The Comments |
I was told a few weeks ago that there is a B vitamin which you can take that keeps the mossies away - not sure which one, but when we were in Spain last week, I took Vit B complex every day and not a single bite, unlike the previous trip where in one night I had 40 bites on one hand, and about 15 on the other, which lasted for weeks. I was a bit sceptical about whether the Vit B would work, but it did (Marmite is full of Vit B isn't it?) My mother in law had Avon skin-so-soft bath stuff with her this trip and didn't get bitten either this time, so that must work too. Both children got bitten last week, need to find a solution for them now, although spraying mossie spray in the bedroom an hour or so before bed time seemed to help. I just don't like using chemicals on a daily basis. I tried getting my 6 year old to swallow a Vit B tablet last week, but after 15 minutes, a very soggy tablet, a hysterical daughter and a very cross me, I gave up. Perhaps I could disguise the tablet in a piece of cheese or ham like I do when the dog needs tablets?! The 2 yr old is too young to try the tablets on, I think!
Currently 2 x 150ml bottles for £5 too.
Just seen a review in
Mozzies stand no chance. (So there you go, you were right, Doonhamer, Pat)
Author's product rating: 
How does it affect your skin? |
It refreshes |
Does it smell good? |
Yes |
How easily is it absorbed? |
Average absorbed |
Advantages: |
insect repelant without even knowing it . Cheap ! ! |
Disadvantages: |
can be a little greasy if too much is used . |
Recommend to potential buyers: |
yes |
I am usually prone to mosquito bites and normally get covered in them from head to toe whenever i go abroad.
Last may we went to turkey and i bought this avon SSS dry oil spray (woodland fresh) in a green and white coloured bottle.
I thought it would be very handy in mosturising my skin at night after being layed in the sun all day and so it was, although i did notice that if i used too much it could be a little too greasy on my skin and slippery on the tiled floor the bottle gets a little greasy and slippery too but that is easily resolved by wiping with a dry cloth.
Once it soaked in it left my skin feeling very refreshed and soft and it did'nt sting my eyes if i sprayed it on my face.
after laying in the sun one particular day for a litlle longer than the experts recommend i found myself a little sore and red that evening but rather than use my after sun lotion i tried this and it worked marvellous for me, after about 4/5 hours the redness was already starting to feel much more comfortable to sit on (mmmm maybe a little too much detail) Anyway..........
So when we arrived back in the uk my hubby realised something that had'nt crossed my mind at all, this was the only time in 5 years that i'd spent 2 full weeks abroad without actually getting bitten once(strange i know.)
to clarify that i actually think it was the avon spray,i persuaded my hubby to take me again just to prove a point you know! (not for any other reason of course)
We flew back the same year in September to the same place once again i stocked up on the spray, the first 5 days i did'nt use the spray i was bitten allover from head to toe in mosquito bites but the last 9 days i had had enough and started to use it believe me no word of a lie i was not bitten again for the rest of that holiday and my bites cleared up a lot quicker than they usually would.
since my experience i've persuaded loads of my mates to try this on there hols and all come back with exactly the same results.
Its very cheap too, sometimes avon do offers like 3 bottles for a fiver or BOGOF.
i'm not sure they have actually tested it to be a mossie repelent i'm sure if they realised the price would increase tremendously.
This message was last edited by morerosado on 8/7/2007.
Great post Morerosado.
I couldn't help being sorry for the poor bugger who had all that stuff going wrong and needed fixing. He/she must spend every daylight hour finding things to put it on etc. 
Still, I'm tempted to try some of them out.
Interesting comments about the Avon Oil Spray. It seems to be just as effective as the cream.
_______________________ Patrick - call me Pat
Jasmine sounds good, we were looking to do some planting later this year & had picked out Stephanotis, does anyone know if that attacts mossies or does it work like Jasmine.
I now need to find an Avon lady, oops, sorry, Avon person.
Pat, I hope the shingles go soon. I had it in my back, & yes it is an exposure of the nerve ending & it can be cotracted after contact with chicken pox. It's very painful, just when you think its gone it flairs up again. Perhaps you need a long spell of sunshine. 
Keep on passing on the tips folks, its relly helpful.
I would have thought that the answer lay in controlling the little blighters. I see they use cropspaying aircraft helping to put out fires - perhaps a load of insecticide over the right areas might help before malaria becomes endemic in the area which it is forecast to do. I am not talking about a few mossies but swarms of the bloody things that even if you were wearing factor xyz you would not want to be amongst at nightfall. Are we just lucky in my area that we don't have them?
We stayed in Mojacor on our inspection trip and went to a beach bar in the evening. Got bitten to shreds!!!! We were told (don't know how true) that usually the beach areas are sprayed annually with a insecticide to control the b+ggers. This year though, some environmentalists persuaded the council it was a bad thing and that many other animals would also be killed, so the spraying was cancelled.
Thanks for all help about the mosquitos, will order a barrow full of cream Avon will wonder what has hit them, they will be doubling the price. Yes you are right about the spraying that is what should happen. Yet when we go to Gran Canaria I never get bitten there and we overlook a harbour and the sea weird. Yes shingles is very painful  the Doc said after spending nearly 3 months in Spain I must have been so laid back, then coming back to England was a shock to my system how true that is I do not know. The bit that worries me is that it can keep coming back. Have any of you had that happen?  Please say no.  Well I hope it is beginning to leave me now. Thanks a lot everyone Pat
I've heard from a couple of people about a baby cologna from Mercadona, I believe it's called Nuvenko. It comes in a large bottle similar size to a bubble bath container, it has a picture of a baby on the front. You need to decant it into a spray bottle and some people dilute it with water.
It apparently works, although I've bought bottles have yet to use it myself as there have not been any around when we normally go over.
I have to be very careful as I can suffer really badly when bitten, will have to add a jar of marmite to my list of things to take over next time.
semijubilada When we meet up will I have to bring my jar of Marmite too ? Actually, I love Marmite, so does our cat who, if I leave my Ryvita on the coffee table, will have licked all the Marmite off before I realise. We coat any pills she needs to take at times with Marmite & she won't leave it alone.

This message was last edited by morerosado on 8/7/2007.
Marksfish wrote We stayed in Mojacor on our inspection trip and went to a beach bar in the evening. Got bitten to shreds!!!! We were told (don't know how true) that usually the beach areas are sprayed annually with a insecticide to control the b+ggers. This year though, some environmentalists persuaded the council it was a bad thing and that many other animals would also be killed, so the spraying was cancelled.
Well it sounds pretty shortsighted of the council. Enviromentalists, Greenies or whatever. What animals would be killed? Rats? Cockroaches? If they want people to holiday and live in the area they must spray them. I am surprised the locals haven't kicked up a fuss. Maybe they should set up a campsite for the Greenies down there and not give them any factor xyz. I would hope if we had this horrendous problem (we have plenty of others!) that the coucil would act against these swarms of the little sods before they got out of control.
Some years ago some smarty pants environmentalist decided DDT was a BAD thing. As a result, malaria is still the No.1 killer in Africa. 
I saw today in our local Hipersol a couple of aerosol insecticides for use outdoors. One brand I never heard of, the other, more expensive, by ZUM, which is usually very good. About €7, but could be worth a try.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
It's only going to kill the ones in the local vicinity and their mates will soon take their place. The point I have been trying to make is that in this day and age the mosquitos should be controlled. They make life a misery for everyone in a badly infected area. One of the great pleasures in Spain after a hot day is to cool down on the balcony with a nice drink of something nice - preferably not marmite. What's the point of coming to certain parts of Spain if you are going to be eaten alive?
This is a very informative thread - you don't get this kind of practical/constuctive/helpful information in travel mags etc.
Question - Are there any areas that are particularly bad or is the problem common up and down the Costas?
Question - Are there particular times of year [e,g, breeding season?] to be avoided.
Come on you EOS 'ers, "tell the truth and shame the devil"
Marksfish has set the ball rolling with MOJACAR - any more?
Back to Avon SSS - looking at the back of the bottle I see that there are somewhere around 40 [?] 'constituents'. One of which is Citronella . Correct me if I'm wrong - but isn't that what gets used as an antimossie solution on Patio's in the U.K.?
_______________________ Patrick - call me Pat
Yup you're right, Citronella is supposed to repell Mosi's.
The first time I visited Torrevieja was in July 2002, we were staying quite close to the lake and I was bitten rather badly. Speaking to a "local" we were told that someone had discovered a rare butterfly and that year the lakes had not been sprayed.
Morerosado - feeling very sensitive about mosi bites at the moment as I was bitten on my face on Sunday. Did a bootsale which was on a large field, completely forgot about the gnats that are around first thing in the morning and am now suffering. If there's a cure or repellant I'm going to use it.
I've been caught out before when gardening, I now have to wait until the sun comes out otherwise I get bitten alive and I have to go to the doctors as the swelling is so painful. I could never go to Scotland
Check this site
Their products contains an ingredient called Deet which is claimed to be very effective against mozzies. The american army use it to protect their soldiers.
According to research, female mosquitos will bite anything that they can detect that exudes co2. Deet makes you invisble to mosquitos, therefore they will not bite.
Simple and effective...
But not cheap! This message was last edited by patman on 8/8/2007.
_______________________ may the farce be with you
Pat, hope the recovery continues. Unfortunately I did get a second, but milder, bout of shingles. It could have been because I was exposed both times to Chicken Pox. I still think sunshine is the cure rather than the cause!
Thanks Noreen, I shall log on the Avon site & get some SSS. I have got citronella candles for the evening but since we were not bothered with the blighters I didn't use them when there last month. Interesting that local councils have sprayed in the past. It will change next year as I am sure the councillors will also be bitten & won't like it (or at least I hope so)
Right, just checking. It definitely is THIS one, isn't it ?
Skin-So-Soft Soft & Fresh Dry Oil Body Spray
Buy 2 for £5
price: £5.00
or 2 for £5.00 |
