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When the rest of Europe is choking with the influx of assilum seekers and immigrants from Syria, North Africa and Afganistan it makes me wonder what Spain is doing to ease the problem ? .. With a great climate and thousands of empty properties empty and loads of room in a country of sparce population plus a nice climate is Spain doing its fair share compaired to other countries in Europe ? I wonder.. do we have any figures..?? Wouldnt it be more sensible to head for espania ??
Fomer member revisiting r.
I hope Spain has told them to shove of and stay away, you would want to be selling your house with an empty one next door and a few more up the road, and then some idiot from the government put some of these in them.
Baz where is your humanity? People displaced by war need our help. They have suffered appalling deprivation that most of us could never imagine. I believe we all have a moral duty to do what we can to give them a chance of a new life. The reasons I believe they don't choose Spain as a final destination are the prevailing economic conditions. There is little prospect for Spanish people never mind refugees.
Many Syrians fleeing their country are well educated middle class professionals with financial resources. They know their best hope for a better life lies in northern Europe nations where employment chances are far better. Benefits only give people an improved beginning, a kick start if you like. It's not an end in itself as many British people believe who languish on welfare for a lifetime.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
This is a very delicate matter so please treat it with respect so not to offend others. In response to the OP's question I think Spain is planning on receiveing 36,000 refugees over the coming months. Obviously no way near what Germany is doing but there is a reson why they are all heading to Germany and not Spain....Firstly it is very difficult to apply for political asylum in Spain at the moment due to the complications with Ceuta and Melilla in Germnay it is much easier as it is with other Northern European countries.
Spain doesn’t receive so many refugees because it is and has always been a destination for economic imigration, mainly from Africa and South America, people looking to improve their financial position and send money home to their families. Where as Germany for the Syrians is the Nº1 destination for political migration. Firstly due to family ties, as it is the European country with the largest Kurdish community of Syrian origen. Thus there are very strong family ties throughout the country. Another reason is that Germany is rather generous...
It is the EU country that receives more asylum applications and provides the most aid for the integration of refugees. Angela Merkel's government this year expects to receive more than 800,000 applications.
In addition to providing a roof, food, healthcare and clothing, refugees arriving in Germany receive 143 euros a month in cash for expenses. This situation, which is guaranteed by the Asylum Act, continues for three months, after which they are provided with German language classes and professional training to enable them to integrate into the German labour market.
During this second period and until they become independent of the German state, they come under protection of another law, known as Hartz IV, and receive monthly between 287 and 359 euros per person depending on their situation, plus 84 euros monthly per child and the cost of accommodation, medicine and other basic necessities, including heating, until they begin to work and fend for themselves.
These costs, combined with extraordinary personnel costs for paperwork, active job search programs and the cost of shelters, added up to 10,000 million euros in December last year, almost half the bailout for Greece. The German government has just increased budgets by 3,000 million euros (in addition to the 10,000), to reinforce the wave of immigrants and create 150,000 new vacancies.
I am aware that Spain is planning on modifying the rules but with the political climate as it is at the moment, I imagine it won't be a priority until they actually form Government and receive pressure from the EU....
This message was last edited by eos_ian on 15/01/2016.
Baz where is your humanity? People displaced by war need our help. They have suffered appalling deprivation that most of us could never imagine. I believe we all have a moral duty to do what we can to give them a chance of a new life. The reasons I believe they don't choose Spain as a final destination are the prevailing economic conditions. There is little prospect for Spanish people never mind refugees. Many Syrians fleeing their country are well educated middle class professionals with financial resources. They know their best hope for a better life lies in northern Europe nations where employment chances are far better. Benefits only give people an improved beginning, a kick start if you like. It's not an end in itself as many British people believe who languish on welfare for a lifetime.
I have humanity by the bucket load, trouble is due to my past I have been to these places and seen it first hand and what goes on, and its well to remember that it's only people that mess up a country, fact is for the most these are men of all ages, you can count the women on one hand, sure children are being dragged along as well with no mothers, that makes for a heart breaking story.
Common knowledge that many of these countries still have conscription, perhaps they leave to not wanting to go into this, so much for defending your own country.
I don't think many know of the good qualifications that many have, bricklayer, carpenter can be seen with your own eyes, doctors and so on have very dubious skills.
You only have to read about whats happening in Germany at the moment, and I don't have to believe or trust the media as my Wife comes from East Germany so I get it pretty much as it's happening.
Spain has massive work problems, where are the newcomers going to find work without upsetting a local, so now bring one in, next his wife, a few kids, then her mother and father, uncle or two, and who knows how many other relations that the first one has to look after and is dependent on that one.
This is not even mentioning that most of them are Muslims and cant integrate with most other religions.
I think all the politicians should wake up and see the real world, Mr Merkel has some good opinions on this right now, all because she wanted to be seen as humanitarian and win a Noble Peace Prize.
The war in Syria stared in March 2011. For the first 4 years most of those seeking shelter went to Jordan to stay with family or friends and those who had neither went to refugee camps in Jordan. The UN funded the camps and those who were housed with family received food vouchers. This was practically stopped a year ago, although the camps were still funded.
THis is why, after nearly 5 years, there has been the influx of migrants. Many of the immigrants are not fleeing war-torn Syria they are fleeing Jordan who can no longer afford to keep them without UN help.
This message was last edited by randolph on 15/01/2016.
Just a thought.
An estimated 5,000 children die every day ( 2 million a year) from drinking dirty water. Makes the Syrian tragedy seem somewhat insignificant in comparison.
Cant understand why the worlds governments dont organise passenger ships to go dock in Lebanon and offer refugees passage to more widespread countries where they could start a new life such . What are USA, Canada, Australia, New zealand, South America, Japan doing ?. Remember years ago millions took the same voyage from Ireland and the UK, to Australia and USA know as the "£10 package" from Liverpool and London docks.. why ? No work here.
Its a not fair on Germany who seem to be taking more than its share. Its also not just a european problem .
Fomer member revisiting r.
Germany have invited them in ( big mistake ) other countries don't want them in, It's like a party, if you ain't got a invite, you ain't coming in. Simple
Its a not fair on Germany who which seems to be taking more than it's share
I believe Germany has a desperate need for younger workers, as it’s indigenous population are aging fast and they need younger workers in the system, not only to do the work, but to pay the pensions. That is why Angela Merkel has been so quick to invite them in.
This message was last edited by johnzx on 16/01/2016.
Its common knowledge with the German people that Merkel wanted the Nobel Peace Prize so by letting these in on so called humanitarian grounds she placed her bets on getting it, she didn't get it, and by doing so messed up Germany.
The old story about a country needs a younger work force to pay pensions is always thrown about by ministers perhaps just to frighten people into saying thats okay then we accept them. Germany has enough of it's own out of work why does it need and pay for another million.
The ten pound poms from way back were only to Australia due to Aus needing to boost a younger mostly skilled work force, and back then if you were black or slightly darker you didn't get in, many didn't know that if you paid your £10.00 fair and didn't like it after a few months, or found no work to support yourself and decided to come home, you had to pay the full high return fair back to where ever, try that one with no money.
The mob that is coming over now want one thing, to get into any EU country, get the visa documents in the country they get into, doesn't matter if Merkel or any other leader invites them in, they ultimately want free entry / travel within the EU, sure many might stay in one place and work and make good citizens, but why stay in a country that gives you nothing, come to one that gives plenty.
Many of these people don't won't work, that's why they are passing through many countries where they could work,the place they want to be is the promise land aka the UK, and they are not coming here to top up there sun tans, if fact the only thing they are going to be topping up is there bank accounts.
I went to New Guinea in 1966 (part of Aussie in those days) as a ten pound pom. My dad was a pilot and went out on a two year contract. Most emigrants in those days went by ship. A 30-day booze cruise. They took away your passport in UK and gave you a letter saying if you wanted it back within two years you had to repay the fare out. I stayed and after two years got my passport back with a note saying I was now entitled to become an Aussie, fill in the enclosed form and send it back with a photo.....and they sent me an Aussie passport by return, which I've kept up to date, but hardly ever go there...and all my kids got Aussie passports on the strength of it.
Canada is taking over 50000 Syrian refugees - but it will only take families, or women. No unaccompanied young men. They must have known about the Taharrush Gamea problem....... But in the interests of fairness, most are not interested in the UK - they want to go to Germany or Sweden.
People wil try and go wher ever it is safe an where work is possible or where benefits are easly available. It is human nature to try and look after ones own - what would you do simple answer really
there are 4 problems
1. State benefits to all and especially UK too many benefits and too easy to get. many more brits are lazy t***s and scorunge the system which make it easy for anyone else. Solution scrap the benefits system to those who REALLY need it it and not those who think they are entitled just because they are British and special
2. So called better off (western) leaders to promote a more humane / united approach instead of trying to look after their own
3. have more comapssion for others - we have bceome far too selfish in the "west"
4. Demote religion to a poin that they have NO influence as to how we live our lives. religion is the root of ALL EVIL and needs to be shut down in respect to any part of law / culture and how we live within the law of the land (ALL people) and NOT the law of god/ church / allah etc
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
They want to go to Germany because they have been invited. Once they have an EU passport - Europe is their oyster, they can go anywhere!!!
But why would they leave Germany, if they get the benefits described earlier? Whatever the real reason for the German government behaving in the way it does, you can be sure it takes no account of any dissenting voices.
While the idea of demoting religion to have no influence might be attractive - you will be jailed, flogged or beheaded if you voice that opinion in some countries. So we can forget that!!
Since I put my post up about the Taharrush problem, a small German town has announced it has had to ban migrants from using a public pool because of the level pf sexual harrassment against women bathers. Any one who still does not believe we have a culture clash needs to look at the videos of what went on in Egypt during the so called Arab spring, and what has been imported into Europe. Obviously, when you put large groups of men who have been brought up to believe in the inferiority of women together with women who believe they are at least as good as them, something has to give. Unfortunately, in Germany the advice that women should cover up and not go out alone would indicate that it is Germany that is giving way.
Totally agree with you Roly. But the English Lnaguage is more commonplace, we have a thriving black market in emplyment and many have relatives ( however distant) in the UK. ,
As for a small German town banning migrants from a pool - wouldn't get away with it in the UK. .........
While the idea of demoting religion to have no influence might be attractive - you will be jailed, flogged or beheaded if you voice that opinion in some countries. So we can forget that!!
A valid point in some countries but why not start with our own.
Why do we allow any group or society or club that have their roots in violence, rape, torture, lies, hypocrisy, child abuse, sexist, secrecy, etc etc have any say in the laws of the land
I dont recall ever voting for them to a position of luxury, power and influence over the people
Most migrants are running from what?
answer - RELIGOUS fanatics / nutters
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”