"How many immigrants has Spain excepted ??

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19 Jan 2016 11:58 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

p.s. To better comprehend this problem, it’s necessary to review the universal principles of the Rule of law which encompass the following:




Government powers are defined in the fundamental law

                                 are effectively limited by the legislature

                                 are effectively limited by the judiciary

                                 are effectively limited by independent auditing and review

Government officials are sanctioned for misconduct

Government powers are subject to non-governmental checks

Transition of power is subject to the law


Government officials in the Executive Branch do not use public office for private gain

Government officials in the judicial branch do not use public office for private gain

Government officials in the police and the military do not use public office for private gain

Government officials in the legislative branch do not use public office for private gain


Crime is effectively controlled

Civil conflict is effectively limited

People do not resort to violence to redress personal grievances


Equal treatment and absence of discrimination

The right to life and security of the person is effectively guaranteed

Due process of law and rights of the accused

Freedom of opinion and expression is effectively guaranteed

Freedom of belief and religion is effectively guaranteed

Freedom from arbitrary interference with privacy is effectively guaranteed

Freedom of assembly and association is effectively guaranteed

Fundamental labor rights are effectively guaranteed


Government regulations are effectively enforced

                                        are applied and enforced without improper influence

Administrative proceedings are conducted without unreasonable delay

Due process is respected in administrative proceedings

The Government does not expropriate without adequate compensation


People can access and afford civil justice

Civil justice is free of discrimination

                        free of corruption

                        free of improper government influence

                        is not subject to unreasonable delays

                        is effectively enforced

ADRs are accessible, impartial, and effective


Criminal investigation system is effective

Criminal adjudication system is timely and effective

Correctional system is effective in reducing criminal behavior

Criminal justice system is impartial

                                       is free of corruption

                                       is free of improper government influence

Due process of law and rights of the accused


Informal justice is timely and effective

Informal justice is impartial and free of improper influence

Informal justice respects and protects fundamental rights





Not a bad list of principles to aspire to, is it?


Given all of the above however, it becomes obvious the great chasm between civilised Western societies that endeavour to adhere to the rule of law and enjoy the benefits thereof, and other societies who for whatever reason do not.


To bring together in such a short timeframe, such cultural and striking differences, and in many cases an unwillingness to adhere to these basic principals associated with the rule of law, there was bound to be a crisis and major cause for concern wasn’t there?


Let’s hope that Governments in this interim period recognise the overwhelming need to ensure that international responses are not fragmented, that a plan is prioritorised to establish realistic coping capacities and recognise in the interim that “development cooperation with effective humanitarian assistance programs  plays  a key role in efforts to address the root causes of displacement “.


Food for thought?


This message was last edited by ads on 20/01/2016.

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20 Jan 2016 10:24 AM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

It’s worth remembering for a moment that those list list of principles were arrived at through centuries of conflict, education and development. Liberty and freedom from religious oppression were key. It will possibly take equally as long to arrive at some of them in parts of the world where still religious conflict,lack of freedoms and tribal rivalries exist.

The short comings the EU have recently displayed in dealing with mass refugees does not encourage me to believe that the worthy aspirations you detail will ever be achieved.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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16 Feb 2016 11:04 AM by Poedoe Star rating in Berkshire, England. 83 posts Send private message

Great News from Marie regarding the Justice we may now see after 9 years. I have been told several times it would take 10 years for the Spanish Law to get involved in the injustices, seems that could be true. Thousands of Property Purchases like myself have suffered from Lawyers who lie about the work they have suposidly carried out on our behalf when purchasing our Spanish Home, Builders who have failed to complete the building work, Notary who favored the Builder and allowed the so called monies held to complete the build, by releasing the funds one week after we completed.and last of alltthe INTERNATIONAL agent and Property Promoter who advertised on National TV. During 2002 & 2008, told lies & gave none of the help they promised if we had problems after the purchase.

Marie and Kevin. I Thank you both. X X X X X X X X X


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