The Comments |

This message was last edited by johnzx on 10/09/2014.
Sorry but not nice and not funny
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Have to agree with you Tadd1966,** EDITED - inciting**
This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 9/10/2014 5:33:00 PM.
John has a point and a very good one and should be mentioned because if the ** EDITED - Inciting ** do decide to go it alone on the 18th - will what's left of UK have to have a new flag? If so there is only England's Cross of St. George and Northern Ireland's Saltire of St. Patrick. As Wales isn't a kingdom it cant have representation on the UK flag - but there again N Ireland isn't a kingdom either, but it has it's cross on the flag! Bit confusing methinks.
We can't be the United Kingdom any more because we are no longer united with the kingdom of Scotland and can't be united with Wales and Ireland because they have no kingdoms to unite. So, if it isn't called the United Kingdom any more - what will it be called? Answers on a postcard please with a 2d stamp!
This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 9/10/2014 5:35:00 PM.
Woodbug. Interesting comment about Wales.
I have up-dated the 'new flag'. I did try to add a Welsh dragon but was able to. Maybe I will try again, although with the latest poll showing a 6% lead to the ‘Nos’ perhaps sense will prevail and Scotland will continue as before and also support any team playing against England !!

Regards John
This message was last edited by johnzx on 11/09/2014.
This message was last edited by johnzx on 11/09/2014.
First, may I apologise to admin for my reference to our Scots friends, this was not intended to be derogatory but in our industry, PC has never caught on and we have retained our sense of humour in that nobody takes offence at the monikers bestowed on them by others - it won't happen again.
Now this flag thing is quite a serious matter apparently - the BBC magazine shows several different possible designs see this link:
There has also been a survey undertaken by the UK Flag Institute that has thrown up some interesting points with most Vexillophiles (That is the name for a flag enthusiast - I kid you not) agreeing that a change will be required if Scotland leave the UK - see:
Thanks Woodbug. I just visited the site you mentioned and found this, which was what I was trying to make myself in 'WORD'

Wales wasn't a kingdom so is not represented. St Patrick is the patron saint of all Ireland which was a kingdom hence the inclusion on the Union flag.
The Union flag as is could easily be kept after Scottish independence unless those in the rest of UK want to cut out the Scottish bit altogether.
Maridav; The Union flag as is could easily be kept after Scottish independence unless those in the rest of UK want to cut out the Scottish bit altogether.
From1999 (Scottish Devolution) I referred to myself as English, having thought of myself as British for the previous 60 years, and if I had wanted a flag it would it have been the Flag of St George. Since I realised I was entitled to Irish Nationality a couple of years ago (my mother was born in Ulster) I have held an Irish Passport and have referred to myself as Irish. I did not renew my ‘British / UK' passport when it expired last year, although I have not yet formally renounced my UK/British nationality..
Let's hope a flag change is not necessary and Scotland remain part of the UK
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Why have the flag of St George...he wasn't even born in England but Turkey, probably never came to England?
St Patrick wasn't born in Ireland, but England, went to Ireland but came back to England...That don't make him Irish no more then if you do washing that qualifies you as a washing machine.
St Andrew wasn't born in Scotland but Israel, had never even heard of Scotland.
St David at least was born in his home county.
Keep the flag that many of us, and our Fathers before us, fought under, not some first aid centre look a like flag.
Why the change?. You once felt British, then English, and now Irish.
his nationaility is as varied as his ID's on here - maybe one nationality per ID
I will probably get 3 dislikes now or be reported (it will only confirm things - again!!)
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
his nationaility is as varied as his ID's on here - maybe one nationality per ID
I will probably get 3 dislikes now or be reported (it will only confirm things - again!!)
Oh my gawd...the shock... The horror...The utter disbelief...Where do we go from here?...How can life go on as we know it?
Well anyway I gave you a LIKE.
Tenerife: Why the change?. You once felt British, then English, and now Irish.
British until Scotland devolved
English, From1999 (Scottish Devolution) when Scotland even more broadly used the flag of St Andrew instead of the Union Flag, as their flag.
Irish from a couple of years ago when I took up my right to Irish Nationality and got my Irish Passport
Of course strictly speaking I am a ‘Citizen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ‘ and ‘Irish’. If I decide to renounce my ‘British' nationality I will them be just Irish.
As an Irish national, I can take my non-EU wife to UK and Gibraltar without her having to obtain a visa.
I reckon the Scots will be flying a white flag within a couple of months if they vote "yes". There seems to be an absence of proper planning on so many fronts, but they probably didn't expect so many to take them seriously.
Possibly the support that Alex Salmond is currently enjoying is just as he's in the "honeymoon phase" with the electorate, but you have to wonder how long that'll last.
I know he's past his sell by date but the alleged comments of Jim Sillars still made me wince:
Companies worried about Scottish independence like oil giant BP will be nationalised in a "day of reckoning" after Scots vote to break away from the UK, a former SNP deputy leader has said.
Jim Sillars said that John Lewis department stores could be boycotted, the banks split up and investment giant Standard Life forced to explain to trade unions why it was planning to leave a newly-ndependent Scotland.
This comes after a number of banks including RBS and Lloyds said they would move their headquarters south of the border if Scots vote Yes next week, while BP signalled that it backs the United Kingdom staying together and the head of John Lewis suggested prices could go up for Scottish consumers in the event of independence.
Sillars reportedly said: “This referendum is about power, and when we get a Yes majority, we will use that power for a day of reckoning with BP and the banks.
“The heads of these companies are rich men, in cahoots with a rich English Tory Prime Minister, to keep Scotland’s poor, poorer through lies and distortions. The power they have now to subvert our democracy will come to an end with a Yes.”
“BP, in an independent Scotland, will need to learn the meaning of nationalisation, in part or in whole, as it has in other countries who have not been as soft as we have forced to be. We will be the masters of the oil fields, not BP or any other of the majors.”
Sounds a bit like that other free thinking sophisticated lover of democracy, Robert Mugabe to me. It might be literally a rabble rousing call, but won't achieve much else.
_______________________ Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
Eck or Bawface as I prefer to call him, is a very dangerous man. His and the SNP polices are extreme left-wing verging on communism. Full state control of everything is their ideal. If you think the last Labour government borrowed too much wait until Bawface can borrow without restrictions.
Be afraid, be very afraid.
For what it is worth my view is that this vote is for only one person and his self ego which is bordering on dictatorial style.
The SNP talks about rich fat cats yet most of them are rich fat cats themselves
Scotland will suffer far more than the rest of the UK in the long run.
Besides the banks etc I personally know of other manufacturing companies who employ a lot of people in Scotland who have set aside a large fund for moving out of Scotland which includes relocation packages and redundancy for the staff.
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
the best thing that voting YES can offer ia a protection against the right wing nut jobs who have been inhabiting Westminster since the 1980's
As for Scottish mafacturing will suffer...................where have you been for the last half century ! Our industry has already been scrapped on the alter of market forces and the spivs, toffs and reactionaries who feed in the S.E. England trough.
Scotland will be a far richer country with all the resources.
Just for the record, I'll be voting NO. because I've always felt Scottish and British and I have close family who are English and I think Scottish resources should be shared with the working class in England. It just galls me to think that the wealth from these resources will be fed into city wide boys and English workers will get no benefit.