Donald Trump

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09 Mar 2016 5:06 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

I looked on this thread hoping to learn more about D Trump.

I have not been enlightened.

If I was an american there is no way I could vote for Hilary Clinton and it looks increasingly as if it will be Clinton or Trump to lead the free world!

I do not think that we should castigate him for things he says to middle America when they are not addressed to us. All politicians say what they think will get them elected (Mr Cameron is a master) not necessarilly what they actually think or will do.

Is he a financial genius, or a hoodlum, or is it an inheritance? The BBC seems to think it is one of the the second two but seems a little short on evidence.

A lot of the rest of the media seem keen to trip him up. They tell us he is not popular, but that is not what the results of their primaries show.

But who knows what he really stands for? I can't tell from the available sources.

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09 Mar 2016 6:19 PM by Hephaestus Star rating in The Peak District Na.... 1230 posts Send private message

Republican presidents do have a nasty habit of invading countries that are of no danger to the USA and dragging us in with them. Clinton appears to be more Brit friendly than Trump but would very likely side with us staying in the EU. whilst Trump has indicated that he considers Europe to be weak on border controls and out of touch with the modern age.    


I'm Spartacus, well why not?

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18 May 2016 8:33 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

Brexit seems to have overshadowed our interest in the US political scene.

I still cannot decide what trump is really for. Wheras Clinton is clearly all for more of the same as Obama.

New York Times seems to think that Mr trump is the most disliked republican candidate ever and that Mrs Clinton is almost as unpopular. It finds that in a Trump Clinton competition that trump will be hard put to overcome Mrs Clinton's lead.

Trump has managed to put up the backs of women and hispanics with his rhetoric. The NYT and other commentators think that this will proove the largest obstacle to his overcoming Mrs Clintons perceived 10% starting lead. I can't help thinking that Mr Trumps campaign team will be hard at work undoing the damage that he has done with these two groups and that that may well be the key to his challenge.


This message was last edited by tteedd on 18/05/2016.

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18 May 2016 9:11 PM by Hephaestus Star rating in The Peak District Na.... 1230 posts Send private message

I don't pretend to understand American politics, I was a 16 year old when my then hero JFK was murdered and age 21 when his brother Bobby recieved the same treatment. The world has suffered from LBJ onwards with the only exceptions being Jimmy Carter who was true to the peace process and Bill Clinton who could have been a good president if he could only have** EDITED **. I don't get Trump, if I had his wealth I would like to think that I would use it to set up something a lot longer lasting that a possible one term presidency.


This message was last edited by Hephaestus on 18/05/2016.

This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 5/18/2016 11:16:00 PM.


I'm Spartacus, well why not?

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04 Nov 2016 11:05 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message


Here we are 5 days from the US election, candidates neck and neck, and nothing on this thread since May.

Perhaps this is one subject that does not move British Expats in Spain?

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05 Nov 2016 12:08 AM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

Why should it?

It gets more coverage in the uk than brexit or uk elections and I personally don't give a rats backside about it

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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05 Nov 2016 9:00 AM by acer Star rating. 1537 posts Send private message

Tteedd, I think your right.  But expats in Spain tend to be an insular bunch and think more of themselves than major world events.  If you believe the latest polls the two candidates are neck and neck.  A few months ago I wouldn't have believed this to be possible, but maybe it'll be like the Brexit vote, as Hillary seems to have shot herself in the foot.

If I was a betting man I would put money on Trump to win.  I detest the bloke and his style, or lack of it.  But you've got to think that his supporters will be more motivated to go out and actually vote in a few days time.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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05 Nov 2016 9:23 AM by Destry Star rating in MYOB . 289 posts Send private message

Well, Trump takes first stage with Brexit falling to fourth place, long may it continue. wink


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05 Nov 2016 2:41 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

I wonder how much of the licence payers money the BBC has spent (wasted) on coverage of US elections 

Do we really have that much interest? We certainly have no say

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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05 Nov 2016 4:01 PM by acer Star rating. 1537 posts Send private message

The US Election is probably the biggest event this year, so it would be more than a little odd if the BBC did not cover it!

Just listened to Trumps live campaign event in Florida.  I still don't like the guy, but I'm even more sure he'll win.  I remember with Obama last time his strap line was all about promises of "change" - there might actually be some changes if Trump wins, but changes for the the good or bad?!

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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05 Nov 2016 4:40 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

Biggest event this year for US citizens I grant you

Yes cover it but NOT as prime news and debates

Far more important things going on elsewhere closer to home


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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05 Nov 2016 5:19 PM by acer Star rating. 1537 posts Send private message


It is prime news.

Brexit is not news.  Andy Murray being World number one is great news, but unlikely to have any long term signficance.  Marks and Sparks closure of some stores will be very significant and bad news for a few, but...

Are you going to name one of your "far more imortant things"?

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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05 Nov 2016 5:31 PM by Destry Star rating in MYOB . 289 posts Send private message

This message was last edited by Destry on 05/11/2016.


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05 Nov 2016 5:42 PM by Destry Star rating in MYOB . 289 posts Send private message

Sorry guys, I was testing a jumping cursor remedy and inadvertently posted my test, it worked by the way. smiley


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05 Nov 2016 6:25 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


Sorry but US elections is not prime news for anyone else other than Americans 

US elections simply are for the people of the USA  and nobody else. The result may be if interest to some but the constant news on UK TV  in particular is sad and wrong

Spanish news does not even come close to the UK news coverage on the US elections thankfully 


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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05 Nov 2016 8:37 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1221 posts Send private message

Spanish news does not even come close to the UK news coverage on the US elections thankfully 

Honestly? It was the second news item on La1 news this lunchtime after some shenanigans with the PP. Second top story in El Mundo (which has two big stories on it) and in El Pais as well. Even La Vanguardia has it in great detail and the link gives one.

Due to the UK relationship (though not as special as some like to think) with the USA it is quite a big news story. Especially since the two worst candidates ever are fighting it out for the top job.


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05 Nov 2016 10:20 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

2nd at lunchtime one small mention this evening

UK first second and third every news

No special realtionship I agree it is a figment of many people's imagination 

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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06 Nov 2016 9:13 AM by acer Star rating. 1537 posts Send private message


It is prime news.

Brexit is not news.  Andy Murray being World number one is great news, but unlikely to have any long term signficance.  Marks and Sparks closure of some stores will be very significant and bad news for a few, but...

Are you going to name one of your "far more imortant things"?


I repeated the earlier post in case you missed it - was hoping to hear what you consider to be "far more important" - another fascinating thread on Camposol perhaps? crying - please no.

With Brexit the UK will be looking for some worthwhile new trade deals - isn't therefore the Presidency of the USA become even more important than normal for us?


Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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06 Nov 2016 9:57 AM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


Tell me why are usa elections prime news for non Americans and why do they get more coverage in uk than uk elections or Australian elections or spanish elections or germanys elections etc or disasters around the world 


So many more news stories  even on BBC that are of more interest and more importance

Whether the uk trade with us or not their choice of president will have no bearing on uk post brexit and the  uk will have no say it will be what it will be

The uk are obsessed with the usa maybe the uk should join that union and be governed by the white house 

Surely the uk wants trade with as many countries ascthey can and should therefore give the same coverage to all overseas elections.Germany for example is due an election  


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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06 Nov 2016 11:13 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Considering that when America clicks it's fingers the UK jumps...(Iraq blah blah blah) it could be said that the UK should be interested in who the Americans elect.

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