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This was in the news yesterday:
Traditional British social divisions of upper, middle and working class seem out of date in the 21st Century, no longer reflecting modern occupations or lifestyles.
The BBC teamed up with sociologists from leading universities to analyse the modern British class system. They surveyed more than 161,000 people and came up with a new model made up of seven groups. To find out where you fit in use this calculator on this link.
It only takes a minute or two to complete, and I think it's quite a crude measurement (I tried it a few times and if I lie and say I like listening to jazz, I move up a category). But it might surpise you to see which class they think your're in.
My account of moving to Spain."><img
Lieing to move up a catorgary: how sad!
Shiny happy people - where?
sorry I thought there was only 7 categories 
Shiny happy people - where?
Welcome back. Enjoy it while you're here, because you won't last long; that abusive side of you will get the better of you and you'll be out in the wilderness in no time.
Hopefully, others will have a look at this very interesting questionnaire. As I said, it does have faults as I have identified by playing around with it a bit. I think one weakness is that a large part of it is based on who you socialise with and this can be quite fluid, as you get to know different people in life. For example, if you suddenly get chummy with a Chief Executive, you move up? Also, you may like to go to the theatre and art galleries but have caring responsibilities which stop you from engaging in these activities and then this affects your social class? It's more a bit of fun than a serious piece of research, I'd say.
My account of moving to Spain."><img
Threats already, so unlady like!
Shiny happy people - where?
i coldnt stay away from you miserable whining whingers for some reason
They don't like it up'em Captain Mannering!
Shiny happy people - where?
Apparently the full version, which takes 25 mins to complete, is much more useful and takes account of many more variables. But I can't find where it is!
Blog about settling into a village house in the Axarquía.
Apart from wasting public money, I cannot see that working out a system of categorising classes has anything but academic interest.
If one moves up or down do they pay more or less tax, get any other benefits allowed or refused ? No.
Complete waste of time and money.
If research were only done on the basis that it would definitely have guaranteed concrete results which resulted in, for example, people paying more taxes, we wouldn't have moved forward as a species. The beauty of pure academic research is that it can lead to unexpected benefits.
And thanks TeamGB. I'm going to do the fuller questionnaire and see if that's more accurate. Personally on the short version I came out as established middle class - and I don't like the sound of that, so I have elected to consider myself technical middle class as I feel the description matches me better. Maybe some others would care to reveal their result, or is it too personal?
My account of moving to Spain."><img
Can you move up and down in a social class? I know you used to be aspiring middle class and you could move from so-called working class up but could never reach the upper class. It seems that, ironically, the only people nowadays classed as working class are those who don't actually work. I remember the programme on TV with John Prescott who called someone who lived on benefits working class and got the reply "I can't be working class cos I ain't got a job".
However, this questionnaire thingy. I filled it in with details from a couple of years ago and, for some reason, turned out as elite. Filling it in now, after retirement where I don't actually go to the opera (we haven't got one round here), nor the gym (anymore) but do lots of walking and gardening, sitting in the sun listening to my old Mario Lanza discs and sipping a bit of vino tinto, and all of a sudden I'm traditional working class. Hmm. Mind you, I no longer socialise with chief executives, accountants etc but do know lots of other retired people. So, now that I'm no longer working I become working class. Bit like the bint in paragraph 1, really.
i am upper class
i didnt take the test but even in the summer i wear a scarf like noel coward used to.
and i have a coat and arms shield on the wall.
that must count me as very classy.
i coldnt stay away from you miserable whining whingers for some reason
Plenty of bints here mate!
I just filled it in truthfully - never worked, only rent, 45,000 pa income from state, only know other unemployed, bus drivers, machinists and publicans etc. No opera, like heavy metal, spend all my time on playstaion or down the boozer and bookies. Amazed that I am now officially "middle class". This is a total shock and disgrace as I would never want to be associated with the stupid bints from this so called middle class england or the ones on this forum for that matter.
Shiny happy people - where?
Hey Hungry
Your spell checker is not working it did not pick up you mispelled "count".
Shiny happy people - where?
i dont really understand that but i dont have no spellchecker
i whack the keybord and hope for the best
i coldnt stay away from you miserable whining whingers for some reason