The Comments |
With the EU elections upon us what is that they can do to make it better for all.
For me and a starter for 10
1. common free and equal education for every child in every state (including university for courses that cover skill shortages)
2. A common fair welfare system that helps those who need it when they need it
3. A commom, fair and equal health care for all in every EU country
4. A reliable and safe pension for all EU retirees
5. A Clamp down on tax dodgers and welfare benefit scroungers
6. common housing policy
7. A back to work system for long term unemployed
8. A Clamp down on fat cat bonuses
9. A common EU immigration policy
10. Reduce investment and aid to non EU countries
11. Clamp down on all corruption
12. Clamp down on all crimes
This message was last edited by Tadd1966 on 18/05/2014.
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
All good things but surely they should be down to individual countries, not the EU? Unless your are advocating a totally Federal European State which appears to be the biggest bone of contention against the EU.
But just a couple of your points:
The EU does cover free education for all. Any EU citizen can go to another EU country and get free education. This rule doesn't apply within a country hence the reason English pupils have to pay to go to university in Scotland but Spanish ones don't.
A clamp down on crime. They've tried this with the European Arrest Warrant which has been deemed unfair. There is Interpol (mainly a European organisation) that shares intelligence but I'm not sure I'd want a Gendarmerie arresting me in London for slagging of the French Prime Minister, for example.
Isn't there already a common EU immigration policy? That some countries don't actually stick to it is not down to the EU. UK, for example, allowing benefits, housing etc to be available straight away (something the government is trying to clamp down on...if they adhered to EU rules the person applying for residency wouldn't be allowed to claim for 3 months and would then have to prove they weren't a drain on the country's welfare or health system.
Reducing aid to non-EU countries. Is this the amount the EU spends or the amount individual countries spend?
Great ideas. Not sure a lot of it comes under the EU, though.
fair comments and maybe you are right on education but what about the quality, does each child have the same level of education in every EU state. Also many charge for university education
what is wrong with a federal EU state?
It works in the UK (4 countries sadly maybe soon to be 3!!) the USA and others why not in EU.
Maybe too much so called "nationalist pride" greed and selfishness (fueled mainly by the media and politicians), gets in the way.
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
I agree with mariedav, all good things but mainly down to the sovereign nation, not the EU. And mainly UK points, as well. Does the "fat cat bonuses" apply to othe European countries? Would it only apply to bankers? What about Gareth Bale who gets paid around $2 million a month plus millions in bonuses if his team qualifies for the champions league? Fat cat or not? Could every country afford completely free healthcare? Would this mean the end to private or public insurance in, for example, Germany? Of course, the clampdown on corruption is to be applauded but doesn't the EU already do that? Greece, Italy and Spain have been fined shedloads over the years but it doesn't seem to worry them. Bit like British MPs seeing other MPs do time for fiddling expenses but it still doesn't stop them doing it. Almost as if they say to themselves "Well, I'm cleverer than that so I won't get caught" and then wonder why they end up in Ford open prison. Maybe concentrating more on a non-EU immigration policy and either reforming or rescinding the ECHR rulings (which is not an EU body) on repatriation of terrorists would be more like it.
Isn't that what all the fuss is about by people calling for the UK to pull out of the EU? The fact that it is no longer a Common Market but becoming more federalised without the agreement of the people?
I am firmly on the side that we should remain in the EU, mainly because of the freedom of movement between countries (bit self-centred, I must admit, as I enjoy my free healthcare, waltzing my way through immigration at airports and freedom to move my money about when I want) and other things.
I would not, however, like one virtually unelected body to take control of finance, health, education, police, defence and so on. The UK, whilst one complete unfederated country at the moment, is a slightly different case. Even there, each of those countries is responsible for the police, the health service, the education service and so on.
As to "standards" of education, what exactly do you feel is different between countries? Even the newly emerged Eastern European countries seem to have a very high standard. I can't think of one EU country that has very poor education standards (unless you include UK which seems to be slipping down the tables every time you read the Daily Mail). Again, the university fees (which most countries nowadays charge for) are the same for an EU citizen as for the indigineous population.
Your points are good ones and ones that we should aspire to. But I still think it would be better concentrating on lobbying our own governments for these to come about.
Oh, I did try to like your original post but Homer came up and Doh'd me. So have a virtual like.
This message was last edited by mariedav on 18/05/2014.
If we are to remain within the EU we need reform relating to property rights across member states, as at present the current system does not provide adequate protection, relying on the member state's "moral authority". As we have witnessed this past decade it has been the lack of moral authority that has caused so many injustices in Spain and sadly, although some success is being achieved, it continues to be a legal lottery, further compromised by growing numbers of appeals and major delays within the justice and court systems.
EU parliamentarians need to be far more proactive to ensure that property rights across members states are adequately addressed and strive for a workable and effective monitoring system to better protect EU citizens.
Some very fair and reasonable comments but why can we not have a unified state why do people keep going on about soveriengty - it is just selfishness, greed, stupidity or listening to our so called leaders and rich folks
We are ALL human beings and we all love our children we are ALL not that different we are ALL equal.
Just becasue we have different languages and cultures etc, yet we all love our families and friends the same why do we need separate rules of life, property, money etc????
How different are cockneys to Geordies or scousers, (catalans to madrilleanos) etc yet we all live under the same law
Separate economics - only helps the rich not the workers or the poor and needy
Nationalism (as with religion) only really supports conflict (verbal, political and violence) and racism.
Nationalism = we are better than you
Shall we all go backwards and have seperate "countries" for all hamlets, villages, towns, cities, counties etc etc Bring back things like lord of the manor, land owners, tyranny, slavery, child labour and primae noctis etc or move forward as one big civilised common society with equality for all
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
And we could all wonder at the marvellous pink sky in the world that you inhabit. The Scots can't even get along with the English and want to break away so how would you expect a Scouser to understand the lifestyle and expectations of a Bulgarian? Or, even, a Bulgarian to understand the ethos of a Scouser?
Some very racist comments on I see. SCOUSERS CAN UNDERSTAND THE SCOTTS IN GENARAL, MAYBE A LOUD minoraty CANNOT. English, Welsh, Scots, Cornish, Yorks, Lancs, etc., all get on together in general, only the racist don't get on with anyone. I'm Welsh and play golf with two cockneys. would you believe that?
For those interested, there's a current petition in the UK which is trying to make MP's more reads as follows, see below (If only we could do the same for European parliamentarians!):
It’s splashed across The Telegraph today: a group of MPs have come together to say that they need to regain our trust. [1] And they’re right. Many of us think that politics in the UK is broken. MPs can be sent to prison, can fiddle their expenses or break their promises and we can only get rid of them on election day. [2]
But, we’ve got a chance right now to make things better. It looks like the government is making plans to announce new powers to sack - ‘recall’ - MPs who don’t do their job properly. Good huh? It would be, but it’s a stitch-up. [3]
Their plans could put the power to sack MPs in their colleagues’ hands - not their constituents. The MPs speaking out today don’t think this is good enough. They’re backing real recall - so if enough people wanted to hold a by-election to sack their MP in between elections, they could.
Today's news will put the government under pressure. So let’s add to it. Let’s build a HUGE people-powered petition so they know we’re watching. Can you sign the petition now?
A real recall law is not the answer to all of our democracy’s problems. But it’s a step in the right direction. And above all, it puts the power into our hands rather than MPs’.
Real recall won’t mean that by-elections happen every day. There would be checks and balances in place so that MPs can get on with their jobs. It’s only the bad MPs who will need to worry.
We need to send the government a clear signal, which means the petition needs to be big. Every signature will build the pressure they’ll be under.
Please sign the petition now:
Thanks for being involved,
Becky, Blanche, Amy, Ali & the 38 Degrees team
The OP seems confused as to the role of MEPs. Most of the items in the list are the responsibility of national governments.
One thing this election has proved EU federalisim is dead and buried and a good thing too. I believe there is now a majority in favour of rolling back the power of the EU and returning it back to it's original concept. That of a trading block only.
Getting rid of the wretched Euro is the next step.
This message was last edited by Mickyfinn on 27/05/2014.
This message was last edited by Mickyfinn on 27/05/2014.
This message was last edited by Mickyfinn on 27/05/2014.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
Sound like you have fallen for the media and political hype etc that the Scots do not get on with the English – I am sure we all have many friends who are of different nationalities that we all get on with and have similar views / interests as each other
Cultures differ but we all want equality and fairness.
I am sure the Sots will vote to stay part of the UK, I hope so.
Devolution will be the ruin of many and huge profits for a few
Mickyfinn - I really hope you are wrong and the federal EU should be a goal. I have no issues with an elected EU govt and I do not care what nationality the elected govt will be be as long as they control the areas that national govts faield to do such as the banking sector and the rich fat cats and look after the people. Most govts (if not all) have faield so time for new approach
I do not think the EU elelction results are against the EU but just a protest of how it is currenlty run and change is needed for it to work and benefit all equally
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
The problem with a federal Europe and the Euro come to that is the fact that member states are entirely different. The economies are different, cultural values and attitudes are different, language which establishes cultural identities are different. Trying to weld these factors together in a political union is simply never going to work.
If you look at the history of federal states around the world you will see they all began with a high degree of commonality in those areas I mention.
Europe’s problem for federalists is it’s too old in historical terms to be changed into anything other than it is. Our nations are poles apart and that is how most of us prefer it. Co-operation in trade and culture yes but not a political or monetary union.
A federal super state will not in my view bring any benefit to anyone except the dominant groups such as Germany.
The main stream parties have ignored the fundamental desire of the people for decades and now we see extremist parties filling the void which gives these beliefs and values legs. It's a natural progression which in it's extreme examples brings conflict and war.
They only have themselves to blame.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
A further federal eu is the complete opposite to what is wanted by the populous so im afraid tadd your so far out on that one . Even as we speak cameron and other eu leaders are trying to pospone the presidency till the year end to stop the federalist contender being appointed, and so they should as for dropping the euro in say spain or other countries with 5 years of difficulties why not in stead get germany to come out of the euro and the devalue the euro for the other countries left in befor the system collapses just a thought but the main worry gor the uk is if farage fragments the vote in tge general election then that bunch of tossers labour will get in by default can you imagine the country being run by milliband and balls both of whome with brown and the multi millionair blair caused most of tge problems we have at present
The fact is that the younger population in UK and Europe have just had enough of the old style politicians and inaction on all issues that should be addressed immediately. The idiots who run the UK and the EU are too stupid, complacent and arrogant to understand that there is a wind of change in the air.
Surely the British parliament must realise what puerile fools they appear with the silly noises they seem to enjoy making as part of the governmental process and the EU parliament don’t seem to realise that their legislation machine is just a laughing stock in most EU member states.
France UK Austria and Germany have all voted against the mainstream parties on the two main issues which are Immigration and EU government and returned a huge number of right wing party members to Brussels.
Would Mr. Farage and his EU counterparts even collect a handful of votes if the clowns that govern the affected countries actually listened and did what all populations want and expect? I doubt it very much.
What does Cameron et al do after a sound thrashing? Address the reasons for a dismal failure? Nope – simply the usual slandering and back stabbing rhetoric, in this case Mr. Farage is the victim.
Wake up fat cats, you will have to change or you will be shown the end of the dole queue – 650 unemployable, arrogant, slimy liars all claiming jobseekers allowance, now that would be quite something.
Podemus (We Can) did quite well in Spain and seem to be emerging as a possible alternative to the two party strangle hold on Spanish politics. There is not so much opposition to the EU in Spain, it's more directed to the established order.
The big story of the night were the many smaller parties. Newcomers Podemos (We Can), a political movement that emerged from Spain's indignados, earned 7.9% of the vote, enough for 5 seats. "We can't talk about the end, but we can talk about the beginning of the end of bipartisanship. We have to throw them out because they're the one who have ruined the country," Podemos leader Pablo Iglesias told journalists on hearing the results.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
Sorry Micky Finn but we will have to agree to disagree and using differing economies, cultures and language are old excuses used by the politicians, fat cats and greed. How far do you wish to go with devolution?
As an example let’s have autonomy between Hampshire and Dorset with trade treaties etc, separate taxation, export and import rules, controlled borders separate currencies etc etc (as we do with all other countries including EUE members and English speaking countries)
many areas around the world manage like UK, Netherlands, China, USA, Soviet Union, Canada in fact most large countries have been based on smaller groups or communities getting together finding a common ground and MAKING it work – nothing is perfect and you will never keep everyone happy but breaking up a union is the worng thing to do. Refomr and make it work for the benfit of all.
Casperruby – sorry but that is not what I see or hear or see. This vote has shown dissatisfaction and reform is needed. Of course the leaders are afraid of a federalist getting the role of presidency because it is them and their friends who will lose out on power, money etc etc etc
If someone has been elected to the EU by the people then they have the right to apply for any role within the EU parliament and have a voice that is heard. why would a group of people try to block this except only to proetc their own position- sorry but greed greed and power crazy
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Tadd 1966 wrote:
Sorry Micky Finn but we will have to agree to disagree and using differing economies, cultures and language are old excuses used by the politicians, fat cats and greed. How far do you wish to go with devolution?
As an example let’s have autonomy between Hampshire and Dorset with trade treaties etc, separate taxation, export and import rules, controlled borders separate currencies etc etc (as we do with all other countries including EUE members and English speaking countries)
many areas around the world manage like UK, Netherlands, China, USA, Soviet Union, Canada in fact most large countries have been based on smaller groups or communities getting together finding a common ground and MAKING it work – nothing is perfect and you will never keep everyone happy but breaking up a union is the worng thing to do. Refomr and make it work for the benfit of all.
You misunderstand me, or perhaps I've not made my view clear. I am an anti federalist. It's perfectly possible to have a free trading union between nations without political union.
Where have the British or any other state ever voted for a federalist political union? It's being forced upon us all without universal suffrage and consent.
The whole problem is the EU will not reform. They have a federalist agenda and intend to force it upon us come what may.
This message was last edited by Mickyfinn on 27/05/2014.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
I am in full support of a federal Europe with reform and common policies, common defence, common health care, common education, common economics, common welfare state and common taxation. We do have some of these but they are not good enough and only benefit the selfish, greedy, rich and the fat cats.
Here is a simple first task for all EU politcians - develop a free NHS type system throughout the EU where the very best and same treatment is available for all across the EU for very EU citizen like we have in the 4 country union of the UK, where you can get treatment on the NHS in any town or city in the UK without question whether you are travelling on holdiay or business or simply passing through I am even told now you can request tretment from blood test to major operations in any NHS hospital via your GP anywhere in the UK now (yes the NHS has issues but that is another debate)
It can work as I have said if we keep greed, selfishness, nationalism, media hype etc out of it and focus totally on making life better for all of us now and in the future
One thing for sure is the current EU (and individual countries politics / leadership) is not working for all in a fair and balanced way as it (they) currently stand
Change and a refocus is needed
When did we ever get a vote on the unification of the 4 country union called the United Kingdom?
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”