The Comments |
Hi EOS and Justin and Susan - congrats on clocking up 19,000 members - blimey it only seems like yesterday that I was congratulating you on 3,000 or was it 4 - cant remember (old age I guess) because it was such a short while ago. At this rate you will be taking over the world. Who would have thought when you had the idea for a friendly chatty as well as informative site that it would be the roaraway success it has been - I know there have been growing pains and more than the odd ruckus or two where you have had to restore calm to troubled waters but generally a rollercoaster is better than a millpond as long as perspective is kept and it keeps things fresh and exciting.
Anyway once again well done and keep up the good work - the members too!!
Smiley -
I love the new logo too.
But please can EOS team pop in more fequently to sort out the problems the few that do post are having, as we're getting very frustrated now. I refer to the thread in forum help JUSTIN, I NEED URGENT HELP where we have been asking to be able to delete our own PMs. Each time we receive or send a PM it is duplicated time after time when we reply on same PM thread. I have currently 170 messages in each box, mostly all saying the same thing in a long thread on each !! Also we want to be able to delete the develpoment boards we no longer want.
Otherwise long live EOS.
Well done Justin and Susan, 19,000 members that is brilliant it will soon be the 20,000 thousand . I do like the new logo.  Pat and Roy
Thanks for all your kind words. The number of people joining the site does seem to be going up at quite a rate so we're very happy about that...we just want to keep building the site to make it more and more useful for everyone. We have lots of things we're going to be adding over the next 2 - 3 months and we're really looking forward to those.
Glad you like the new logo too. Smiley, we only put it up this morning so you're not going mad yet! We were trying to capture something "fun" looking without it being too childish. There is a reason for the new logo...all will be revealed soon!
Morerosado, sorry we've been absent for a while. We've been carrying out some major usability and functionality tests over the past 4 weeks on the site before we do anything else to it, as we need to solve existing problems first (Pitby keeps reminding me of this all the time too). We will be making quite a few changes to the PM system, the current one was only meant as a temporary system so that at least messages could be saved. The new system should be up and running next week.
But most importantly, a BIG thank you to you all, you make the site what it is.
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I think all the EOS team should use the avatar size new logo I have as part of my signature, as their avatars.
I've tried it & it works ! 
Enhorabuena Justin and EOS team!
Need to party when 20.000 is reached. I propose Grazalema as a place to gather and do some field trips around!!
The logo is awesome: it reflects more what you are and it is fun and refreshing !!! ( we always need laughter within the seriousness of the fight)
I am also working on the renovation of my website as we are also adding some services to the public now. Any suggestion is welcome.
Best hearty wishes,
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
" it is fun and refreshing !!! we always need laughter" I'll drink to that, Maria. 

and we're
And a massive thanks and "mabrook" from me too, Justin!
Now ...... what new logo????? Am I the only one who can only see this new logo in Mor's posts???? Because I have the old, usual logo on all my EOS pages!!
Typical, eh!?!? Had to be me!!! I've cleared caches, relaunched both browsers on my system and still get the usual one!!
Can I have a new logo too, pleeeaassee!!?
boo hoo, ......
WELL DONE EOS - shows what a well read enjoyable forum this is!
Yes must party on the 20,000th - but then the summer party seemed to pass quietly! I guess now we are all getting back to normal (whatever that is!) we will have to resurrect the meetings along the coast - somewhere mid september seems a good a time as any - new thread for this one I think!
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
Karen, go to your forum profile, scroll to bottom where you will see a large box to write in. Put your curser inside box so you know where you want logo then click on scene as you usually do when posting pics from photobucket & paste URL into scene's URL box. You've already got it in your bucket, I see. I resized the large one from top of page. This message was last edited by morerosado on 8/29/2007.
Hi there Jan, did you get my email ? Hope you're ok.
BIG  AGAIN !! Morerosado xx
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
Congratulations..........can you look into the depths of your records and tell each of us what our membership number is please????!!!! No doubt Smiley was NO.1 !!!!!
Hi Smiley, what's a 'comparative virgin' then...........................either you are or you're not !! Or can you be a born again one ??

' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 