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I filled in my Tax Form 210 online, I completed the English template and when finished as prompted opted for the PDF format, so I could print the documents out, this I did successfully. I also opted on the form to pay direct through my bank and entered bank details. However on the completion of printing the forms out, there was no way to submit the forms to the Tax Agency and I am not sure if by opting to pay direct this was automatically submitted.
I have been monitoring my bank account to see if the money has been debited, but nothing yet.
Any advice would be apprecaited
You'll need to visit your bank and bring the PDF forms with you,I did this during the year and it was as simple as 5 minutes in the bank for two 210 forms to be processed.This was my Spanish bank I took the forms to in Benalmadena...
I asked our bank if they could pay the form 210 for us they were very helpful and told me to post the forms to them and have now paid them for us. 
Thanks I am actually in Spain at the moment so will go into bank and see if they can sort it out. I thought it was going to be like the UK Online Tax Form, where you could submit it at the end of completion. Obviously not !!!
Hi wondered if anyone can help me?
I have had a property in spain for 6 years and have been using the form 210. In september when over in spain, we tried to pay as usual with forms and stickers and was told that it had all changed and that would be able to do it when back home in the uk. Have looked at site and can't understand it as in english then all in spanish. From what I understand you have to phyically pay in bank even if you fill it in on line. Is that right? Or can we pay with our spanish bank account.
I know we can pay for somene to do it, but it was so easy before doesnt seem worth paying if we can do it ourselves.
Any advice would be much appreciated as we are running out of time.
We have completed the forms and send them to our bank in Spain for payment. We have had a receipt to say they have been paid. If you have an email address for your bank just email them and ask them if they will pay this for you?
Wish all banks were as helpful as yours. Our bank says NO...original forms have to be presented to the bank They will not accept them by post. Someone has to bring them in, the same forms, signed and dated, but presented by a person!!

No wonder the Banks in Spain are in such a mess, most of them have no Customer Service. We are with Banco Sabadell for over 8 years and never had any problem with them always been helpful. Maybe a change of Bank is a good idea.
We are with Barclays and they have gone the extra mile in everything we have needed.
Frank & Pat
I actually think it is a personality issue in our bank!! We used to deal with one particular guy who was always most helpful and obliging, but the bank changed names earlier this year and we were assigned to this other person, who is most unhelpful, this is not the first time we have had a problem with him.
Next time I am out I am going to make an appointment to see his superior and make a complaint, as I am really annoyed over this. If it was a simple process to change banks in Spain, I would change now without hesitation.

Tricia Next time I am out I am going to make an appointment to see his superior and make a complaint,
The only effective way to do that is to use the complaint forms. Doing it any other way will be waste of your time.
We had no problem changing our bank It was a very simple process to change. and your new bank will organise everything for you.
Thanks for the replies, I will find out where to get a complaint form and look into changing our accounts.

Tricia, When you go to the bank ask for it.- All establishments, even the police and town hall etc must produce the form. If they do not one calls the LOCAL POLICE. They should attend, fine the establishment and closed them there and then.
Usually asking for it is sufficient to produce a result.
In your case, you might try calling the bank and tell that is what you will be doing next time you are there.
I assume you have the 210's off the internet and that you have validated them on line.
In fact, there is a facilty on the form (whilst online) to nominate the bank. But I did not try that.
Yes we find Barclays very good they did everything when we transferred banks set all direct debits up for us.
Frank and Pat do they do your 210 form for you as well? never thought of asking them to do that.
Spanish banks (banks in Spain) will do the income tax return for residents, free of charge (I think they are obliged by law to do it) but I have never found one that would do the non-residents tax. Some bank stafll will do it as an unoffocial side line
That is a shame thought I had cottoned on to something there. Never mind will stick with Glyn the lawyer he does not charge a lot.
At least it gets done!
Pat, I pay 40 euros for full resident's tax return for myself and my wife. Although I did get my bank to do it a couple of times (on the advice of an acountant who siad he charged too much, especially when the bank was free.). I also did it myself a couple of times.
The 210 is less than 5 minutes work, even for me.
Thanks johnzx, I will look into the complaints process for sure and yes our forms were filled in online and did validate.
I did put our bank account details on the form, but dont think it is stopped out of the account, still has to be brought to the bank for them to process the payment.
The form itself is simple to fill in, but when it comes back saying something is wrong and would not validate I did get a bit flustered because I did not understand what was wrong or missing!! My lack of Spanish did not help of course!!
But I kept trying and got there, the form will not validate if your details (NIE etc) are not correct. Just have to work out the payment by using your cadastral value.
Thanks again to all. Hopefully next year I can validate my forms in October before we travel out and just go to the bank myself and pay.

An update... our bank would not accept our validated forms by post!!
A friend of ours from the UK was heading to Spain for Christmas and kindly agreed to accept our forms through the post and take them personally to the bank. We received a text today to say that the bank accepted our forms and our tax is paid from our bank account today...why they couldnt accept the forms by post I just dont know.
Thanks again to Noreen and Annmarie...much appreciated. Now I know what to do I will make sure my forms are validated before our last trip in October and pay them in the bank ourselves.
Hope you all had a good Christmas day...
