Garlic and Olive Oil - The Seventies and Eighties in Spain
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Thank you for supplying the opportunity to write a blog and actually have people read it. Although there is no specific deadline, just by sharing my writing with Eye On Spain has made me write more. It's also made me edit my work as well as, on occasion, re-write it completely. That is a feat! My blog deals with events that took place during the years that I lived in Spain which are 1972-1976 and 1980-1984. I'm hoping to make the posts light hearted and an easy read for everyone. That includes any posts about Spanish grammar. Lol. I also don't wish to offend any one I ever knew, and to this end I haven't used the real names of any one. The posts are all based on actual events. I have, however, taken poetic license by sometimes changing the ending. I have also included a short story I wrote years ago which takes place in the early seventies. I had been meaning to revise this short story for the past fifteen + years! Finally, I did, thanks to Eye on Spain.
_______________________ TimmyToo
Hi Timmytoo
Thanks for taking the time to wite your blog. I for one enjoy it vey much and I know there are many readers out there who think the same. Keep at it and keep them coming. I find it especially interesting your experiences in Spain during the last years of Franco. It must have been very interesting to see how a country changed from Dictatorship to Democracy and the two periods you were living in Spain I would imagine must have been extremely different. A rare historical experience. Thank you for writing and sharing your stories.
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