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22 Aug 2013 9:17 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

If any safety issue's are known about Ryanair then the government should by now have stepped in and taken the necessary actions, that is well known, and the fact that it looks like nothing drastic seems to have  been reported speaks for it's self.

As for running the Airline on the, lets say a bit on the "Tight" side the basic's of business are the same for them, and any other company for that matter, 'Save what and where you can', if you dont make a profit, you cant provide the service so you shut up shop, and then the complaints will be 'If only we had a cheaper Airline' ...You cant pay a little and get a lot, just cant be done.

And of course everyone has the same choice...Dont like them, dont use them.

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22 Aug 2013 9:32 AM by JuanKerr Star rating. 10 posts Send private message

Well said Brian, I dont think that acer fully digested the fact that it was actually a RA discussion started by someone who does not like them. Still, what can one do about oversights like that when folk engage their keying fingers first?

Some people have more money than sense (and that doesnt mean they are therefore necessarily rich - if you catch my drift?). This whole RA witch hunt is ridiculous. In my experience it's perpetuated by Daily Mail readers with too much time on their hands, who think that litter louts should be strung up. For most people its a case of sitting for 150 minutes on a plane. Yes we queue up, yes they can weigh/measure your bag (which they warn you of beforehand). Yes they can irritate you (if you choose to be irritated - irritation is a chosen state folks). Yes they can be a bit pushy on turnround (they are pressurised from RA to be so - in order to keep a tight ship running - in order to be the most competitive airline price-wise (how hard is it to comprehend?). That's why there are so few delays though.

However, for me the pleasure of the flight starts whilst queuing to board. It continues whilst watching people getting organised prior to sitting down, and continues from that point on as I listen to Little Britons whining about this that and the other. Better than TV. Thanks RA.

O'Leary isnt stupid - far from it. He realises that by far and away RA's biggest strength is their safety record. Its far more precious than their pricing structure. If you don't believe that then see how many people would book with them for a penny each way the day after a plane of theirs falls out of the sky!

OK I appreciate he's a hard headed business man who is only bothered about money and therefore his real motivation about safety isthe spin-off on his bottom line profits. It wouldnt surprise me if he secretly cracked open champagne if EJ or Jet2 lost a plane mid-air).

The day RA have a crash will be the beginning of the end for them - and HE knows that. It will keep him awake at night. So my point is, there is no way he will jeopardise all that. His operation is based on a marriage between safety and economy - and he's proving it can work.

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22 Aug 2013 12:42 PM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

I made my comments on this thread as I was struck by animosity towards Foxilady who's made many good posts and in my mind entitled to her opinion.  IMHO the fact that she doesn't like RyanAir indicates that she is probably a lady with some taste, but that's just my view.

RA fans invariably finish with "if you don't like RyanAir don't use them" but there's more to it than that!  RyanAir's treatment of their customers is appalling and this is spreading.  More companies than ever bully their customers into paying hidden add-ons and trying to avoid their legal responsibilities.  Any one who has tried to claim compensation from them will know exactly what I mean.

There are now an increasing number of companies who will try to rip-off their customers if they can get away with it.  The customer is often treated with contempt and those who are not able to stand up for themselves suffer.  I'm not saying that RyanAir were the first to ever do so, but some of their scams are legendary and there seems to be other greedy unscrupulous folk who want to copy them which is not good for society.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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22 Aug 2013 1:12 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message


Re- the internet cafes in Sucins

There is one situated near the bottom of the village, down the street from the Church (Where Cambank and BBVA banks were).

The other is opposite the Donde Ayer bar (again near the bottom of the village)


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22 Aug 2013 1:14 PM by johnmcmahon Star rating. 335 posts Send private message

thanks for that Jarvi and thanks to the poster who identified a place in San Pedro

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22 Aug 2013 1:36 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

acer said

RA fans invariably finish with "if you don't like RyanAir don't use them" but there's more to it than that! 

I said if you don't like them, don't use them.

Considering that I have only ever flown on Ryanair once (And it was okay) I hardly see how I qualify to be one of it's fans. Had the one time I used them been bad then maybe I would not have used them again, much like a bad cafe?

And 'whats more to it then that!' supposed to mean? It's a cheap Airline, that as you say are doing what many others are doing, don't like it fly with someone else then who will charge you more.

How do you get bullied into paying for hidden add-ons? Ryanair tells you your bag will cost this, your seat will cost that, want a better seat...costs this....Want a bigger bag...costs this...whats hidden?

What scams have Ryanair come up with?...Taken your money and didn't deliver you.

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22 Aug 2013 3:34 PM by Fartharder Star rating in Loriguilla.. 172 posts Send private message

Fartharder´s avatar

I agree with what you are saying Baz. How on earth does somebody allow themselves to get 'bullied' into paying extra charges. And how do these people assume they are being treat with contempt? I think Acer and some of the others who moan about Ryanair are the people who go to the airport and get lost, and stressed and moan about everything from the baggage drop to arrival. These are the people who check in their bags without weighing them at home and then have to mess around swapping things over to their cabin bags whilst holding everyone up. These are the people who make travelling stressful, not the airlines or the airports. Air travel is simple. Go to the airport, walk through a metal detector, have a beer, walk to the plane, sit down and relax. If you're going to run into customer service problems and extra charges, it's probably your own fault. 

As for the comment about Ryanair's days being numbered when the economy improves. There will always be people on a low wage who will be greatful for the opportunity to fly abroad at affordable prices. Those days will never end.

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22 Aug 2013 6:59 PM by JuanKerr Star rating. 10 posts Send private message

Exactly true about RA continuing to do well when things improve in the global economy. Just because someone may have a bit more money doesnt mean they will switch from a supplier they are totally happy with (and who is reasonably priced). I have to say that I'm not short of a few bob and could fly BA (or any other rip-off outfit) to Spain every time if I chose to - but why should I? I just want to get to Spain in relative comfort - efficiently. I'm pleased to support RA. If they didnt exist then prices would rocket in the industry. They are market leaders on price and as a result force the followers to be more competitive than they would really like to be - all thanks to RA.

RA does that for me and millions of others. As a previous poster said, it's the moaners/idiots who make things stressful for themselves by not paying attention to the 'rules of the game'. As a result of this lack of attention, they encounter problems and stress. they then blame it on RA. How many idiots do we see at the gate with 2 bags/oversized bags/overweight bags/bottles of water/et?. Then in the cabin they have no thought as how to stow a bag in the more efficent space saving way - the just chuck it in or they hover in the aisle - stood up and totally oblivious tothe queue backlog behind them. all these things are usually caused by the moaning idiots - to the detriment of those who just get on with things.

'Being bullied' - how totally absurd. that's a great example of someone who can't be bothered to read the rules beforehand.

I am staggered with how the low cost airlines - in particular RA - make the operation pay. With the jets costing up to £100m, even if they are leased - that takes some paying off. I'm sure some people think these things cost around £1m. Ive just booked a 2500 mile round trip in December for £55 all-in. Works out at around 2.2p per mile! It's obvious that RA critics have probably never had a minutes business experience in their lives. They probably couldnt sell a lifebelt to a drowning millionaire.

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22 Aug 2013 8:27 PM by johnmcmahon Star rating. 335 posts Send private message

Ryan Air sell cheap seats but make themselves profitable by having cabin luggage a few centimetres smaller than all the other airlines, more people caught out have to pay a ridiculous amount of money for the hold at the desk.

I think their 15 day policy for printing tickets is designed to charge a fortune to print out your tickets at the desk.

at least Easyjet allows a month beforehand for this.

you learn by your experience of course, and Ryan Air profits from your learning curve

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22 Aug 2013 10:41 PM by clieve Star rating in south wales & Phase .... 194 posts Send private message

I do not know why all the fuss about Ryanair, no frills, cheap flight, short duration, just take the time to READ THE SMALL PRINT and no problems


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23 Aug 2013 12:27 AM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

Ryan Air sell cheap seats but make themselves profitable by having cabin luggage a few centimetres smaller than all the other airlines

You should really look up the baggage sizes and weight allowances on other airlines.  You will find that Ryanair are by no means the lowest.  Anyway, the sizes are listed quite clearly on their website so it is not as if they are trying to hide anything.  British Airways, often touted as really good and free luggage, do not charge for checked in bags.  However, they give a reduction if you don't check one in.  Isn't that the same as charging for luggage?  Just a different way of doing it.  



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23 Aug 2013 7:49 AM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

I think some of you guys are in denial.

I previously had a similar conversation with a friend in Spain who knew my dislike for the culture of RyanAir.  He made similar comments to yourselves until last year when due to a mix up he arrived at the airport without his boarding passes and had to pay a ridiculous amount to have them printed by RyanAir.  This is chap is generally well organised and unlike the person depicted by JuanKerr - he knew the rules just made a mistake. This can happen to anyone, but RyanAir pounces and makes him pay through the notice for a few bits of paper it took them 5 minutes to produce.

Sorry guys, but however you look at it that is not reasonable - a notional fee is fair enough, but anything more is taking advantage and abusing the situation.

In the denials there is also the comment that people should weigh their bags before they leave home.  In itself this is fair enough, but most trips involve two legs and frequently the second is from a hotel room or rented villa that does not have any scales.  RyanAir know this which is probably why they seem more vigilant on the return flights to the UK.  Why do they have a 10 kg limit - EasyJet don't?  The fact that they give bonuses to their staff for each fine imposed speaks volumes!

I was in the above situation on a return trip.  My bag weighed 11kgs my wife's was 9kg - they tried to fine me and refused to allow me to transfer a garment from one bag to the other.  Well, this aggressive woman tried to - no doubt thinking purely of her commission.   Does that situation encourage good customer service.  It's so absurd it's hardly believable - yet you guys seem to have convinced each other that it's all lovely.  You must be masochists cool.




Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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23 Aug 2013 9:09 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

So a chap you know forgets to print out his boarding pass, gets to the Airport and has to pay a fee to have them printed out, he made the mistake yet it sounds like just another 'lets blame everyone else but me' scenario, imagine if everyone made this 'mistake', great for Ryanair with extra cash, but folk moan now with a ten minute delay...Try another 1 or 2 hours delay due to this.  Easy-jet also do this...No moans here then.

Weigh your bags, now this has to be one of the hardest things in life to do, we bought one of those bag hanging type of scales for about £4.99, weigh the bag, weigh the suitcase, alls well, chuck the scales in the case, it might put the suitcase over the limit by an ounce or two...But hell you have to live on the racy side of life now and again.

I was with a Swedish guy one year coming back from Spain and Easy-jet charged him a massive extra amount for an overweight golf bag which weighed less going back then coming out....Left his balls on the green....Make what you want of that one. If Ryanair didn't have a 10 kg limit many would bring a sack of coal with them...And you do know that for fact. Many airlines give out some sort of bonus when staff catch us with fee's.

 I haven't yet read any post on here about Ryanair that says they are loverly, everyone seems to agree that they are a cheap-ish airline and that you can only get what you pay for in life, its possible to beat them with the rules and stay on top of the game, but that does take a little effort, and forethought it's far better to turn up late, with overweight bags, no boarding pass, and complain...'What a rip off'

Did you know that someone on benefits of say about £500 a week gets free dental care, yet a hard worker on £400 a week wont.....Now that is a 'Rip off'.


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23 Aug 2013 10:09 AM by steone Star rating in Santiago de la Riber.... 383 posts Send private message

It is interesting that on here everyone loves to bash Ryanair.  Why?

Acer stated that easyJet don't have a 10kg limit. Well how long ago did Acer use easyJet as they now have reduced the size of their cabin bag allowance which they will allow you take on board. If you use their old sizes then there is a strong possibility that the case will be put into the hold. Then at arrival the passenger will have to wait till it is off loaded with all the other luggage and your precious new glass vase has been smashed to smithereens! Does anyone complain? No because it is not RA. A number of other airlines only allow 5kg into the cabin. Anyone complain on here? NO because its not RA. If we look at Monarch they have a system for allocated seating, sounds good? All passengers have an allocated seat and as an EXTRA you can pay for this when you book or even check-in on line. The only way to get your FREE seat is to turn up at the airport and wait in line with all the baggage droppers etc. Does anybody complain at this blatant rip off? No because its not RA.

As stated earlier just watch RA passengers at check-in and at the boarding gate and see how many attempt to 'break the rules'. By the way every passenger signs that they have read and understood the rules, so whats the problem?  Is it that nobody can read? As the rules clearly state you can take up to a certain size and weight for your luggage. If over these parameters then you have to pay the stated additional charges. However if you knowingly attempt to avoid these limits then you are commiting fraud and as such RA (and all other airlines) are within their rights to penalise you or even refuse to carry you on that or maybe any other flight, ever.

The reason for the 'excessive' charge for not printing your boarding card has nothing to do with the work involved. It is a penalty to remind you not to do it again and to keep down the costs for all the other passengers. If more and more people did not preprint their boarding cards then our favourite man will put the penalty up to maybe double what it is now so that the rest of us can board speedily. The choice is yours.

As a business model RA have it about right. Not perfect but nearly. If it was not so good why have all the other carriers followed most of what they do? Do you honestly believe that if it wasn't for the likes of RA and easyJet that BA et al would be offering prices near to what they are charging?

People ..... GROW UP read what the airlines say BEFORE booking and stop winging and be thankful that there are companies like RA that are willing to fly from A to B for an acceptable price but with conditions. The world is not perfect nor is it designed just for YOU. It is catering for the masses and not for you alone.


Enjoy your next flights with whomever you choose


This message was last edited by steone on 23/08/2013.


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23 Aug 2013 11:14 AM by johnmcmahon Star rating. 335 posts Send private message

Easyjet have not reduced the size of the hand luggage allowed in the cabin. It's the same as it was before unless their cabin is full. If this happens then any cabin luggage of the normal size will go to the hold FOR FREE.

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23 Aug 2013 11:18 AM by emh Star rating. 5 posts Send private message

well said steone.I usually use Monarch and pay a bit extra to get a bit more comfort.If you just want the basics and pay cheaper then Ryanair fits the bill.I have used them recently and can't complain of the service.Only one small gripe.The printing of the boarding passes can be a bit of a pain.Before taking the flights,I printed off the boarding passes for outward and return.It was all hunky dory until I decided to take extra luggage.the rules are you have to reprint your boarding pass to include the change.Well that posed a problem.At that time I had cancel led my wi fi service as I was moving to Spain.so I could not print off the boarding pass. there was no internet cafe in my home town.I would have had to travel 20 miles to another town to find an internet cafe.I could have asked my next door neighbor to help out but I did not want to impose on him.I suddenly realized I could use the free internet facilities at my local library.joined the library and got several copies of the boarding pass done problem solved.I know that this boarding pass business is a pain,but with pure planning this can be:-) overcome.One more thing.BA have a London Gatwick flight service to Alicante,the only problem is you can take cabin luggage only not hold luggage

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23 Aug 2013 11:29 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Easyjet have not reduced the size of the hand luggage allowed in the cabin. It's the same as it was before unless their cabin is full. If this happens then any cabin luggage of the normal size will go to the hold FOR FREE.


On busy flights Easy-jet have in fact reduced cabin baggage size from 56cm x 45cm x 25cm...Down to...50cm x 40cm x 20cm ,  a drop of 37 percent in size now, to the older size. Who's says the flight is busy or not?  they wont charge to put it in the hold...YET...When the great British public get to realise they can take a wheelbarrow up to check in and get it stored for free in the hold because it wont go in the cabin....Will they start to charge?


This message was last edited by baz1946 on 23/08/2013.

This message was last edited by baz1946 on 23/08/2013.

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23 Aug 2013 11:41 AM by steone Star rating in Santiago de la Riber.... 383 posts Send private message

Just a tad more information.

emh:- BA on virtually all destinations include luggage in their prices. However on their Gatwick/Alicante they offer both with and without hold luggage. There are two separate columns one with hold and one without. Sometimes  one of these options is fully booked so you can only have the other.

johnmcmahon:- we are splitting hairs here. easyJet state that if you have their new smaller size cabin luggage they will guarantee that it can be taken into the cabin. However if it is the old size then, when they are busy, there is a chance it will be placed in with the hold luggage. The point I was making is that nobody came on here complaining about easyJet changing their rules and stating that they were being ripped off because something had changed.

The moral once again is read the conditions and if you do not like them then book with another carrier.


This message was last edited by steone on 23/08/2013.


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23 Aug 2013 12:10 PM by steone Star rating in Santiago de la Riber.... 383 posts Send private message

To continue with the theme of complaining about airlines

On a recent flight with Jet2 they ruined my new suitcase. It was only the second time I had used it. When I went to the desk at arrivals the staff there examined the case and stated that it was totally ruined and beyond repair. Good I thought at last an airline with some common sense. How wrong can one be? They gave me the form completed by them and on it it stated in bold that there was an excess of ( I cant remember the exact amount) either £30 or £40. I entrusted them with my new case and they ruined it yet I have to pay for their bad workmanship. Also I had to get all the paperwork into their office in England within 7 days or else my claim will not be met. Now if I am on my 2 week hollidays I do not carry with me the receipt for the purchase of said case so I won't be paid out for thier fault. Now THIS IS A RIPOFF. Has anyone else complained of this happening with Jet2? No. Now let me imagine if RA were to do the same thing! Would there be questions in parliament about this cheating the poor fare paying passengers? How many comments on this forum would there be.

Methinks it is one rule for RA and different rules for everybody else


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23 Aug 2013 12:17 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

I wonder how much it costs to rent an outlet at Alicante?  I could open a print shop and print out the boarding cards for passengers on all flights for about €5 a pop.  And maybe a bag crushing service to squeeze the hold luggage down to the correct size for each different airline.   Each customer would be given the T&C for each airline in super huge print.  

I'd even pin a dartboard up with a picture of Mr O'Leary on it to make the travellers feel better before boarding.

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