In the Alicante foreigner's office, if you are applying for residency and a TIE, the instructions on what to bring with you include a padron in date within 3 months along with the EX20.
If applying to change your registro (the green card) and get a TIE you must bring a padron in date within 3 months if the address on the registro is different to the one you are applying for with an EX23.
So, yes, you do need the padron if applying for first residency.
For the EX23
Certificado o Volante de empadronamiento actual en caso de que haya cambiado de domicilio, (expedido en los tres últimos meses). Original y copia
For the EX20
Certificado de empadronamiento actual (expedido en los tres últimos meses). Original y copia