Minimum age of consent in Spain
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The minimum age for marriage, leaving home, working, testifying in court and consenting to sexual relations are set for a revamp. Spain's age of consent for sex is among the lowest in the world and is the youngest in the whole of Europe. According to the Civil Code, a child of 13 years or older is able to have a consenting sexual relationship, compared to other countries where the minimum age is 16 or 18. It wasn't until the Salobral murders happened that this actually came to forefront again. I honestly had no idea that the age of consent was so low. I can't really understand why it would be so low and why it wasn't revamped years ago. 13 years old is just asking for trouble. Any views on this?
This message was last edited by eos_ian on 15/12/2012.
There was an attempt to change the age about 15 years ago but it was defeated in Parliament.
I believe that the problem in Spain is caused by the Romanies who do not want any change in the law, thus 'children’ can still get married with parental consent, at the age of 14.
Incidentally, in Vatican City the age of consent is 12. That was the age in Italy when the law was created and it has never been changed.
Vatican City and The Philippines are the only countries I believe where there is no divorce.
This message was last edited by johnzx on 16/12/2012.
You may be right but the Romanies are a minority and laws need to be made to protect the majority. These laws seem to left at the wayside until something tragic happens like recently. What age do you think it should be? I think anything less than 16 is just irresponsable.
Anyone with children aged under 16 knows that they're just babies really. I think 16 is about right, although I would encourage my kids not to go near it until 18 if possible, as for most people 16 and 17 is too young as well. It's absolutely incredible and irresponsible that the age of consent in Spain should be so low and I agree with Ian that the law should protect the majority and, in fact, the minority as well, if Romany practices are to try and marry off their children so young. They can change. Why not? I've worked with Romanies and 'tinkers' and their children are no more mature than those of house-dwellers. They should be pulled into line. Their children would then also have some more protection.
My account of moving to Spain."><img
So, what about that charity advert on telly where girls are married off at the age of 8? I'd like to think that they aren't having sex (forced upon them?) until they're older, but that fact that so many of them die in childbirth because their bodies are too young to cope with it t ells me it's just a hope. True love....NOT.
This message was last edited by maddiemack on 16/12/2012.

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