Very Difficult! Have a house built but being misled with the mortgage?? Can I get there?
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Where do we go? get all the info etc, but we have a house nearly -built, now we have to give all our credentials AGAIN!!, so does that mean we are NO longer eligible for a mortgage??, beggers belief? where do we go from here? made it clear from the outset that hubby was contract worker and working all his life, so now completion is Jan/Feb we cant obtain payslips? as in Kaz, now wanting credit reference etc, bit late in the day for all that?? desperately need advice on this one, not prepared to see everything we saved for going down the pan??
_______________________ Soon to be La Marina!!
I suppose it depends on who was giving you a mortgage, can you contact them direct and ask them what is going on...................was it through the builder? Or a bank in Spain?
It would be a good idea for you to contact our GEORGIA...................look on the posts for Georgia and send private message cos if anyone knows how to help, it will be Georgia. God Luck.
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
I believe it's normal that when it comes down to getting the mortgage they only take your current circumstances into account.
Best have a chat with Smiley, he is the mortgage expert around here.
Don't worry, there is normally a solution in most cases without having to resort to anything dodgy.
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I echo Justin there - it depends on all your circumstances - speak to Smiley or PM him as he will be best able to advise
Good luck
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
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