I thought the funniest bit was
"Honestly, every single expat I’ve ever met is the same; hunched at a bar in a stupid shirt, at 10 in the morning, desperately trying to convince themselves that they are not alcoholics, that the barman really is their friend and that it’s only 11 hours till bedtime."
Now when I was in Oliva (CB) I did get some feedback on some behaviours of some expats but this is the same in any place in the world...I think if you wander aroudn London...Bham..cardiff that you will find people in the same bracket...
Indeed I live in Ireland and have never wanted to go back ot the UK....not because I don't like it but I want to try something new. I have adored my time here but my wife and I want to try something new and have more experience....to learn a new language to explore a new country and spain is our destination. We may move again...we may not...I think Mr Clarkson may be guilty of..generalising..