The Comments |
I saw it and remarked to my girlfriend that it seemed like it was just designed to stop the mass exodus from the UK. The things that were shown could happen anywhere, to anybody and at anytime.
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Georgia said: "if the burglars broke into our house they would probably leave us a couple of euros on the table and quietly close the door as they left!!!!"
Few years ago, someone broke into our penthouse apartment in Palma (came over the roof of the neighbouring hotel - the same route I occasionally used to "borrow" ice from the machine in their corridor!) while we were away. They broke in through the patio doors, went straight through the salon, through the bedroom, out on to the rear terrace - then climbed over to next door and ransacked their place, stealing all manner of valuable stuff. At the time I remember mixed feelings of relief,and offence that clearly they felt we weren't worth the bother!
I notice Sir Trev doesn't even bother to introduce these pathetic programs anymore. Maybe he's as embarrassed by them as the presenter appeared to be - trying in vain as he was to make the whole thing relevant in some way. To me it was just a complete waste of air time - and I switched over to watch "Dawn goes Lesbian" That was also pretty lame, by the way, and you're probably better off settling down to a cosy night in with EOS!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
you're probably better off settling down to a cosy night in with EOS
where we spend hours discussing same.
Well let's talk about Dawn "going lesbian" then
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
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Right Roberto and damok666, I don't know this Dawn, but what about equal opps ? where's the men one?
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker !
What, like "Fred Goes Lesbian"? Doesn't quite have the same ring to it.
Dawn goes lesbian is on youtube but it was rather risque to post.
The "men one" is live, right here in Torremolinos every weekend but somehow I don't think the ladies get the same kick out of it as us fellas do with the lesbian thing.
BTW, according to Dawn, 1 in 7 women have lesbian fantasies. Perhaps Sir Trev could do some research to find out if this ratio increases when a bit of Sangria, sun and sand is thrown into the picture. I can see the headlines now: "British women in Spain leaving their husbands for East European girls - Tonight program investigates".
This message was last edited by Roberto on 2/26/2008.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
BTW, according to Dawn, 1 in 7 women have lesbian fantasies
As opposed to 7 in 7 men?
Well, here's one to make you guys squirm and cross your legs! Did anyone see the programme on Monday night (BBC2) about gay men in Iran being forced to have their bits chopped off? Horrific! (And it's the law over there apparently)
VICKI, the THINGS you watch !!!
What are you lot like! You should have your mouths washed out.
And poor Charlie - hes now not sure what he is after his bits went!!
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!