Doors and door frames

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21 Mar 2013 11:16 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Well Baz as I said,

A mate of mine was fined the equivalent of over 300 euros for re-tiling his kitchen without a licence, and that was 12 years ago when 300 euros was, were pesetas, which were worth 'a lot more' than 300 euros are now !


And all for a few minutes in the town hall and a few euros.


I personally would not take the risk of the police noticing me taking in or out building materials, or a neighbour, annoyed at the noise I was making, calling the local police.


Fully understand where you are coming from but this is very petty and for sure paints a very dim view of Spain where you have to worry about if a neighbour or police watched every move you were doing, maybe having day long sun and reasonable living is not such a good deal if you have to still live under Franco's thumb.

Yes a minute or two in the town hall and a few euros is a small price to pay, and it's that fact alone with the "You HAVE to do this" attitude as to why some would prefer to go ahead with no permissions, people all over are fed up with this type of stupid legislation, heaven help us if we ever get anything like this in the UK.

Trouble with all this is if this person suddenly went to the town hall and told them about the door, and by some chance they wanted to inspect the placing of it, they might find out just how much the seller didn't mention, on the deeds or get the so called legal permission for, etc etc,  then the seller says "Well i didn't do any of this"  where do they, the buyer, stand then?

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21 Mar 2013 11:43 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


                        Trouble with all this is if this person suddenly went to the town hall and told them about the door, and by some chance they wanted to inspect the placing of it ..........
I understand that, but they don't inspect minor works, so it’s red herring.
I know we all like to complain about things, which we consider minor, but that apples everywhere.
 A personal example:  My wife is non European, with permanent  Residencia status in Spain. That means she can go freely anywhere in the Schengen Area, but of we want to go shopping in Gibraltar we must make an a appointment with the British Consulate, travel 1,000 km round trip to Madrid, attend  an hour interview, and pay 150 euros.  It’s a two day process, so overnight stay as well. For a one day visit.
To go to Ireland, as I am British, we travel together, she can either  get the stamp on arrival in Ireland, free, or send for a visa by post, again free. 
Now I believe that is stupid but it is UK law.
 Spanish law is just about a stupid on balance, but no worse,  than elsewhere.



This message was last edited by johnzx on 21/03/2013.

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21 Mar 2013 11:49 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

I understand that, but they don't inspect minor works, so it’s red herring.

Well John the only thing i can say to you is,  dump the wife and buy a new door....less hassle........Just don't tell the good Lady i recommended this.

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21 Mar 2013 11:56 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Good advise Baz,

but as she is Asian, she is worth it !!!!!

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21 Mar 2013 12:22 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Oh Dear,

what a lot of speculation!!!!

to continue that perhaps it is a double door and really needs a lintel??????

or is this thread another wind up to see where the idle hands are???



N. Sands

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21 Mar 2013 12:28 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Norman, as an engineer, I do not see how you see a partition wall, as described in the original question,  would need a lintel.

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21 Mar 2013 1:01 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Sorry John did I get carried away with all the speculation???

Glad you haven't forgotten my past.

I guess the "rough timbers" should have identified what type of partition is involved.

I find it strange that posters seeking help often do not seem to follow the threads.

It almost seems to turn the forum into some sort of "chat show".

Still whats wrong with that?



N. Sands

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21 Mar 2013 1:02 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

By the way, welcome back Norman

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21 Mar 2013 1:15 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

thank you John

keep up the good work


N. Sands

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21 Mar 2013 5:56 PM by Mungry Star rating. 329 posts Send private message

i like discussions like  this

someone speculated that he will never sell the house.
but this is the same as everyone who had good jobs and lives in spain thought before it went tits up.

you do need to get a permit from someone and not doing that can cause you problems later on.
its ok thinking i wont worry about now but when the time comes to sell if ever but chances are its just deferring the payment.

i know the owner just wanted to know about a doorframe and this is now 2 pages long but as with everything in spain its not that simple and every step you take or thing you do it seems you need to open that can of worms.


i coldnt stay away from you miserable whining whingers for some reason

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21 Mar 2013 6:10 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Well, if the poster wont tell us we can only speculate endlessly.

Perhaps it is not really a partition wall, just a screen or curtain wall, perhaps it is a wide door that needs a lintel even in a partition wall, because a simple door lining is not man enough, who knows???

but since the EU started making regulations it seems to have opened the door to ever more of them, but surely Spain doesn't really comply, or is that changing as well???

Oh dear, the electric just tripped, did I put that last point in right, or does the trip know I have no licence.

I think perhaps the future is coming too fast for me.



N. Sands

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