Computer dongle for Internet

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11 Nov 2012 2:41 PM by quesada11 Star rating. 31 posts Send private message

Hi how much does it cost for a dongle so I can get Internet when I'm in Spain for Xmas and how much can I use if I have one
Ie msn messenger checking e mails or maybe skype
Don't know if it would last long for a two week holiday
I am guessing you can do pay as you go and just pay per month
Is carrafour any good?

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11 Nov 2012 8:55 PM by GuyT Star rating. 516 posts Send private message you can buy a dongle from their online shop for about €35.

you can buy a simcard and cancel it after a month.

you chose how much data you want to eat. if you're using a smartphone then 20mb a day will keep you out of trouble. but if you're using a laptop 20mb might only last you five minutes. alternately, if you are on, say, vodafone uk you can do a pay as you go deal where 20mb a day costs £2. which if you're using a blackberry will last all day for reading papers and checking email. i have no idea how much bandwidth skype uses.


This message was last edited by GuyT on 11/11/2012.

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11 Nov 2012 10:19 PM by tamaraessex Star rating in Colmenar, Malaga. 508 posts Send private message

tamaraessex´s avatar
Yes the Carrefour dongle seems good. It's with Orange, and seems to be good and reliable. Not sure l agree with Guy about how much a laptop would use - my mate uses it, buys the special offers (usually €30 for €20), and that usually does him a month. Best bit is that he doesn't have to use the allowance within a given period. Look out for that, many of the other dongles you'd lose what you don't use on one visit.

Easy to top up online or in stores.


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11 Nov 2012 10:20 PM by Patty_1 Star rating in Hertfordshire. UK. .... 1062 posts Send private message

 I bought a dongle from the british market in Formentera and he topped it up for me, I find it works very well. I have used it for

about 4 months in Spaini I paid about 60 euros but it was already topped up by about 30 euros. I use it every day and

topped it up by another 20 when we were just out.



This message was last edited by pat and roy on 11/11/2012.



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11 Nov 2012 11:08 PM by gerrryuk Star rating in Mezquitilla, near To.... 179 posts Send private message

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 I was almost persuaded to buy a dongle as the last apartment where I stayed did not have the internet.

But before I did so I found that most of the cafe's restaurant's etc let you use their hotspot for free as long as you buy something. Just ask for the password which they usually change daily.

Even better there was a high class hotel within 30 metres where I went every morning (at about 7.00am) & evening (between 8.00 & 11.00pm) & used their's for free without a password. I just logged in to Hotel Rui Monica lobby which my laptop found automatically for me. It was very fast also. The cleaners, cleaned around me & chatted away to me although I hadn't a clue what they were saying. I just kept nodding & smiling.

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11 Nov 2012 11:11 PM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

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A dongle is just a device with a sim card inside, just the same as a mobile phone.

Most important is to make sure you will get good coverage in the area that you want to use it - including inside the property. Check what network has a strong signal in your area and then go with that.




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11 Nov 2012 11:20 PM by Patty_1 Star rating in Hertfordshire. UK. .... 1062 posts Send private message

 Yes I used to do that go to the local bar that had internet to get on line.  But decided I would like it in the apartment so bought dongle works for me at least I can transfer money and pay UK bills when out in Spain for a few months. 

It works well in our apartment signal strength good. I can only speak as I find.





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11 Nov 2012 11:34 PM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

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You are lucky if your dongle works well and you didn't research the coverage of the network before you signed up.

Many people just go and buy the best deal on the market and then find, when they get it home,  they don't get great coverage at 'the little desk in the corner' where they want to use the laptop.




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11 Nov 2012 11:44 PM by Patty_1 Star rating in Hertfordshire. UK. .... 1062 posts Send private message

 He is pretty good in the market and knows his stuff.  But have not signed anything are you saying I should have a contract did not want to go down that line.




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11 Nov 2012 11:56 PM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

Team GB´s avatar


No Pat, you can have a dongle on pay as you go or on contract. I meant ' the one you opted for'

Although it may be worth mentioning (for the OP) that to buy a dongle in Spain you will probably need a NIE and a address - just the same as getting a mobile phone, maybe free wifi zones will be a better option




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