Tunisia Murders

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30 Jun 2015 12:05 PM by GuyT Star rating. 516 posts Send private message

My rule of thumb these days is to avoid places where the waiter serving me breakfast has likely had to walk ten miles to work on an empty stomach  and earns less in a day than I am paying for an orange juice. This situation is a breeding ground for resentment and hatred. Whereas in Europe I feel comfortable and on a roughly equal level with the people working in bars, etc. Simplistic attitude, perhaps, but it works for me. 

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30 Jun 2015 12:16 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


There lies the issue they think death is an honour and they will be rewarded in the so called after life, so convince them they will not arrive at this after life by not turning their bodies over to their familes for burila, mourning etc. No religous funeral just a simple cremation, with a pig skin for a shroud. The only way to beat these terrorists is by removing this idealology and be supported by the good people and leaders of the world - No excuses or exceptions

BTW the after life must be a pretty crowded place by now

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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30 Jun 2015 12:25 PM by Hephaestus Star rating in The Peak District Na.... 1230 posts Send private message

British, American and Israeli special forces have the capability of destroying isis, after all who's capable of stopping them? It's about time that we showed the finger to the lovers of everything Islamic, the only thing that they understand is violence, why all the repect? The USA showed respect to Osama Bin Laden's body in respect of having it washed and prayed over prior to it being buried at sea, rather than displaying it at Ground Zero. 


I'm Spartacus, well why not?

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30 Jun 2015 1:58 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


I agree Bib Laden shoudl have been cremated within view of ground zero in a pig skin.

However, you cannot beat an idealology like IS with violence - religious beleifs are far too ingrained we should have at least learnt that from history

We need to discredit the thinking and I cannot accept that everything of Islam is bad there are many more good people than they are bad - unfortunatley they are afraid to publicly denounce the minority which is why the leaders of Islam should globally and publicly denounce (from the "pulpit of the mosques" to all forms of media and social media) the IS and confrim that if they are "killed in action" they will be cremated in a pig skin for dispresecting the Islamic religion and issue a global fatwah to anyone associated with IS or any other terrorist faction who claim to fight under the flag of Islam

Until something like this happens from the top of Islam then we will have these terrorists on every street corner in the world

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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30 Jun 2015 3:15 PM by Hephaestus Star rating in The Peak District Na.... 1230 posts Send private message

Circa 1400 under aged girls have been raped by Asian men in Rotherham, the commisioner sent in to run Rotherham council has ordered all taxi owners to have cameras fitted inside their cabs, their spokesman claims that this is grossly unfair as it would hinder the way they did their job, damned right it would, as most of the rapists were taxi drivers.

I'm not sure of the laws of Islam but can't imagine that the allowance of Asian men to rape white female children is amongst it's 'must do's'. I've totally lost it with Allah and his motley crew of murderers, torturers and rapists, and as for killing them and burying them in pig skins, I quite like pigs and wouldn't wish to offend them. wink


I'm Spartacus, well why not?

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30 Jun 2015 3:49 PM by Woodbug Star rating. 371 posts Send private message

The prophet Mohammed married Ayshea when she was nine years of age although the 'good book' tells us that there was no physical activity untill she was 12 years old and as such certain sects of this religion find it quite acceptable to have sexual relationships with under age children.

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30 Jun 2015 4:01 PM by steone Star rating in Santiago de la Riber.... 383 posts Send private message

I think it was Baz who asked, in response to my posting, that people who need medical attention because of their own gross stupidity should not be treated by the NHS. Well I catergorically state YES they should not receive FREE treatment. If one deliberately harms themselves or puts themselves in harms way ( like going to Tunisia) then they should not demand the overtaxed public to pay for them. These poor people who were killed or injured in Tunisia should shoulder their own costs of using the NHS and the RAF for flying them home. Everybody knows that Tunisia is a muslim country and a danger zone and also one of the biggest suppliers of 'supporters' of ISIS.

People,  take responsibility for your own actions.  If you want to go to a country like Tunisia  then don't expect everybody else to look after you if anything goes wrong. I think the term is 'you are the author of your own misfortune'. Another saying is not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslims.

I just wonder what the travel insurance providers are currently thinking?. But having said that, we genrally have a national whip round for idiots who travel without insurance. Perhaps compulsory travel insurance with premiums payable commensurate with risk could be the answer.    

I totally agree. It should be a criminal offence to travel abroad without travel insurance. It should also be an offence to raise money for idiots who travel without insurance.

Its alright folks I am about to crawl back into my little box not to be let out for some time to come.


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30 Jun 2015 4:15 PM by Hephaestus Star rating in The Peak District Na.... 1230 posts Send private message

According to the Jewish Talmud the propher Moses and his followers had sex with girls as young as three years of age. Didn't females in the time of Mohammad/Mohammed (how the hell do you spell it?) only live into their early 20's?


I'm Spartacus, well why not?

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30 Jun 2015 4:42 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


It is not that long ago that the catholic church allowed marraige at 12 yr old and younger in some cases

I am not defending the acts of violence by anyone but christianty (and many other religions) have a very dodgy past with rape, torture, forced conversions etc etc

Which is why I can never understand why people put so much faith in (or wish to be a member of) a club that has its roots in corruption, rape, lies, contradictions, violence, torture, murder, hatred to non believers, greed, selfishness and books that were written many years after the so called events


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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30 Jun 2015 4:52 PM by steone Star rating in Santiago de la Riber.... 383 posts Send private message

I wondered when the Jews or Israel would be bought into this thread. Well done Hephaestus for once again mentioning Israel when we are talking about the terrorist muslims. However, whatever was the custom years ago things have moved on. As far as Moses is concerned that was over 3000 years ago. Nowadays most Western countries follow the rules and laws as set out by the Israelites.

If you are saying that these old laws should be practiced today we only need to look at our own history when we exported petty criminals to Australia. That was only the ones they did not execute! Why don't we still have slavery in the U.K.? etc etc etc.

Most religions 'move with the times' and it is only ISIS that wants us to go backwards to times when women were 3rd class citizens etc. ISIS is a cancer that has to be cut out, not by the West but by other Muslims. Their supply of cannonfodder from other countries must be cut off at outset.


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30 Jun 2015 5:11 PM by Hephaestus Star rating in The Peak District Na.... 1230 posts Send private message

My apologies for posting facts, I presume that all of the recent victims were none muslims, but I'll resist taking this further as apparently we are supposed to be only discussing muslims . 


I'm Spartacus, well why not?

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30 Jun 2015 5:49 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

I think it was Baz who asked, in response to my posting, that people who need medical attention because of their own gross stupidity should not be treated by the NHS. Well I catergorically state YES they should not receive FREE treatment. If one deliberately harms themselves or puts themselves in harms way ( like going to Tunisia) then they should not demand the overtaxed public to pay for them. These poor people who were killed or injured in Tunisia should shoulder their own costs of using the NHS and the RAF for flying them home. Everybody knows that Tunisia is a muslim country and a danger zone and also one of the biggest suppliers of 'supporters' of ISIS.

Yes, it was me that asked you. Tunisia was not on the Foreign Office no go list before this happened, in fact over 400 thousand Brits visited the coastal areas in 2014 without any harm done, if it had been a no go area then no insurance company would cover you for that holiday, also if you believe todays papers they are stating that the FO is still not going to call it a no go area, it might change later as we know they do about turns.

No, English person hurt in Tunisia of late is receiving FREE NHS medical treatment, they all paid for this treatment...........This is what makes us a different caring nation from all the others. 

List of non treatable injuries on the UK NHS as written in "Stone"

Bike riding..Hang gliding..Crossing the road.. Climbing a ladder over the age of 45..Walking on snow and ice when told by the service's "Stay indoors today"..Splitting logs...Using a chain saw..etc etc

The Dangerous in  "Harms Way"  stupid list could go on forever.

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30 Jun 2015 5:49 PM by Woodbug Star rating. 371 posts Send private message

All cultures and religions in the developed world wholly reject the past evil treatment of women and abuse of children, therefore I will desist in posting a recent rather disturbing account of one Ayatollah Khomeini in respect of how certain acts should be carried out with very young children. It is refllective of how this debase religion once again defies the thinking of a civilized world and insists on inflicting its evil, twisted and dangerous teachings on right minded society.

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30 Jun 2015 5:56 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


All cultures and religions in the developed world wholly reject the past evil treatment of women and abuse of children,

So why do some still persist - it still happens and they still get away with it

Many religions still discriminate against women (which in itself is abusive therefore evil & illegal)  including catholics and C of E.



“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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30 Jun 2015 9:39 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

So I guess Spain is now of your holiday list as well Mr Steone.

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01 Jul 2015 12:35 PM by Hephaestus Star rating in The Peak District Na.... 1230 posts Send private message

I see muslim women in Spain wearing the head scarf, but so far have not noticed any muslim males in full jim jam dress code, supporting santa clause beards and scull caps. Can you imagine if the majority of cab drivers in Spain were asian males, in traditional asian dress speaking Spanish as a second language?

But having said that the London 7/7 bombers weren't wearing traditional asian attire.   Dark skinned Spaniards could be mistaken for north African's, whilst pale skinned north Africans could be mistaken for Spaniards. However the terrorists won't frighten me off from coming to Spain because I know that the indigenous population is on my side, something that I wouldn't bank on in a muslim country. Many of the great unwashed are unaware that countries such as Turkey are populated by muslims , all they know is that their all inclusive holidays are cheap.

Perhaps holiday brochures should carry health warnings. cool 


I'm Spartacus, well why not?

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