Need help on setting up a hand car valeting business in spain

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18 Jan 2015 1:48 PM by Danny1609 Star rating. 10 posts Send private message

Hi people all new to this, hope you can help.  Just considering moving to Spain and was interested in opening a car valeting business in Spain, would initally be looking for a lication where i could set up some washing equipiment and people and drive through and get a hand car wash there car. And also offer a mibile valeting service where we would go to the clients home or work olace and valetvthere car.


Is there any regulations i need to know about, i cnt speak spanish so as much information possible would be great help,

Thanks for reading 


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18 Jan 2015 3:03 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

Whilst there are quite a lot of these companies around (about 5 in our little town alone) you would need to check the regulations in the area you are going to. It is, I am told, illegal to wash your car on the street and if you do it on your driveway you must only use recycled water. We do see loads washing their own cars but you would need to check as a business.

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18 Jan 2015 3:19 PM by broph Star rating. 147 posts Send private message

Hi Danny, 

Best of luck with your venture.

There are things like operating licensing, insurance, taxation etc that you will need to register with the town hall etc. and if you do not speak or read Spanish then you will find it impossible to get started. There are many legal translator services that can assist with this . 

Do you have any preferred town or city / Have you researched any particular location in Spain .? Only because Spain has a high level of unemployment and even the Spanish can struggle to operate .



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18 Jan 2015 4:09 PM by Danny1609 Star rating. 10 posts Send private message

Hi thanks for reply Guys, i visit north of spain about 3-4 times a year, and iv not come across any hand drive through car wash, i have heard about thd water ban does that refer to a business aswel as a person trying to wash there car at home, does anyone know the average price companies are charging for a car valet ot just a wash in spain, i will be traveling to spain later this month and will do my research but its just an idea at the moment, 

Inregards to yhe water ban is that sll over thd country or just in cetain towns/cities, if so how are other vompanies working around the water ban.

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18 Jan 2015 4:13 PM by Danny1609 Star rating. 10 posts Send private message

Area not decided yet need to go and look at different town n cities and do some proper thorough research and then decide of location, any ine got any ideas that might be a good location for an hand drive through car wash? 

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18 Jan 2015 9:35 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

If I was you mate I would go back to school first and learn to write simple words this will help your career more than a yellow sponge and a few suds 

Car Wash by Illiterate Engilsh Mna 

Only 4 uros 

Good Luk



Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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18 Jan 2015 9:54 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message


If I was you mate I would go back to school first and learn to write simple words this will help your career more than a yellow sponge and a few suds 

Car Wash by Illiterate Engilsh Mna 

Only 4 uros 

Good Luk



I have a Nephew who writes and spells very similar to this person, my Nephew is badly dyslectic, he is also a very rich (Millionaire) decent young man, maybe due to being like this has made him go that extra mile to make something of his life.


It's one thing to "Say it how it is" like you have said you do, and another to mock with no knowledge of the person.

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18 Jan 2015 9:55 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

I think the regulations for the use of water to wash cars is always in place, not like a temporary hosepipe ban. All the ones I've seen have proper drainage and so on to stop the detergent contaminating the water supply. Prices do vary. The ones where you use a pressure hose yourself can be from 1 to 3 euro, the auto washes are 4 to 5 euro. The valeting service can charge anywhere from 10 to 20 euro depending on whether they do the interior as well.

Remember if you are going self employed you will have to pay social security which is abour 250 euro per month and doesn't depend on how much you earn. Even if you earn nothing at the start you still have to pay it.

Whatever, best of luck. Always nice to see someone trying to make a go of it and you'll never know until you try.


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18 Jan 2015 10:44 PM by Danny1609 Star rating. 10 posts Send private message

Sorry professor hughjardon in the future i promise i will poof read my work, run a spell check and i will actually get my old english teacher to give it a once over for any mistakes and errors, I hope you dont lose any sleep over my thread, I once again am very sorry for any inconvience I may have caused you as you have had to go out of your way and waste 5 minutes of your  busy life with a response that actually has nothing at all to do with the my thread. Its clear that errors like this ruin your day and probably have put you in a foul mood. I do hope the effects are not  ongoing and you have my thread out of you mind and you can move on with your life and forgive me for this mistake. Im sorry sir please in the future i will keep you in mind when i am post anything on the internet.

ok guys now professor hughjardon issue has been resolved (hopefully) , thanks for the information and you guys have been alot of help including professor hughjardon. Does anyone know any regulations in regards to importing a UK commercial vehicle (van) to spain. I know i have to change the headlights and carry out an ITV test. Is there anything else i need to know about,

Ps Professor Hughjardon, my english teacher was not available on this Sunday evening so please feel free to take another 5 minutes out of your life and proof read and correct where necessary, Infact isn't the lovely Stu a english teacher i think i should give him a call and see if he is available to help me.

Thank you been a pleasure. 


This message was last edited by Danny1609 on 18/01/2015.

This message was last edited by Danny1609 on 18/01/2015.

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18 Jan 2015 11:34 PM by newworld Star rating. 942 posts Send private message

Danny first of all welcome to eyeonspain,as we dont get many new members you can probably see why,  dont be poofed off at hughjardon most of his post are negative and not much help to other forum members.As for UK vans in Spain i think it is a big no no,i think the main thing is the blind spot for the driver RHD, if you dont get any joy from this forum i will in box you another forum that you will get more joy from. Good Luck..hughjardon if you spot any of my spelling mistakes well done.



This message was last edited by newworld on 18/01/2015.

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18 Jan 2015 11:39 PM by newworld Star rating. 942 posts Send private message

18 Jan 2015 11:44 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

I think you'll find it's virtually impossible to put a van on Spanish plates. It's to do with the all round visibility.

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18 Jan 2015 11:47 PM by Danny1609 Star rating. 10 posts Send private message

Hi Newworld thanks for the message and the link, much appreciated. 

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18 Jan 2015 11:51 PM by Danny1609 Star rating. 10 posts Send private message

Thanks Mariedav,iv just been doing some browsing and you right commercial vehicle import is not going to happen due to allround visability. Anyone know a good site like autotrader to search for vehicles in Spain?

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19 Jan 2015 11:58 AM by nitram Star rating in castalla. 176 posts Send private message

In our area it´s illegal to wash your car on the road, and local by-laws states no water must run off the drive in to the road   it must go back in to the garden, same with swimming pool water big NO NO in spain, fines range from 600 to 6,000 euros. Has anybody seen Locals wash their car change oil do car repairs (apart from emergancy ones to get car going) No, thats why there is so many car washes, can´t see you changing your car to a commercial one either.

So many people have great ideas they try and bring over from the U.K but ask yourself the question, why has nobody else done it before ¿ if it´s so good this is Spain not the U.K.

But good luck in your new adventure what ever it may be




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19 Jan 2015 2:50 PM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

Team GB´s avatar

Of course the other major drawback from opening a small business in Spain is that you have to register for IVA (VAT) straight away, there is no threshold as in the UK (where you can invoice up to 81,000). So your prices would have to include vat at 21% which you would have to account for on a quarterly basis and pay over to the tax man

Good luck though - prices at our semi automatic wash, at the local shopping mall are 5€ for a car 7€ for a 4x4 




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19 Jan 2015 3:10 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

This is what I told the dude in my straightforward way its a crap idea , these pat on the back good luck mate types are stupid just tell the guy its a dumb idea save wasting his time he should go and get his degree thats better advice stay in handout UK jobs a gud un

Love Hugh

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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19 Jan 2015 3:10 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

This is what I told the dude in my straightforward way its a crap idea , these pat on the back good luck mate types are stupid just tell the guy its a dumb idea save wasting his time he should go and get his degree thats better advice stay in handout UK jobs a gud un

Love Hugh

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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19 Jan 2015 3:15 PM by Danny1609 Star rating. 10 posts Send private message

Thanks Team GB and Nitram for the input, What we are thinking of is a valeting service anything from a basic car wash (exterior wash) to a full show room valet  (exterior, interior, engine, seats shampooed, body polish, urban ozone air freshner giving the interior the long lasting smell of a new car)

Would we need to have some kind of infrastructure for the waste water and recycled water due to the Soanish laws?

i understand a guttering system is a must, is there anything else?

We have several valeting location in the north of england and have the experience in this field.  


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19 Jan 2015 3:24 PM by Danny1609 Star rating. 10 posts Send private message

Thanks alot HughJardon i suggest you stick to your proof reading and i will carry on doing what i am doing. Dont need your advise pal you have nothing positive to say. Have you ever said anything positive on this forum ever, its as though you have hate for people that want to make something of their lives, god loves a tryer mate i think you should give it a go  you might get somewhere, and my intelligent professor friend i never asked anyone if its a good idea because IF it does fail i will have myself to blame so if you haven't got anything positive to say then please let it fly right over your head and stay quite.

ps dont send me your love send it to poor Stu who needs it more!

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