Becoming an estate agent

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20 Jan 2020 4:11 PM by HassF Star rating in In Cambridgeshire bu.... 6 posts Send private message

Hello everyone

I want to know how easy or hard it is to become an estate agent in Spain? Beside local housing market and Spanish language what else is needed?





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20 Jan 2020 4:49 PM by Kavanagh Star rating in Oil Drum Lane Newcas.... 1310 posts Send private message

Kavanagh´s avatar

** EDITED - Against forum rules - inciting and unhelpful comments**


This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 1/20/2020 7:53:00 PM.

There is enough in the world for everyone, but not enough for the greedy!

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20 Jan 2020 5:14 PM by HassF Star rating in In Cambridgeshire bu.... 6 posts Send private message

Response to Kavanagh

By an estate agent I meant having a proper shop front in Spain functioning as a legal business. Interesting I didn't know it was possible to run such a business from Grimsby, obvoiusly you know better.



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20 Jan 2020 5:31 PM by Legend Star rating. 56 posts Send private message

With that attitude you should do very well I don’t think

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20 Jan 2020 6:53 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1949 posts Send private message

** EDITED - Against forum rules - inciting and unhelpful **


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20 Jan 2020 10:29 PM by Kavanagh Star rating in Oil Drum Lane Newcas.... 1310 posts Send private message

Kavanagh´s avatar

You can run an internet estate agency from anywhere in the world you like.

There is enough in the world for everyone, but not enough for the greedy!

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21 Jan 2020 2:18 AM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

Judging by the "inciting and unhelpful comments" so far (I wonder what they were?), I would suggest the most important thing you will need is a thick skin. 

If I was answering this 20 years ago when I first came to Spain, I would have said a mobile phone, car and a regular ad in Daltons Weekly is all you need. Now, of course, you will need a website (probably more important than a physical shop window) & some way of marketing yourself (property portals, MLS etc.), but otherwise in terms of regulation, I don't think very much has changed. I'm not aware of any specific licencing or qualification requirements. I am assuming you are already familiar with how the property market and property transactions function in Spain. If you intend to be legal and above board, you will of course need to register your business & register for taxes etc., and your first port of call should be a local gestor who will be able to give you all the info and advice you need.



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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21 Jan 2020 9:50 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

My two cents worth, I am in business here in the UK, don't knock me yet, not an Estate Agency, but my Daughter has one, sales and lettings in a reasonable affluent area, and coastal. Not Spain granted. And thats the secret be in an area thats not run down or scruffy.

She does the internet of course due to the many lazy gits who prefer to not get up and visit her agency, the internet is another tool in the box you will need 100%, she opens any hour she can, which I believe is good, she has sold house's when other agents have shut up, like she says you have to be their when people are about because you never know.

This Daughter has, I don't remember except quite high what qualifications, but for lettings and sales that go wrong she can stand up in court and represent the owners or landlords in a legal capacity, perhaps not needed in Spain.

You will need a shop window which is your eyes to sell your goods, when she started she rented an empty shop and for 6 / 8 weeks had a large advert in the window telling what the shop would be and if you want to sell or rent your house out...Come on in. It worked, first day and not really open think she said she got about 5 people to sell house's and one to buy, which of course she had not much to sell...Yet.

It progressed slowly upwards from then on, often people come in and mention they saw her ad on the internet, so yes you will need that in the modern way of doing things.

Understandably the UK is not Spain, but the principals are the same, you are selling / advertising an item that hopefully someone wants to buy, her outgoings are rent, rates,wages etc, no actual stock to buy. Its fair to say the first year or two was hard, people generally don't trust estate agents, I told her to be more then honest, speak your mind, leave nothing to chance, treat everyone no matter who with respect, even the rubbish people who will give you a hard time, let no one beat you. Remember it could take a good few weeks to get your fee's coming in so having a back up amount is a must.

She has a very good solicitor who does a lot of her legal part of the sales but she lets the clients make up their own minds about that, some use him so don't.

You will find it hard, but has anyone told you life is easy? Hope something I said helps in a very small way,  I realise not so much to do with your original question.

 And good luck.....You won't know if it fails unless you do it.

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21 Jan 2020 11:12 AM by HassF Star rating in In Cambridgeshire bu.... 6 posts Send private message

Hello Roberto

Thank you for your comments, for a while I though I was in a pub forum website ! LOL

Yes off course it has to be registered to be legal and these days every business may need a website. You mentioned gestor, which if I am not mistaken yo meant an estate agent manager. How do I go about that?



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21 Jan 2020 11:24 AM by HassF Star rating in In Cambridgeshire bu.... 6 posts Send private message

Hello baz1946

Thank you for your comments, some of them confirm my mind, life is not always easy. I liked your last point,"You won't know if it fails unless you do it".

I had a shop front in mind not only it makes my business formal and legal but also it is an investment in its own right. Having a website reduces unnecessary running around and is open 24/7. I been working for some employment agencies which pay MNW therefore don't have that much expectation. To start I am even happy with one or two sales a month.




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21 Jan 2020 5:30 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

HassF, a gestor, or gestoría, handles all forms of administrative bureaucracy in Spain on behalf of their clients. They are not usually lawyers, but can handle many legal matters, often for less than a lawyer may charge, but mainly in your case will assist in setting up a legal trading entity and handle your tax affairs.

It would be helpful for other members if you update your profile to say where in Spain you are, and give us more of an idea about how much research you have done so far. Are you already registered as a resident, for example? 



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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21 Jan 2020 7:18 PM by HassF Star rating in In Cambridgeshire bu.... 6 posts Send private message

Thanks Roberto.



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22 Jan 2020 1:58 AM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

OK, thanks for updating your profile! 

Just a couple more thoughts on your previous post: when you say a shop front is an investment in it's own right, if you mean purely from the business perspective, well, perhaps, but if you mean as a real estate investment, be very careful. Commercial property is probably even harder to shift than residential, so unless it's a prime location, you may just end up with a vacant premises that you can't do anything with, if your venture doesn't work out as hoped. And as for your expectations, not wanting to put too much of a dampener on things, but I would think one or two sales a month to start with is highly optimistic.

Have you thought about maybe trying to find work with an established agent first, to gain experience before starting out on your own?

There is a member here who has successfully run an estate agency for several years on the Costa Blanca, who may (or may not!) be willing to give you some pointers. He hasn't been seen here for a while though:



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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22 Jan 2020 11:43 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

No professional qualification is needed in Spain to become an Estate Agent. Becoming an API is always advisable

API: Agente de la Propiedad Inmobiliaria:


This message was last edited by mariadecastro on 22/01/2020.


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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