hi all
ok this might be a tad long winded, but brought a few frowns and smirks to my face goota love spanish bureaucracy
but firstly the questions. what information proof do I need when settling perminantly in andalusia spain,
proof of income - from dwp my pension is a goverment one so taxed in the uk, can anyone tell me the form needed to what proof to ask for when I ring them monday
hrmc - what form/proof would I need to ask them concerning my taxes
proof of savings will be getting a lump sum put into my uk bank, will a current bank statement be enough for that
medical will be checking also with dwp referance my wife's dla benefit and what medical cover if any she will be getting I believe its the S2 for her and S1 for me
I have my non resident cert and my NIE valid for 3 months, have opened a non res bank account, and will sort out my wife's NIE and residents cert (and changing mine) does anybody know if they become perminant certs once residents, adding her to bank account and changing it to residents, both of us to sign on padron register with dr/medical centre
anything else? thanks
well we have purchased our new home and mmmmmm what a wonderful jurney that was, a quick description of our process
we have friends living in the village we have bought in, mollina andalusia, and that has certainly helped relieve the stress levels 
ok with a recomendation from them the solicitor was contacted and with this started the email tennis, luckily his english is gret both written and verbal, massive help that was, this started in august after another visit to the village and another viewing of the property, finished decorating our house in september and placed on the market, first buyer messed around and delayed things, so back to one of the previous offers and back on track, email tennis still ongoing bless him. house sold moved out on 29th november, moved into flat we own with a not so happy daughter who had been living there on her own for a few months, ah well not for log lol
booked flights to malaga sorted out bed cheers gwyn & maria, email tennis getting frantic now that the sale monies had arrived into my bank account, flying sunday 8th dec completeing on the wednesday in front of notary, then email from solicitor asking if I knew it was a bank holiday on the monday, AH no I didn't, first spanner as was going to renew NIE, open bank account and sort non resident cert all sorted and ready for wednesday, the monies having been transfered to the solicitor before I flew, but now all up in the air as monday was a bank holiday, suppose it was my fault for not double checking, but hey who has a bank holiday on the 9th od december, well besides spain
so now its tuesday, have first face to face meet with the solicitor at 10 at the house to sign the contract,so up to the bank, right I need non resident cert to open account, so with letter from bank went to meet at the house come 10.45 still no sign but have to get to antequera police station and sort out cert before they close, so left owner at house and said to get solicitor to ring when he gets there, flew over to police station, handed in the letter got form, off to bank, pay fee, back to office to be told pick it up tommorrw, solicitor rang so off we go again
met him at house go through the contract, all seems ok, no outstanding depts or charges all searches came back fine property matched land registry information, so all good except for 1 little problem, as my NIE cert had 'run out' the notary office did not know if they could accept it, mmmmm he was waiting for a call, mention non res cert and he said as long as my NIE number is on it then all is good, this seemed a newish thing and no one new how this 3 month cert works, deep joy
ok back to the police station pick up cert, and no NIE number on it grrrr spoke to solicitor and he had still not got hold of notary office to check, so back to village and into the bank, besides one terminal loosing internet connection (just happened to be the one my account was being opened on) got the account open 10am
call from solicitor notarty will not take out of date cert as they are not sure if when you renew it wiether you get a new NIE number or not, double grrrrrr, solicitor says no problem he will meet me at police station at 11.30 go in sort out NIE then off to meet notarty at 12
at 12.10 when solicitor turned up at the police station and some more stress for me while waiting, walked into office to find that both of the staff who deal with NIE had gone for breakfast, so no one there, after a puzzled looked at solicitor he said 'ah well we just wait then' mmmm now 12.20
going through my paperwork he spots the form for the non res cert which is stamped and also has my NIE number on it(strange that the acctual cert does not). great he says that will do so off to the notary, I will meet you there he shouts heeding for his car, so within 10 mins I am outside the office 12.40 starting to worry about being so late for the notary, at 1 he is still not there ok panicking again and so is the owner who is also waiting outside, so a phone call and 15 mins later he turns up, ah he says there is a problem with the money, because it is over 50,000 euros it needs 2 to sign the bank draft, and only 1 is working today the other is on a course, so he went to another branch after being told they could do it, yep you guessed turns out they can't, so will have to do a transfer with the owner mmmmmm deepus joyus
so into notary office hands in the paperwork and goies to the bank with the owner, so sat that having a thumb twiddle, and a comment from my friend being it won't be long only takes about 10 mins..... HA we left the office at 2.45 shocked stunned but happy, the notary went through everything in fine detail, in spanish and english, but left as the owner of our new home, now just got to wait for all the details to change on the registry, the water and electric meters
so at this moment we are sat after moving from a 3 bed house into a 2 bed flat, surronded by boxes and tripping over each other, we have sorted out some storage and for the removal of our stuff to spain, just have to finalise the exact date, we have booked our ferry trip as driving over with our dog, should be fun lol
so by feburary the evening of 18th we should be walking into our new home ready to start our new life....... bring on the fun lol
sorry if that was long winded but thought considering some of the horror stories on here that it went quite well