We don't have a Sabadell in my area but do have Banesto and Santander. Maybe I'll decide to "swallow" it as like you say Baz things change very quickly in the banking world. Just so long as the UK banks don't follow suit and start charging us .
As I said cant say anything about any other banks because have never used any others in Spain, when Sabadell took over all I got to hear about was problems they had given customers in the past so I must admit I was a bit wary of them, especially having the name "Dell" in it as well, but in the short time they have taken over never a problem.....So far.
UK banks are changing, like all everywhere they do, but seem to forget to make the changes perfectly clear, I have no investments in any bank I deal with other then cash in the account so cant even comment on what they would give you if you did have investments with them, I don't trust banks one little bit, well just enough to know not to have any of their investments anyway, and I have first hand experience of how Barclays can make a mess up and expect the customer to accept it, if they can get away with it, also did hear that Barclays were coming out of Spain if that helps in anyway, perhaps another one for you to avoid.