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Anyone know good insurance company who are not ripping you off
If you get three quotes and they are within 10% of each other you can be quite sure that's the going rate. I don't think you can go far wrong with Liberty Seguros
What are you going to insure Dunny ?
Well John, the title of the thread is 'Car Insurance' I think that gives us a clue! 
Unless of course you meant make a model
Team GB, you must be a detective....
How many posters actually stick to the title of a post ?
Point taken, I was in a hurry and wanted to give some useful advice if it was property insurance.
Thanks for the replies i have a hyundia 120 it is 5years old only do 60000 kil a year !!
That's over 37,000 miles a year, are you running a taxi business or did you just overdo the 0's? 
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
Dunny, what have you been quoted then? It shouldn't more than 350€ fully comp or 250 ish third party I would of thought - assuming the car is Spanish registered.
Dunny - your comment "Anyone know good insurance company who are not ripping you off" is misplaced.
I am not directly "in insurance", but for many years I had a frequent involvement with insurance claims, particularly seeking to resolve those which were large or contentious. IMHO the insurance industry is highly professional and does not deserve the silly comments often made by those who don't know.
In my experience if there is any "ripping off" it is by the policy holders! These include arson claims by the policyholder and and fake injury claims as well as the more mundane inflation of otherwise genuine claims that some claimants see as acceptable, but are in truth really ripping off the insurer.
The hackneyed phrase "small print" is another complete nonsense aimed at insurers without any substance.
Do please let me know if you have any meaningful reason to make such a seemingly facile comment.
_______________________ Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
yes well when you are quoted 460 euros and been with the same insurer for 10 years
i think a little discount would be much appreciated and i have never made a claim
thats what i call a rip off
Yes dunny, that does sound a little expensive - Is that through a broker?
Only adivse can be shop around, get more quotes. Remember though you normally have to give two months notice in Spain to cancel a insurance policy, so if your company or broker write and say the new premium is x 4 weeks before the renewal date you are pretty much snookered for the current renewal
As I am sure we all know one should keep an eye on the renewal quotes and look to changing one’s insurer every few years.
A couple of year ago I got my renewal notice from that ‘Direct company’. I thought it was high so I called them for a quote. I gave a false name but all the other details were correct. I was quoted 20% less than the renewal cost I had received.
When I questioned the difference, explaining that I had given a false name, they said I was being dishonest !
Eventually they offered me renewal at the lower price. Needless to say I did not renew with them.
Currently with maximum No Claims, I pay 350 euros, for full comp, on a 2 years old (mine from new) Seat Ibiza 1.2 turbo automatic, though a broker, with Liberty Insurance..
PS I know that 'Direct company' have a record of policyholders telephone numbers , so if you are inclined to do as I did, use a different phone.
PPS I can confirm the requirement to give 2 months notice to cancel. If you pay by Direct Debit you may find you cannot cancel the payment if it has been collected. I had that probelm with house insure, I am please that that broker has since gone bust.
Your comment about being "ripped off" means nothing in isolation - you give no details.
If you went to buy something and found it more than you wanted to pay would you still use this term? Most people would simply go elsewhere.
_______________________ Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
I've used Zurich for the past few years. Fully comp and less than €300.
Zurich are of course a major insurance group and over the years they took over lots of British insurers like dear old "Eagle Star" who in turn bought Midland, who insured my first motor bike.
Nothing heard from Dunny, to justify his comment. When you buy personal insurance which is invariably over the phone the "Distance Selling" regulations become operative and so you are given a cooling off period during which time you can freely change your mind and receive a full refund. This is EU legislation so presumably it's operative in Spain also.
But you really have to try extra specially hard to get "ripped off" !
_______________________ Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.