Spanish Climate

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20 Feb 2014 11:33 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Nothing to do with knowing your rights, or just because someone else gets it so should I, more to do with the way this government is working the figures to make the end results sound for them. This is what is causing the trouble, the crooked way it's being done.

And face it, how simple is it for this mob to say, and every other idiot in parliament to agree with them......" We are stopping it because you don't need it,  because you live in a hot country now"

And certainly nothing to with complaining about how cold it is in your Spanish house, so go get some carpets, many house's in the UK are still well under insulated.

Everyone knows how cold it gets in Spain during the winter, sometimes days and mostly evenings, everyone except the government man that is, the temperature figures have been worked out by mixing a good few climates together, and coming up with what they wanted, and if that didn't work, do it again until it does, working on that basis it should have been stopped for the UK so far this year.

At the end of the day all the Brits are moaning because everyone, and I mean Brits, are fed up to the back teeth of the way our governments are screwing the people for every penny they can get,  while still creaming of everything down to the last penny for themselves while rubbing your face in it as well.

Listen to the words of Cameron, last said some months back about the recession and how tough things are going to be...…"We are all in this together"......Well you lot are...Don't count me in though.



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20 Feb 2014 8:42 PM by GuyT Star rating. 516 posts Send private message

For casperruby: I see the met office has just announced that UK has had 486 mm (19 inches) between 1st December and 19th February. It just edged out the previous record of 485 mm (18.5 inches) set in the 1700s, sorry, my mistake, set in 1995. Rainfall between Christmas and 19 February would have been at most 300 mm (12 inches). Since you ask, I'm on planet Earth. You?

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21 Feb 2014 8:18 AM by casperruby Star rating. 165 posts Send private message

21 Feb 2014 9:33 AM by xetog Star rating in Wiltshire/holiday ap.... 514 posts Send private message

For anybody that's interested, the 486mm of rain is an average for the UK as a whole. Some areas actually had LESS rain than usual, hard though that is to believe. The South West had over 600mm. Average rainfall, much the same as average temperatures doesn't really tell the whole story.

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21 Feb 2014 1:21 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 posts Send private message

PMillsom´s avatar

Forget average temperatures.  

there is an established measure of heating/fuel need based on regional/local termperature movements over 24 hour periods. 

These are called DEGREE DAYS.These have been around for several decades.  Used to determine efficiency improvements of insulation measures or boiler effieciency measures and similar uses.

They are sciencifically calcualted from weather station records and might easily apply to justify if a particular locality was illigible for cold weather supplement and/or winter fuel allowance.

I've not read the whole thread so apoligises if someone has already mentioned this point.

There are heating degree days and also cooling degree days.

The later informs what summer cooling allowances we ought to be entitled to have :-)



This message was last edited by PMillsom on 21/02/2014.

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03 Mar 2014 8:55 AM by jimmyjjohn Star rating in Arizona . 14 posts Send private message

Everyone knows how cold it gets in Spain during the winter, sometimes days and mostly evenings, everyone except the government man that is, the temperature figures have been worked out by mixing a good few climates together, and coming up with what they wanted, and if that didn't work, do it again until it does, working on that basis it should have been stopped for the UK so far this year.

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03 Mar 2014 8:55 AM by jimmyjjohn Star rating in Arizona . 14 posts Send private message

** EDITED - SPAM - Against forum rules **


This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 3/3/2014 10:00:00 AM.

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04 Mar 2014 6:36 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Oh dear, this is really sad.....

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