You may be opening your own 'can of worms' here. Firstly you need to take legal advice as to what all this entails. Then you need to realise that you will probably have to pay your administrator until the end of their contract. Also you would need to know your way around the Spanish sysyem for recording minutes and finances and any legal action you may need to take.
Then the idea of you taking over as 'administrators' would have to be put to your AGM and voted upon.
I feel that if you were recieving payment from your Community then you would need to be registered for Spanish tax etc.
The more obvious problems could occur when a member of the Community is not happy with what you do or the financial arrangements made...................there is 'nowt so funny as folk' when it comes to money, no matter what they say at the outset.
Some friends of ours, on a nearby urb. attempted this and thier lives were made a nightmare and they had to quickly revert back to an administrator, who then charged them more!!
Have you spoken to your administrator about all this?? If you have and the situation has not altered, perhaps it is time to look for another, which again would need to go through your AGM if you wanted to change.
My hubby is Presidente and also does the agenda for the is his job ( the administrator takes his / her instruction from the Presidente. He also checks the minutes before he signs them and he knows to the penny where the Community money has gone. Our administrators are also accountants, but keeping check of the finances is a sensible thing to do.
Whatever you do, you really need to get advice from a Spanish Lawyer so you know exactly what you are letting yourselves in for in the Legal sense and then think long and hard about your Community's possible reaction if things go wrong.