New Flag after 18th Sept

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15 Sep 2014 2:31 PM by Woodbug Star rating. 371 posts Send private message

Why haven't England Wales and Ireland been allowed to vote? Doesn't the UK belong to them as well or is it just that Scotch meglomaniac who is allowed to control the destiny of the other countries? 

Sterling has been depressed over the last few weeks even against the Euro, simply because the markets are afraid of the consequences if a Yes vote is carried because there is no plan A never mind a plan B - This is a case of join the game and we can make the rules up later.

This message was last edited by Woodbug on 15/09/2014.

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15 Sep 2014 4:26 PM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

I think we're all a bit uncertain as to the consequences, but I wonder if the Scots vote for complete independence there will actually be much effect on anyone, north or south of the border.  A bit like all the hype on the Y2k millennium bug, that was a non-event.

In reality Scotland represent only about one tenth of the rest of the UK in terms of people, tax payments and GDP - therefore significant but not going to substantially affect the overall position for the rest of the UK.

"Better together" makes sense, but I do hope that Cameron et al do not give away anything cash wise afterwards if the "No" vote wins.  That's not democracy, the vote should be on the current basis w/o any carrots, otherwise the others in the UK should have their say if we wish the Scots to stay.

I differ from John McMahon in that I worked in the city for a few years and reckon it was the toughest environment I ever encountered.  I did earn more, but you needed that to pay for the extra commuting and living costs that are an unavoidable part of London life.  But comment like ..."the spivs, toffs and reactionaries who feed in the S.E. England trough" are a little offensive even though they are probably made by a person who has never worked there.

If the Scots do leave there must be a hope we can see an end to this ridiculous changing of the clocks twice a year!  So perhaps it's not all bad.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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16 Sep 2014 11:15 PM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 posts Send private message

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I am surprised that this forum has not fucused on Europe. After 1.8 million Catalans, whose independance asspiations have been fueled by Scotland demonstrated in Barcelona last week Europe is scared stiff about the fall out from a YES vote in the Scottish referendum.

Scotland will almost cetainly find it's application to Join the EU vetoed. If the UK decides to stay in Europe it will find itself being forced to adopt border controls with Scotland who will also find itself having to invent a Scottish Paseata which will be bad news for everyone.

The flag is the least of our worries but for what it is worth I quite like it the way it is. We ddin't remove St Patrick's Cross when Southern Ireland left so I don't see why we should remove the blue bits now.



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17 Sep 2014 7:13 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

We ddin't remove St Patrick's Cross when Southern Ireland left so I don't see why we should remove the blue bits now.

You seem to be forgetting Ulster is part of UK

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18 Sep 2014 8:39 PM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 posts Send private message

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I hadn't forgotten John - I was born there but the Northern Ireland flag has the Cross of St George not St Patrick - I don't know how the vote will split geographically but maybe it would be an idea to do with Scotland what we did with Ireland 100 years ago and let the part that wants to leave go and let the part that wants to, stay.

I am glad the referendum is finally'll be nice to see something different on TV again



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19 Sep 2014 7:45 AM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

You can put your crayons away now, chaps. No change.


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19 Sep 2014 8:48 AM by Woodbug Star rating. 371 posts Send private message

So Mr. Potato Head got it wrong - No President Salmond!  This odious little man has has held too many to ranson for too long! I hope there will not be a lot of political payback from Westminster.

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19 Sep 2014 9:40 AM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

Well done Scotland smiley

Now I hope the Scottish people get rid of the egotistical self procalimed dictator of Scotland - he really is a nasty man and makes my skin crawl

We are much better and stronger as the 4 nation  UK - let's hope the future is bright and we can show the rest of the EU how multiple nations and cultures can live and work together in harmony and friendship



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