Fined €200 for not having ITV - car only 2 years old!

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16 Jan 2018 5:16 PM by DesZ Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

I hope someone here can help!  I have received a fine of €200 for not displaying an ITV sticker on my car.

I understood that the ITV is first required when the car is 4 years old - my car is only 2 years old.

I sent a copy of the registration and manufacturer's certificate to the traffice department by registerd post and have received the same fine of €200 again stating that they do not have enough evidence to support my claim.

Has this happened to anyone else?

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16 Jan 2018 5:33 PM by newworld Star rating. 942 posts Send private message

I have just googled it and yes it says 4 years old before it has its first itv, can the dealer not help ( that’s if you bought from a dealer, what evidence are they looking for they will know themselves from your Reg plate how old the cars is, I have never heard of this problem before

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16 Jan 2018 5:39 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1221 posts Send private message

What type of car is indicated on your registration documents?

If it is a Vehiculo Mixto Adaptable, like a people carrier, then it requires the ITV after 2 years then every 2 years until it is six years old then every year up to 10 years old then every 6 months. Unlike the Turismo or Ocasion which require the test after 4 years then every 2 years up to 10 years old then annually.

Have a look on your green Inspeccion Tecnica card which will indicate Turismo (normal car), Furgon (van) or Mixto (7 seaters which are classed as vans in Spain).


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16 Jan 2018 5:54 PM by DesZ Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

It's a Hyundai ix35 (Tucson) with only 5 seats.  

On the green card  

D.1 Marco - Hyundai    D.2 Tipo - ELH/F5D31/M65AZ1     

D.3 Denominacion Commercial - Tucson IX35 LM     D.4  Servico a que se destina - Part-sin Especificar

It must be as you say have been registerd as a Vehiculo Mixto Adaptable!!!   I had no idea and didn't receive any notification that it required an ITV certificate.

The Hyundai manufacturer's certificate says that it's a Turismo.


This message was last edited by DesZ on 16/01/2018.

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16 Jan 2018 6:00 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1221 posts Send private message

I can't see how as we had an ix35 but it didn't require an ITV until 4 years was up. The next one up, the Santa Fe, does need one after 2 years.

The Nissan Qashqai needs one after 4 years but the X Trail after 2 as it's down as an MPV.



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16 Jan 2018 6:03 PM by DesZ Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

The Hyundai manufacturer's certificate says that it's a Turismo.  Maybe it has been registered incorrectly?

I think I might go to the dealership where I purchased the car to see what they say as I've spoken to the Transport Department twice and they can't give me any information about the registration.

Very good information Marie, thank you!



This message was last edited by DesZ on 16/01/2018.

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17 Jan 2018 11:03 AM by DesZ Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

I went to the dealership where I bought the car and it transpires that as the vehicle was used as a rental car for 1 year, it was registered as such and is therefore required to undergo the ITV when 2 years old instead of 4.


I wish I had known as I could have avoided a rather large fine.  Unfortunately, ignorance is no excuse.



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17 Jan 2018 12:43 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1221 posts Send private message

It would have been nice if the dealer had told you that when you bought it. Also shows the info the police will have on their computers.

Got me a bit worried so hubby went to the dealers regarding our 7 seater. They assured us that cars with up to 9 seats only require the ITV after 4 years. 9 seaters and above have to have it after 2 years (along with vans and some multi purpose vehicles).


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17 Jan 2018 12:57 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

I went to the dealership where I bought the car and it transpires that as the vehicle was used as a rental car for 1 year, it was registered as such and is therefore required to undergo the ITV when 2 years old instead of 4.

Hi DesZ.

It doesn't bother me but a friend in Spain buys all his cars ex-rental, are you saying, or were told, that ALL ex-rentals have to have an ITV every two years, or do you know if this did only apply to your particular make you bought.

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17 Jan 2018 1:41 PM by DesZ Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

I honestly don't know about all rental cars, he just said that this one was registered in such a way that it required the ITV after 2 years.  I have paid the fine and the car has just gone in for the ITV today.

Yes, it would have been nice if the dealership had told us, particularly as we're not Spanish and don't know how the system works.

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17 Jan 2018 1:45 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Just found this, a little help perhaps.

Vehicle technical inspection reprieve

Spain will now give car owners a one month grace period before fining them €200 for driving without an expired car inspection certificate: certificado de inspeccion técnica de vehículos (ITV) equivalent of the British MOT.

The European Union (EU) European Parliament and Council published the 2014/45 directive to bring member states closer in line with each other and to give car owners more flexibility insisting that a car inspection  should be “relatively simple, quick and inexpensive”. Up until now, Spanish authorities can fine car owners €200 (the highest in Europe) the day after the car’s inspection certificate has expired – the EU directive now obliges a grace period of one month before fining the car owner.

To date, Spain counts 2 million cars with expired ITVs. Currently you must carry out an ITV inspection after four years of owning a new car, then every two years after that. It’s best practice and safer to keep it up to date and not forget when this expires. Cars over 10 years old should be inspected every year to improve road safety and reduce harmful emissions. Other cars (taxis, ambulances) may be inspected on the year of registration and every year after that.

The EU are in a way, bringing all countries closer to the Spanish model, encouraging countries to instill more regular inspections, but leaving it in the hands of member states. Praising Spain’s legislation for obligatory car inspections once the vehicle has 160,000 km on the clock, even if it’s before the 4 year period is reached, “It is more than reasonable for Spain to control these matters independently” but must include changes in their legislation by 2017. It is still a crime to manipulate odometers of course.

With a 5.6% increase in ITV registrations in 2013 the Spanish automobile market is ageing : the average car in Spain is 11 years old, so ensuring car inspections are fast, cheap and simple for car owners to regularly update is crucial to maintain efficiency and high road safety standards. Often the cars over 10 years old are those which need the most repairs, but keeping up to date vehicle checks ensures a better working and safer car.


This message was last edited by baz1946 on 17/01/2018.

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17 Jan 2018 2:32 PM by DesZ Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

Just found some info on

cochediez (dot) com (forward slash) itv   

(I'm new to the forum and can't post links)

... and it appears to be correct that ex-hire vehicles have to have ITV carried out when 2 years old.

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17 Jan 2018 5:23 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

the vehicle was used as a rental car for 1 year, it was registered as such and is therefore required to undergo the ITV when 2 years old instead of 4.

Dez    Under Spanish law, the fact that it was used as a taxi means for the rest of it ‘s life it must comply with the regulations which,  as you show from,,  it must be tested after 2 years and then every year.



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17 Jan 2018 5:46 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

I must have missed this as I don't see the car being used as a 'Taxi' only ex 'Rental' the web site mentioned, again perhaps I have missed something in Spanish, it doesn't show ex-rental cars, the page I viewed only said Taxis and 5 years ITV.

Wrong site or me...What?

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17 Jan 2018 6:27 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Well spotted Baz,  my 'deliberate mistake'

For taxi read rental  (with or without driver)    see   Turismo de alquiler




This message was last edited by johnzx on 17/01/2018.

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17 Jan 2018 6:49 PM by DesZ Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

Dez    Under Spanish law, the fact that it was used as a taxi means for the rest of it ‘s life it must comply with the regulations which,  as you show from,  ************** it must be tested after 2 years and then every year.

I would have thought that it would be compulsory in this case for any dealership to have to disclose the status of the vehicle prior to the sale.  I'm not saying I wouldn't have bought the car, but I would have liked to have known about the early than usual ITV as I could have saved myself €200.

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17 Jan 2018 6:54 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1221 posts Send private message

This site (use Google to translate)

When to Have an ITV done

And the official state site it refers to says:

e) Vehículos de servicio de alquiler con o sin conductor y de escuela de conductores, dedicados al transporte de personas con capacidad de hasta nueve plazas, incluido el conductor, incluyendo las motocicletas, vehículos de tres ruedas, cuadriciclos, quads, ciclomotores y cuadriciclos ligeros. Antigüedad: Hasta dos años: exento. De dos a cinco años: anual. De más de cinco años: semestral.


e) Rental service vehicles with or without driver and driver school, dedicated to the transport of people with up to nine seats, including the driver, including motorcycles, three-wheeled vehicles, quadricycles, quads, mopeds and light quadricycles. Antiquity: Up to two years: exempt. Two to five years: annual. More than five years: semi-annual.

Now, according to the official bulletin, the ex hire car will need an ITV every 6 months once it gets to 5 years old. One of the lawyers quoted on here says that you can change the status of the vehicle to turismo which, I would suggest, would be a good thing to do. 



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