf-still waiting for your response. Your challenge to find one  thing cheaper in UK than Spain fell rather flat!

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07 Oct 2012 5:11 PM by Blue5147 Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

Blue5147´s avatar


Hello DonLochnagar, please don't take this personally but I have been to Campasol and Mazzaron and I personally would liken the whole area to a giant Council Estate in England!  Mine and my husbands idea when we came here was to live like the Spanish and with the Spanish not with Hundrens or thousands of English. We live on a small estate max 200 houses, we are not a community, this was very important to us because I have never heard of one yet that works where the English are concerned!!  We are approx. 2000' above sea level and about 150klms from the sea, we are surrounded by National Parks and mountains. In the summer our weather is usually hotter than on the coast but in the winter it is colder, we nearly always have a heavy frost during the winter months. We have found that when ever we go down to the coast things are so much dearer than in our area. Everyone is different and so are the places we live in, I am not a snob I was born in a Council house as was my husband but I just love the area where we are.

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07 Oct 2012 6:05 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message


Open University Spanish diploma   Mentioned here yesterday.

How much does this cost? I started an OU degree in the 1970's but stopped when I did professional qual's instead. When I retired I thought I would finish the OU degree. However the costs were reasonable in the 70's since it was then government subsidised. Now it is very expensive. Not much help if you are trying to live on 1000E pm.

If you are here many town halls run free Spanish lessons in the winter.




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07 Oct 2012 6:54 PM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

 Yes that is all true.  University fees have gone up from this autumn and that includes OU courses.  HOWEVER, as far as I am aware, there are still subsidies for people on low incomes - so it is always worth checking.  And for those who do not have a degree already, they are entitled to a student loan to cover the costs of the course.  Now, AT THE MOMENT - there is no age restriction on this, and unless you go back to work and earn over £21000  you wont have to pay this back.   I think this is an unintended consequence and could be tightened up on. AT the moment - your estate does NOT pick up the debt, it dies with you so to speak - so for retirees sounds like a good option to me!!!!  Likewise fees have not been increased for those living in Scotland.    So there are ways around it - and I still say it is brilliant.  (ask me again when I get my final result in December and I might say differently!!).

the free lessons are for true beginners, and if that is all you want, then fantastic.   But if you want to read and communicate quickly, you well need something more structured.     

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