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16 Dec 2007 12:00 AM by london pride Star rating in eastbourne sussex. 2 posts Send private message

Hello to you all

We are newbees to this site, and glad we found it. 

We are coming out to Fuengirola on the 3rd of February 08 to look for a bar to buy, mad or not?  But  if we don,t try we will only wonder...... anybody done it or going to, your thoughts would be very welcome. 

We will also be looking for a long term rental apartment  in the Fuengirola area 2 bed with satellite tv, pool can anyone help many thanks  .

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16 Dec 2007 9:05 PM by Candyfloss Star rating in Cardiff / Mar Menor. 1605 posts Send private message

Candyfloss´s avatar

Hi London Pride

Don't know much about the Fuengirola area but wish you luck. I'm sure there will be others from down there that will be able to give you a bit of advice.


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16 Dec 2007 10:08 PM by FibbyUK Star rating in UK, Surrey & Playa F.... 2349 posts Send private message

FibbyUK´s avatar

Welcome Londonpride,

Love your forum name, is your surname Fullers by any chance?

And into opening a bar!

I wish you good luck with your venture.

Kind regards,



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17 Dec 2007 2:41 PM by pooley-santos Star rating in London UK/Huercal Ov.... 57 posts Send private message

Hi There- A word of caution!

With respect may I ask if you have any experience of the licensed trade? If not then think very, very carefully before making any commitment.

My personal view is that you are choosing a hard area in which to operate a bar, Benalmadena, Fuengorola, Torromolinos you have entire roads, squares of Brit bars all trying for the same business all undercutting one another trying to offer the cheapest pint and breakfast. Your neighbour smiling at you whilst stabbing you in the back and those are just the good points!

I was born in a pub and have had involvement in the licensed trade all my working life (I am a director of  a UK  company operating a bar restaurand and a table dancing club) and I always maintained that there was no way that I would ever operate a bar anywhere that I had lived in Spain and I have had a property in Spain since 1982 at Benalmadina, Torremolinos, Benidorm, Puerto Banus and Marbella. That was until I moved to the Mojacar area, I don't operate a bar here I might add, but from what I've seen it is an area, not nessacerily Mojacar itself, that you at least stand a chabnce of earning a living! Unlike so many other areas where the only people earning any money are the freeholders, selling agents and solicitors.

Just a view mind, just a view

Pooley & Santos -Builder/ Delelopers - Plant Hire - Swimming Pools -...

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17 Dec 2007 6:51 PM by london pride Star rating in eastbourne sussex. 2 posts Send private message

Hello there,

Thank you for your words of caution ,it has given us food for thought, it will be a complete change for us career  wise, we are not set completely on one area, we just want to succeed god willing.

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