I am currently offering on a property in the Alicante region.
The bank survey includes the following statement:
se advierte que el inmueble tasado no se adecua al planeamiento vigente, dado que no cumple los retranqueos. no obstante, la edificacion se considera consolidada, aunque sin posibilidades de ampliacion o nueva edificacion.
What are the retranqueos? Are those the same as building lines? So this means the building is outside of the building lines? I guess this means that although it is outside the building lines this is okay for now as it is grandfathered, however we can't build something new or extend it.
What does this mean in practice. We're not planning on any major building work, but in the longer-tern we'd like to convert the flat roof to a terrace and add an exterior stairway and ballustrade for that. We'd also like to cover the rear terrace (not visible from street). Would that put is in violation of building codes?