hello to you all
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just to say hello new to site an my pc so making lots of blips.moving to spain early next year not sure where yet any thoughts on best place? hoping to carry on with our own business of landscape gardeners .maybe me getting partime work doing anything while hubby gets work in.carnt wait to set off .
Hi boblyn welcome to eos and good luck with the move as for the best area you will get hundreds of different opinons as everyone will be biased to there area, spain is a very large country,it will depend on what you want town/country or coastal your budget etc the ultimate choice will be yours.l think the costa blanca slightly inland is the best area (bias) for the best of both worlds and very reasonable prices for the size of the properties (2/3 times the price on the costa del sol for similar)thats where Budget comes in because if you are starting a buisiness you will need to have enough money set a side to keep you going for a year or 2 while you get up and running,you will get plenty of advise and answers to your questions on eos, morerosado (eos superstar)is a mine of information, plus many others if you are interested in the costa blanca south area let georgia (excellent agent on here who looks after what you want unlike the big agents who only want the commission and run) know your criteria and he will guide you,further south mar minor (costa calida) we also have another excellent agent in gillispie.,on the costa del sol we have justin, rixxy and roberto and our mortgage advisor patrick and the lawyer maria so as you see no shortish of help.pat,

You'll find a massive amount of information tucked away in the hundreds of threads on our forum, boblyn.
Thank you Pat, you know I'm far too modest to blow my own trumpet, cheques in the post. 
Pat, you forgot Glyn The Lawyer in your post. He is on the Costa Blanca & has helped many & is such a good person. He's spent time helping us in emails.
Feel free to ask anything Boblyn but also please spend time looking on the forum as so much has been covered before & we tend to be asked the same questions so much.
Nice to have you as a member.
Hi more your welcome sorry Glyn the lawyer and everyone who is of great help as you see boblyn there is plenty of support and help,my last post should have said no shortage of help not shortish must be the vino.Pat.
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