The Comments |
I have noticed in the Villamartin (Orihuela Costa) area where I live there seem to be very few of the little critters. I went to Mojacar one day last week and as darkness came there were millions of them. My son who was holidaying there by the coast, had to shut all the windows of the flat he was renting. The lovely balcony was unuseable after dark. There was no aircon either so I dont think his wife was very happy sleeping in a sauna. They really can spoil a holiday. I suppose the only thing to do is wire off the balcony like they do in Florida but you still get bitten if you go out for a meal. I certainly wouldn't choose to live there - pretty as it is.
Hi - yes the mossies can get bad, they do tend to prefer me to anyone as well! I use the electric plug in machines, change the tablet every day and that keeps them out of the rooms. You could try one on the terrace but failing that there are great anit mossie sticks, they look like deodorant, which you roll onto your arms, legs, chest and forehead (and anywhere else) - this definately keeps them away and you will have no problems with them.
Good luck
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Thanks for that Roberto, they seem to love me but I do like Marmite so will give it a try. They do not come near Roy I think that must be for doing 2years national service in Hong Kong all the pills they gave them has made him immune. Regards Pat
Mossies much prefer the blood of the females to that of the male! They are discerning little critters!!  Ladies should not wear anything that is scented/perfumed, including deodorants. Tee Tree oil /body lotion is a good deterrent and the neat oil is good for putting on bites too.
I use Avon skin so soft, hate the smell as much as the Mosquitos but it really does work.
Maureen & Dennis
Coto Real
I don't know about mosquitos but I can tell you about MIDGES!
In Scotland we are plagued by the terrible Midge - real maneaters (and also partial to the ladies).
I am a keen fly fisher and often got attacked by swarms of the pirhana like beasties.Then one day some years ago there appeared in one of the national fishing publications an article by a well known private contributor describing the powerful antimidge properties he had discovered of an AVON product called SKIN SO SOFT (IMPORTANT - It is the one which comes in a greeny blue bottle). Once the ribald comments of the knowalls died down there has been a growing support for this product and local fishermen in my area can vouche for its efficacy. I have no doubts at all and use it regularly in the evening when I am going up the water ( I do still get some funny looks and enquiring sniffs from passers by ).
I only get an occasional bite from an ignorant midge trying his luck so I can recommend this to you all to try. I am positive that it will have just as good an effect on their Spanish Mossie relatives.
[I am in no way connected to any business - AVON included]
Hasta Luego
_______________________ Patrick - call me Pat
Last night I was nibbled by something a few times.
Morerosado please keep your private life out of this discussion. I will get hold of an avon book and try this and see if it works thanks a lot everyone. Pat
Seriously, I have little red blobs up my arm from something nibbling me overnight.
Hate to tell you but there's a lot of chicken pox going around!!!!!
I have some of that Avon stuff, think I got roped into buying it for some reason, never used it so now I'll try it thanks
This message was last edited by Candyfloss on 8/6/2007.
We have some friends in CDS and they swear by Jasmine. They have loads of it growing and don't seem to be bothered. We'll certainly be growing Jasmine when we move out there next year.
This message was last edited by 8yewtree on 8/6/2007.
_______________________ Donna, Andy & Charlie - living in the sun! for green fees
Yes as you know more I am still getting over shingles would not wish that on anyone  Pat
Great Donna,
And the smell will be good too. Do they need a lot of looking after and watering??
OMG Pat,
I had that a few years ago, dreadful thing, was off work for 6 weeks. I do sympathise with you. Hope you are over it now. I had it all over my face and looked like the elephant woman.
I don't think they require much looking after but the water is very important, apparently they sense water and will travel to get it, especially if its been stagnant for a few days. You shouldn't have still water outside or this will attract the mossies. My friend, who has live in CDS for almost 7 years, waters her plants but never gives them any spare even if they are away for a few days.
I intend to put this theory to the test when we move and will, of course, report here
Who knows - she may just be lucky!
_______________________ Donna, Andy & Charlie - living in the sun! for green fees
They jump over me just to get to the other half of the partner ship (male) and would you belive it
he was a marmite baby, and still is.
Are the Spanish ones cousins to the Greek mossis? little darlings they are. Anyone been dived bombed always keep a rolled up news paper the side of the bed so funny to see hubbie swotting them in the middle of the night its like a war zone in the morning.
No bits on me wonder why??????
Thanks Gina for your concern yes I have had it for about 10weeks now, not on the face round stomach and side still getting stabbing pains which they say can go on for a year great. Never mind I try and look on the bright side there is worse things  PAT
Sorry you are still having problems with shingles, Pat. My grandad had it after he lost gran. I understand it's very painful, linked to the nerves & made worse by stress. Am I correct ?