Bankia codes
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Hi please can anyone tell me what the swift and Iban codes are for the Bankia in Mazarron ( formerly Bmn)
I need to transfer some money and cannot send on the old bank details
body p
You will find you entire account number and IBAN code will have changed. The IBAN is unique to you. If you log onto your account the new IBAN code is shown opositte the balance of your current account.
Many thanks I'll give that a whirl!!!
Hi Jamie
The bank Bankie no longer has a brance in Mazarron.
I went to mazarron in june 17. after an hour walking around trying to find it, I called into another bank
to ask for direction, only to be told I would have to go to Murcia. There are 3 in Murcia.
We were on holiday in Porto de mazarron and were going to close our account, (nice bus ride), that is
how I found out.
We have been going to Porta de Mazarron on and off for the last 10 years, and wehave walked all around the
port and have never seen a Bankia in the Port, that is why we had to go to Mazarron if we needed to to go
to the Bank it self. Bankia web page is not the best, try to send a message, ring or e-mail them, best of luck.
If I am wrong then I stand to be corrected juan.
all the best
The answer to your question is that Banco Mare Nostrum was taken over/merged with Bankia at the end of March this year and the branches have been converted to Bankia, which is why the original poster was asking. In the process they changed all current account numbers etc.
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