What is going on in the world of card sharing?
Information has appeared on a few well known satellite forums. As is usual, there are many rumours and opinions flying around, without any real facts to back this up.
Presently, it has been mentioned that Sky wish to increase their encryption.
Many believe that they will apply the pay per view encryption to the HD channels, which again the rumour mill thinks may knock out the HD channels - perhaps so, perhaps it will knock everything out, perhaps - nothing, perhaps just the HD Sky channels - at the moment, this is all guesswork & rumour.
When the original white Sky card was released, with fortunes spent on encryption & dual encryption chips making it very difficult / nigh on impossible to clone the cards - it took all of a week for the card sharers to crack - rather than clone the cards, they shared them instead.
Most people are aware (who have not been lied to by their installer) that any form of Sky, without original subscription card - through the internet is an illegal service. We have advised people, if you choose one of these services, pay for perhaps a maximum of 3 months at a time, in case long term something happens to the service.
As ever time will tell - but given we've already seen other alternative solutions that people have come up with, all of which are illegal, but get Sky one way or the other, little can be done other than wait & see if it happens.
Presently it is nothing but unsubstantiated forum gossip. Having said that, would not be in a rush to part with a years subscription for an illegal service & would advise treadomg a little cautiously, should this be a service you are using currently or considering.