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20 Mar 2016 9:26 AM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message


Please in the interests of transparency can you identify how you can protect your clients from excessive delays in the Justice system that are preventing them from achieving successful rulings and return of their monies from the Banks.

For instance would you consider a delay of 3 and a half years between filing a lawsuit and not yet receiving even a final hearing (following a preliminary hearing nearly two years ago), to be deemed an excessive delay?




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20 Mar 2016 5:54 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9420 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

Of course Ads, transparency is my " vice". Please have answerts below in bold green ( same text as your email): 


Please in the interests of transparency can you identify how you can protect your clients from excessive delays in the Justice system that are preventing them from achieving successful rulings and return of their monies from the Banks.

We contact Court Agents every time a delay is too long and not justified. If we perceive a special problem of slowness in a  determined Court, we communicate that to the General Council of Judicial Power ( CGPJ)

For instance would you consider a delay of 3 and a half years between filing a lawsuit and not yet receiving even a final hearing (following a preliminary hearing nearly two years ago), to be deemed an excessive delay? Yes, I would, unless specific justifying events were present in the case ( i.e.- defendant difficult to locate, special evidences to be practised...)


This message was last edited by mariadecastro on 20/03/2016.


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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