The Government wants help with Red-Tape Reform!

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05 Jan 2013 10:54 AM by doedoe Star rating in Berkshire. 59 posts Send private message

 Being one of the thousands of non Spanish purchasers of a holiday or residential home. I feel that the Spanish Government should take hold of the time wasting departments that take so long to sort the many many problems Non Nationals have when needing to obtain a Habitation Certificate on a property to be able to allow the Utility Companies to install the utility the individual meters, Purchased 7 years ago, an apartment in a block of 50, 14 apartments sold to private purchasers, 3 of which are Nationals. 

7 years on we have no individual meters, the local government are still passing the buck and moving the gateposts when our community Adminstrator's do all the research to allow even the road to be built. The frustrations of those who have paid in full for there apartment or have a morgage, Pay the Spanish taxes, Local & Sumo. 

For the last year the Bank how owns 15 of the apartments & The builder ceased traiding, leaving many areas of the complex unfinished, he owns16 apartments & owes thousands in community fees. Collects rent for many of his apartments from undesirables who use the utilities at the expence of the community purse. The community fees are now €100 a month, the non resident owners pay this monthly.

The Community Purse is paying most of the monthly fees collected to the utility companies, which has now wittered away the community purse. The undesirables are all living free of utility costs, The non nationals are being robbed by these actions and are unable to do anthing about it as the local police say without the Habitation Certificate and the children undesirables children. they can do nothing.

Its hard to beleive that the police hold no power to move on those, who say thay have a rent book from the Builder yet pay no community fees. RED TAPE.   The Spanish Government allow this situation to continue at the expence of the purchasers who spent all their savings on what was supposed to be a Dream Home in Spain.

There are two other UK families that were unable to complete their purchase 6 years ago, the Builder still holds 3/4 of the purchase price, their solicitors are unable to do anything about it, Lives on hold until something is done to help. Wake up Spain.


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05 Jan 2013 10:56 AM by Calendina19 Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

Hi and Happy New Year.  Doesn't surprise me that there are problems getting into the website with a NIE, I've encountered the same problems trying to get into the traffic website to check who was driving our car for a speeding fine.  Finally had to just quess if it I was driving or my husband.

I agree with Tenerifediver about the autonomo payments.  Everyone is talking about La Crisis, so surely the govenment should be making it easier for people (Spanish or British) to start up small businesses.  My husband and I moved to Spain nearly two years ago when he got early retirement, so we're living on his pension, still have a year to go before I get mine and 6 years before either of us get the UK state pension.  We'd love to give some English classes, just to give us an extra couple of hundred euros a months, but as a local gestor informed us that the autonomo payment would be 250 euros, irrespective of how much, if anything, we were earning, it makes it impossible.  The main problem is the payment, the other is that we actually want to do things legally!!!

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05 Jan 2013 12:08 PM by tonyvglider Star rating. 5 posts Send private message

 As a residennt in Spain part of my estate is in Spain and therefore I have produced a will. This of course had to be done via a notary (what a wonderful way to make money!).

I wish to alter this will but my lawyer says I must start all over again with all the same charges applied.

This is really nonsense and a typical example of the bureaucracy endemic in Spain.

Such a shame - wonderful country - chambolic administration.


Tony Vermot ... Mutxamel Alicante

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05 Jan 2013 12:16 PM by lobin Star rating. 256 posts Send private message

 Suggestions made on the red-tape website go to a special Committee that is specifically looking at simplifying and reducing administrative processes.

It is not the place to make suggestions such as reducing the autonomo's social security contributions, hiring more English speaking personnel, opening shops on Sundays, changing the tax system, etc.  If we stay on the subject matter, that is streamlining administrative processes,  then perhaps this forum can make  useful contributions through the EOS Team.  If we cover other areas that need change or improvement, it will only be a wasted effort.

The suggestion to improve the EU citizan's registration process is a good one but it would be great if it could be a bit more specific as to what improvements are suggested.

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05 Jan 2013 12:26 PM by tonyvglider Star rating. 5 posts Send private message idea what this is all about - my note was precisely about Spanish red tape....T Vermot

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05 Jan 2013 12:34 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

The suggestion to improve the EU citizan's registration process is a good one but it would be great if it could be a bit more specific as to what improvements are suggested.

Would that not be a matter for the EU

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05 Jan 2013 12:37 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message



As a residennt in Spain part of my estate is in Spain and therefore I have produced a will. This of course had to be done via a notary (what a wonderful way to make money!).


When one makes a Will in Spain it is registered centrally,  thus when a person dies it is very straightforward to find the last will.
Whereas in the UK, if you can’t find the Will in the deceased papers or he/she had a solicitor whom you know, there is nowhere to look
As for cost. 
  In the UK most people use a solicitor (albeit that it is not necessary).   I would think that it is more expensive to make a Will with a solicitor in the UK than it is to go to the Notary in Spain (no solicitor needed).

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05 Jan 2013 12:39 PM by rentalsgc Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

Look at the layout of the suggestion page !!!

 They need to look no further than that for excess red tape.......NIF, name /address /where do you live /what do you want to complain about etc etc etc

Why don´t they  just say  make a suggestion here:   instead of wanting to know all about you and your grandparents and Auntie Marys  lineage as usual !!!!  TYPICAL SPANISH  !!!

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05 Jan 2013 12:53 PM by tenerifediver Star rating. 5 posts Send private message

 Reading the various responses, and recognising my own contribution, it seems many of us are off track here.

Which makes me think that red tape is the least of many people's problems. Corruption, non-accountability and personal taxes ARE an issue and maybe it is THOSE that should be being addressed to the Spanish government?

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05 Jan 2013 1:00 PM by tonyvglider Star rating. 5 posts Send private message

 I agree with your points - however I was talking about adding a codicil or making a small change to a will in Spain ... you have to start from scratch in Spain - it costs me £50 in the UK through my solicitor.


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05 Jan 2013 1:05 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


Tony one does not exactly start from scratch. 

If you go to the Notary where you made the Will,  they can recall the document, and amend it.

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05 Jan 2013 1:07 PM by tonyvglider Star rating. 5 posts Send private message

 ...many thanks .... bad info from my advisor!!   Regards  Tony

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05 Jan 2013 1:16 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

The suggestions sought are not just those involving red tape
This is a Bing Translation of the Gov web  page:-.
The Council of Ministers has approved an agreement establishing a Commission for the reform of public administrations.
Within the program of reforms of the Government an essential part refers to the reform of public administrations. Spain needs an austere and efficient public administration that is a competitive value to our country. It is necessary, therefore to rationalize structures, procedures and resources. The organic law of budgetary stability and financial sustainability, which constitutes a milestone in the management of public resources to set concrete targets for spending and borrowing for all administrations, as well as the obligation to submit plans aimed at compliance and correlative mechanisms to ensure their achievement responds to this desire.
In addition to the need to address the comprehensive study of the administrative reform, it is necessary to give effect to two mandates:
The last Conference of Presidents of the autonomous communities agreed on the creation of a working group, in the bosom of the corresponding sectoral Conference, which develop a rationalization programme administrative, in order to eliminate bureaucratic red tape, simplifying rules and procedures, and avoid duplication.
In the programme for the implementation of the liquidity Fund for the autonomous communities are planned the creation, within the Council of Fiscal policy and financial, of a working group to agree on a code of good practices to rationalize spending and increase savings.
It becomes necessary, therefore, to make a comprehensive study that equip to both working groups of specific proposals and in which all the reform of public administrations is addressed comprehensively.
Affiliation, composition and operation
Affiliation, composition and operation
Commission it ascribes to the Ministry of finance and public administration, through the Secretary of State of public administrations. It will be chaired by the Undersecretary of the Presidency and the Vice-Presidency will correspond to the Undersecretariat of Treasury and public administrations, while the secretariat will be played by the director general of coordination of competences with the autonomous communities and local entities.
Members of the Commission shall be the following persons:
A representative of each of the ministerial departments, with the minimum rank of Director-General.
A representative of the economic Office of the Presidency of the Government.
A representative of the Cabinet of the Presidency of the Government.
A representative of the Cabinet of the Vice-President of the Government and Minister of the Presidency.
When so advise it the nature of matters to be treated, and at the invitation of the President of the Commission, they may attend meetings, with voice but without vote, holders of other bodies or entities of the General Administration of the State.
The subcommittees that are considered suitable, either decide the Commission itself, with composition and functions determined will be created within the Commission. In any case, the following subcommittees are created:
Administrative duplication. It aims to identify and eliminate duplication and reinforce cooperation mechanisms, so that abarate the cost of administrative activity. To the extent that powers conferred on Local Administration are already being reformed in a draft amendment of its law of Bases, duplications to identify in this study are those that produce between the General Administration of the State and the autonomous.
Administrative simplification. It will review the bureaucratic obstacles that hinder the processing of administrative procedures in order to achieve greater simplification that benefit of the citizens. In particular, information on procedures whose purpose requires, to be effective, the participation of other public administrations, such as the creation of companies will be requested. Projects are integrated here in course in the General direction of administrative modernisation.
Management of services and common facilities. It aims to centralize management, activities to be similar or of the same nature, can play either unified or coordinated, thus leveraging public media to a greater extent. In this group, it is essential to study successful models implemented in Spanish business groups, which get information and collaboration.
Institutional management.   Analyse the different typology of entities that compose it, will review the regulatory framework and models that are identified as optimal. Will arise the amendments as agreed in the list of existing entities, for which the Institutional management. Analyse the different typology of entities that compose it, will review the regulatory framework and models that are identified as optimal. Amendments as agreed in the list of existing entities, will be raised for which ministerial departments shall submit information and appropriate proposals.
The subcommittees will work permanently and can summon other positions in the Administration and representatives of the private sector. They shall regularly inform the plenary of the Commission of the progress of the works.
Work is complete, the plenary of the Commission transferred the corresponding proposals to the Ministry of finance and public administration for its elevation to the Council of Ministers and transfer to the groups referred to in the agreements of the Conference of Presidents. The deadline to ensure that the Commission concluded its work will be on June 30, 2013.

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05 Jan 2013 1:24 PM by eos_ian Star rating in Valencia. 510 posts Send private message

eos_ian´s avatar

If people are interested in me presenting the suggestions from the forum, it will be a lot easier to organise and translate the suggestions if at the end of the post / explanation you all put:

SUGGESTION: ( and what ever it may be)

I would also appreciate it if the suggestions were more specific, if you want them presented of course, if not, contribute whatever you want to the thread!

Thanks!! :)



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05 Jan 2013 2:25 PM by tominmalaga Star rating. 4 posts Send private message


Did anybody figure a way around the NIE problem on the website as it rejected mine


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05 Jan 2013 3:02 PM by ncparker Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

 Hi All,

I have just tried to register a suggestion with a NIE on the link  supplied in the first post,  it appears the site does not recognise the 'X' at the beginning of the NIE number. The 'X' basically means there is no number so I substituted it with a '0' (zero) . No NIF's begin with 0, so there shouldn't be any confusion in identifying the number as a NIE which are all one digit less for EU residents, as far as I know, and it accepted the suggestion with out any problem.

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05 Jan 2013 3:25 PM by mac75 Star rating in Valencia. 415 posts Send private message

mac75´s avatar

 Yes I have just tried that too and it works, I just received an email with a link to a different portal ACCEDA which I haven't quite worked out yet! 

this is the link:




A donde el corazón se inclina, el pie camina.

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05 Jan 2013 3:30 PM by tominmalaga Star rating. 4 posts Send private message

Hi Can the administrator explain why after removing links i keep getting error messages and cant post thanks

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05 Jan 2013 3:37 PM by tominmalaga Star rating. 4 posts Send private message


Just trying this now... not working !

My NIE starts with Y.. I have substutited it with o and continued with the rest of my NIE as normal

Guess I am doing something wrong


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05 Jan 2013 3:51 PM by justme Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

I am 69 and my residencia  is due for  renewal IN November. I will have to stand outside GANDIA POLICE STATION FOR HOURS.  This however DOES not say I will be seen. I could well be told after hours of standing outside in what ever weather prevails to come back tomorrow. Its third world red tape Gone mad.  Ask about an appointment system you get the SPANISH SHOULDER SHUFFLE.  If I find this has not changed in  NOVEMBER they can stick it like the moneys

PS.what use is the green A4 GREEN PAPER anyway?.

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