Sending Parcels to Spain - with no postal address ??

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03 Nov 2017 11:54 AM by Tiggytiger Star rating in Los Boliches / Torro.... 47 posts Send private message

Hi All,

I am flying out to Spain on Christmas Eve to spend Christmas with my partner, due to luggage/weight restrictions (Ryanair need I say more) I was thinking of sending a package over with some stuff like Festive Chocies, boxers, socks CDs, DVDs etc, but my patner lives in the Campo and although he has a postal address the postal service wont deliver, and as he rarely gets post he hasn't bothered with a rented Post Office Box.

Is there any way of sending a parcel to his local post office for instance and he could pick it up for there, or would he need to have a rented post office box ?? 

Many thanks for your help... 

Tigs smiley


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03 Nov 2017 1:05 PM by Steve C Star rating. 66 posts Send private message

You could use DHL or Fed ex etc.

It woudl be easier to simply pay for a suitcase it is only £20 for 15Kg then you are sure it will arrive and most of what you mention you could put in hand luggage (which is very rarely weighed now)

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03 Nov 2017 2:15 PM by Tiggytiger Star rating in Los Boliches / Torro.... 47 posts Send private message

Hi Steve C,

I need a postal address for DHL/FED Ex and has my partner lives in the campo although on a main road and not a track they will not deliver to his house.

I am flying with Ryanair and they no longer offer 15kg only 20kg and it is £80 to check a bag in, which is a lot more than it would be to post a parcel which would be approx £14. 

But thank you for your response much appreciated.



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03 Nov 2017 2:20 PM by Steve C Star rating. 66 posts Send private message

Having just taken a Ryanair  flight this week I added a bag on my booking online at £20 no problem 

Also for xmas we have just added 2 bags to our flight booking was made sone time ago same price

Ye they will charge you £80 at check in

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03 Nov 2017 2:44 PM by crostrad Star rating. 92 posts Send private message

Hi, don't know if your friend has any local bars out in the campo. We used to have parcels with DHL and Sur delivered to our bar in the village - depends if delivery firms are still willing to do that, also if there is a local bar happy to take stuff in for him.

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03 Nov 2017 2:45 PM by Tiggytiger Star rating in Los Boliches / Torro.... 47 posts Send private message

Hi Steve C

You are lucky then as I can assure you (see below) that I am being quoted £80 return online.  I know that there is no consistancy when it comes to luggage charges with Ryanair, they charge differently depending on the route, the day of the week and the time of the flight.  If it was £20 I would have booked a suitcase for sure.

Thanks Tigs 


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03 Nov 2017 3:24 PM by steone Star rating in Santiago de la Riber.... 383 posts Send private message


I have just looked on the Ryanair site and for the flights you showed they are only asking for £25 each way for  a 20 kilo case.. Looks easier and probably cheaper than sending by snail-mail. Good luck


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03 Nov 2017 3:45 PM by Steve C Star rating. 66 posts Send private message

I did the same and it is £25 per bag per leg

Is this for both ways and includes priority boarding and seats

Not sure how to cut and paste on here but suggest you try to add a bag only and not packages which us what I did

Good luck

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03 Nov 2017 4:04 PM by Tiggytiger Star rating in Los Boliches / Torro.... 47 posts Send private message

Hi Guys

I am not sure how the topic of this thread got so far away from my actual question but hey here is the history of baggage gate.... 

I am currently having a row with Ryanair because when I booked my flight online I added a bag at £25 each way, but following their website freezing and crashing 4 times my booking eventually went through but on receipt of the confirmation email my added bag was missing, I went straight back online to add it and the price after booking (to add to an existing booking) shoots up to £40 each way (Steve C that is the bag only price the package is the item above the add bag and that is actually £90 and includes priority and seats etc).

Now I have been chasing Ryanair for over 3 weeks for a response to my issue and a resolution but Ryanair being what they are, I am getting nowhere fast, so rather than give them £80 (for just 1 20kg bag return no packages) I am looking at an alernative to getting some christmas presents and goodies to my family.

If anyone knows about Lista de Correos and how this works I would be very grateful.

Thanks everyone for your kind responses.









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03 Nov 2017 4:14 PM by nitram Star rating in castalla. 176 posts Send private message

I am with you tiggytiger, booked flight, with Ryanair then decided to bring a bag back 40 euros, wife booked flight and at same time booked a bag back 20 euros So now going to have a company ship a box with my goods over to Spain 15 kg 18.00 gbp may take 3 days but  no rush for whats in it 

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03 Nov 2017 4:45 PM by Tiggytiger Star rating in Los Boliches / Torro.... 47 posts Send private message

Hi Nitram

Glad someone feels my pain :-)   I sent a parcel last Xmas and it took 3 days but we had a friend with a bar who let me use their address but they came home back to the UK ealier this year, so I am a bit stuck without a postal address that that I can use for the delivery company.

I believe that the post offices allow parcels to be sent via Lists de Correos but I was wondering if anyone had used this service and if it worked etc,  I will keep having a think and I am sure I will come up with something.




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03 Nov 2017 8:31 PM by DuncanThickett Star rating. 80 posts Send private message

I doubt you can send a parcel anywhere other than into space without a receiving address, blame it all on Ryanair.  


This message was last edited by DuncanThickett on 03/11/2017.

Justice? - You get justice in the next world. In this one you have the law.

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06 Nov 2017 7:31 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

I see lots of q and A’s for this thread which are pretty interesting.  

But I can’t get past thinking about asking the recipient in Spain to find a suitable address to send it to, and send it there for collection.   Even the nearest post office or equivalent would be ok wouldn’t it?..  I mean it’s not like it’s bongo bongo land (oops did I really say that ha). 


Best wishes, Brian


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06 Nov 2017 8:29 PM by DuncanThickett Star rating. 80 posts Send private message

Hi Brian

What if the mystery parcel contains illegal substances?. Is the OP looking for a mug?.devil

Justice? - You get justice in the next world. In this one you have the law.

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06 Nov 2017 8:53 PM by Tiggytiger Star rating in Los Boliches / Torro.... 47 posts Send private message

Duncan I can assure you the parcel I would be sending woyld not contain anything illegal... I’m trying to send a few Christmas  presents and some treats.   

Brian as per my original post I was actually asking if I could send a parcel to the local post office for collection but, unfortunately the threat was directed into a lesson on how to add a suitcase to a flight which I am already fully versed in.

i will contact the local post office and speak to them directly as it would appear no one so far on this thread has been able to advise.



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06 Nov 2017 9:11 PM by DuncanThickett Star rating. 80 posts Send private message

Hi Tigs

So your partner has been unable to enquire at the Spanish post office about receiving a parcel.

Also your partner does not know anyone on planet Spain that would receive a parcel for him/her.

All this is questionable and does not ring true.


This message was last edited by DuncanThickett on 06/11/2017.

Justice? - You get justice in the next world. In this one you have the law.

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07 Nov 2017 12:16 PM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

On occasions I don't understand this forum.  Why should people asking for advice be treated discourteously? 

Lots of things in life may be questionable, but it's far better to say nothing if you are uncertain. 

Sometimes it's is a bit like "East Eanders" init

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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07 Nov 2017 1:43 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Acer,  as you know some folk in life believe they can only get on by being sarcastic, kinda like in the hope that makes them feel far superior then others....Also wise to remember that some had their day on here, got banned, then came back sounding exactly the same as before.

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07 Nov 2017 5:15 PM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

I'm a great believer in accepting we're all different and freedom of speech etc.  But on occasions you wonder why folk make their posts - they are neither informative or make pleasant reading. 

I wish the Moderator would take a tougher line on the small number who continually do so.  I've never been that sensitive to silly comments, but it must put some people off posting.   

I occassionally smile at HughJardon's contributions - they're usually gross but can be imaginative, others leave me cold.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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07 Nov 2017 6:17 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

I really don't understand this  post..I have taken a barbecue/2 adult push bike's/extra suitcases/4 deckchairs  and the likes ( not all at the same time ) and all I have ever done was pay for either for oversized baggage or the extra suitcases ....all airlines .especially Ryan Air will take your money with a smile for excess baggage.

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