whats best way to go about getting a job in spain please help

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24 Jan 2008 12:00 AM by katy06 Star rating. 16 posts Send private message

Hi everyone hope you are well me and my partner are looking to move to south of spain my partner is a graphic designer and has been applying for lots of jobs but never seem to hear anything back or the jobs online have been on there for ages and dont seem to get updated. any one any ideas what the best way of getting a job whilst still in uk as he needs to be set up with job before we can make the move thanks kate

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24 Jan 2008 4:47 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
Just answered your other post area of sotogrande so good luck.


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24 Jan 2008 5:09 PM by katy06 Star rating. 16 posts Send private message

yes thank you fingers crossed we may be there soon

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22 Feb 2008 2:39 PM by miket Star rating in La Mairena, Elviria. 371 posts Send private message


Have you tried looking through The Sur in English Newspaper online? You can now download the whole newspaper in PDF Format. Its almost has good as having the real thing! Go to www.surinenglish.com.


Mike T

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22 Feb 2008 5:41 PM by Barbie Star rating in Costa del Sol, Villa.... 47 posts Send private message

Hi Katy,

Myself and family moved here last August, knowing it would be hard to find work, and its harder than we ever thought it would be. It may be worth you checking out the English owned companies in the area, and start sending emails. The advice we got was that we would not be offered a job until we actually got here. It certainly seems easier to get a job on the coast than inland, but most of the jobs I have seen are either telesales, timeshare companies or there is seasonal work with the holiday season kicking in soon. Good luck with your search.



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22 Feb 2008 6:12 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

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To be honest most people return to the UK because they can't find work. You have to be very resourceful and many people end up doing jobs that they are overqualified or over capable for.It is almost impossible to job hunt from the UK as most employment is done through word of mouth. Job opportunites are worse than ever here as many people we know both Spanish and English are being laid off. I don't want to put you off but the truth is it's really hard especially if you are looking for something specific.

You say you are moving to the South, have you tried looking at opportunities in Gibraltar? English is the official language and pay is on a par with the UK. Which brings me on to pay. Salaries are much lower than the UK. My advice would be to start something up on your own but make sure that you come out with enough money to live on for at least six months whilst you set yourself up. In fact, whether you come out to a job or are setting yourself up you really need to make sure that you have enough emergency money to keep you going for in between jobs or whatever. I know this sounds a little harsh and I don't want to put you off in any way but speaking from experience you cannot be prepared enough.

I wish you the best of luck and if I hear of anything graphic design related, I will post.



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25 Feb 2008 2:42 PM by sands Star rating in Aberdeen X-San Pedro. 11 posts Send private message


beleive eos when they say come prepared with a slush fund.  Ours is nearly gone in three months and was really to pamper ourselves a bit for a couple of months but unexpected expenses with car/passports/phones but to name a few have intervenend so no good life so far.  Not putting you off either but be prepared. 


me and mine just got here in December and are considering setting up as cleaners/maintenence as this is pretty much tranferrable.  I have looked at the Job Agencies and could probably get some work but for change of lifestyle want to work for myself etc etc.  Cleaning is pretty tranferrable - I have mentioned it to a couple of folk and they said that you could expect 10-15 euroes an hour.  Is this correct?  also when I employed a cleaner in the Uk thru a company there I provided the cleaning stuffs - does anyone know what the protocol here is with clients - who normally providesor is it by arrangement.  If this does not happen then Gib is also an option for us.

What sort of results has anyone had advertising in the free locals? Any opinions/ info /tips gratefully received. 



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25 Feb 2008 3:08 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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hI all,

Employment is always a major issue with so many young families and younger people now making the move over.

In the past Spain was a destination for the retired, nearly retired or wealthy.

With Spain now appealing to people for different reasons their is always a fly in the ointment.

From personal experience there does seem to be  two tier system here,there are people that do very well and there are people that really do struggle with the whole work issue.

I have friends that also moved to Gib because they couldnt make ends meet and work for one of the large UK companies and of course get paid in pounds.

In saying that the infrastructure here on the costa Blanca is improving rapidly,in my area we have two new shopping centres opening in Rojales and Algorfa,the rojales one is under way and will create 400 new jobs for the area,when the Algorfa one is up and running it will want more than 1000 new employees.

The key to establishing yourself in Spain is to give yourself a financial buffer to allow time toi settle and find work,it is out there but you do have to look for it,a lot of companies will not even consider even taking your cv if you have not yet moved to Spain so that creates a problem when trying to plan ahead.

What you have to remember is that you will not get top dollar over here but again it is all relative to the cost of living.

Many people are so desperate to leave the UK that they come here on a wing and a prayer and hope it will all fall in place.

its like anything worth having,you have to work damn hard to get it. 

www.taylorlandandpropertygroup.co.uk still here after all these years!

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25 Feb 2008 8:32 PM by katy06 Star rating. 16 posts Send private message

Hi all Thanks for all your help and reply s we look at the sur in english website every friday lol we sent loads of CVs but people just not getting back to us we have said he willing to fly over for interview but hey guess it harder then we first thought we may have to put our plans on hold for a bit as not much money behind us and he only wont's to do graphic design like you say might be better of trying to start up on his own as he could do that here. Thanks again for your help Katy

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27 Feb 2008 10:52 AM by rash29 Star rating in Hurchillo, Orihuela.. 77 posts Send private message

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Believe me it is difficult to find jobs here. It jut depends where you are moving too as well. I have seen many jobs online for the Gibraltar areas. I agree with you that some of the posts are out of date especially on Thinkspain.com!

My Hubby and I are young and can speak basic Spanish, we have been here since November. My Hubby has found a great job,but I cannot find anything within the Alicante region! You arealso right about no acknowledgements from companies! I mean how ignorant can some people be? I have applied for jobs that I know I have extensive experience in! Out of all the applications I have done so far(10+), I had one acknowledgement this week!

We also tried to find work prior to coming here, it just doesn't work! You have to be here, show you are ready to work and most definitely have a Spanish address and phone number on your CV!

Well good luck and hope it all goes well!

R & R No.8 Phase 2

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27 Feb 2008 12:44 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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Perhaps Sir Trevor should do a programme just to wake up people who think the grass is greener in Spain (regarding work). Well paid work, especially if you haven't fluent Spanish, seems just a dream. Don't we, on EOS, hear this regularly ?? No one wants to put the scuppers on anyone's dream but you have to "get real". Companies in the UK rarely get back to you either, it's not just Spain. I wish Katy & her OH the very best of luck.

This message was last edited by morerosado on 2/27/2008.


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04 Mar 2008 9:41 AM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar
Hi sands

To be honest if you can get your name out and about and do the necessary marketing, you can't go wrong with cleaning. The hourly rate is excellent if you compare it to what most employers offer for admin work etc. Your clientele would probably be holiday let owners who are based in the UK or possibly Spain.The only thing is you will be in competition with cleaners from South America and Eastern Europe who will charge less but may not be able to communicate with English speaking clients. the way to go about it would be to combine it with a property management service yourself or approach some property management companies. Generally property owners supply the cleaning products but they might be something that you could do as an extra.



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04 Mar 2008 3:41 PM by AJB1 Star rating in Benahavis, Costa del.... 63 posts Send private message



That's really useful to know - that's exactly what I'm thinking of doing (setting up a property management business) on the West of the Costa del Sol. I'm really fed up with sitting at a desk all day.

What would be the best way to advertise the services I offer- leaflets, a website, shop windows? I may also be looking at the Spanish market as I speak Spanish. Do you think it would be an idea to have a bilingual advertising scheme eg English on one side of the leaflet and Spanish on the back or would I be advertising in totally different places for different nationalities?

I'm trying to get some leaflets together before I come out with a phone number and email address.

Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



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26 Mar 2008 3:50 PM by LifeOverseas Star rating in Murcia, Spain. 49 posts Send private message


One of the most in demand jobs in Spain is probably for English teachers, and in many private schools you don´t have to have a qualification or very advanced Spanish.  The hours are normally really good and as for the wages, I think they vary quite a bit from one school to another so that would come into the research of the job.

It may not interest you, I looked into it when I got here but realised I wasn´t really cut out to teach but many people are perfect for it and love it.  Additionally, I´m not sure but I think these English schools, if they are originally from the UK, also recruit in the Uk, meaning you could possibly get a job while still in the UK

Good luck

This message was last edited by LifeOverseas on 3/26/2008.


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27 Mar 2008 11:03 AM by rash29 Star rating in Hurchillo, Orihuela.. 77 posts Send private message

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Can you tell me how I could go about approaching Schools for teaching English? I am not qualified, however, I would be interested in this. I tried to do some research on the net yesterday as it happens, but didn't get too far.

Your help would be appreciated.



R & R No.8 Phase 2

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27 Mar 2008 11:30 AM by miket Star rating in La Mairena, Elviria. 371 posts Send private message

Hi Rash,

Most Further Education Colleges in the UK offer TESOL courses. The Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CertTESOL) is designed for those with little or no experience of teaching English. It equips candidates with the basic skills and knowledge needed to take up a first post as an ESOL teacher(Say in Spain) It gives an introduction to the theory and practice of contemporary English teaching and an insight into the challenges facing the learner and the role of the teacher.(I'm sure there will be many?)

The CertTESOL is accredited in England by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority at Level 4 of the National Qualifications Framework. It is accepted by the British Council as an initial TESOL qualification for teachers in its accredited teaching organisations in the UK and in its own teaching operations overseas. Credits are also awarded towards degree programmes offered by the Open University in the UK.

Just check out the local Colleges in your area for suitable courses. It can cost up to £1,000 and a standard TESOL course at an FE College would take a full academic year to complete. There are more intensive courses available at some, but NOT all Colleges that take just 5 months but you would need to make further enquiries about cost and availability? The availability of these more intensive courses depend very much on the number of Students enrolling!!


Mike T

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27 Mar 2008 3:43 PM by LifeOverseas Star rating in Murcia, Spain. 49 posts Send private message

Hi Rash,

The language schools that I visited were local to the city (Murcia), so it would depend on where you are going? If you let me know where it is I´ll try and help if I can although as I say I was only looking in Murcia but I was offered a job in every single one I went to, which reinforces my point that people to teach English are in demand.

Miket´s option is also another option, although I´m not personally familiar with it. Miket- can you tell me if that is the same as the TEFL course as I do know people who have opted for that?


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29 Mar 2008 2:29 PM by rash29 Star rating in Hurchillo, Orihuela.. 77 posts Send private message

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I live in Orihuela and getting a Renfe train to Murcia city is cheap and takes only 20 mins. So if you know of any schools that could offer employment to someone who is a graduate, native english speaker  and not qualified as a teacher then that would be fantastic. I am really desperate to find work and struggling to get anything within Alicante. If you know of any schools in Orihuela then that would also be helpful. I speak basic Spanish but I am not fluent, I would probably struggle abit to communicate with teachers and students in Orihuela, as its predominantely  a Spanish speaking town. 

You are very lucky that you were offered a job in every school there. I wish that would happen for me! Can you tell if your credentials are similar to mine? Then at least I know how much of a chance I have!

I am also only familiar with TEFL, I wish I was qualified, but unfortunately this is not an area I looked at in the UK. Even though I have a great interest in teaching.



R & R No.8 Phase 2

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30 Mar 2008 11:50 AM by claire T Star rating in Torremendo, Orihuela. 688 posts Send private message

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Hi - I'm moving out to Orihuela Costa in a few weeks and have been looking at teaching English as a possibility if I don't find anything else to earn a living.  There are a number of intensive courses in Spain and the one which I am considering is in Valencia - link below:


I can't vouch for it as I haven't made any enquiries of my own, but it does look interesting and they say that they can help access work for their graduates.  If you google TEFL Spain then you will get others there.  I've been advised that you should ensure the class you choose has some work with children within it as your qualification then includes teaching children.

My first priority is going to be learning Spanish - after several years of evening classes I still feel like a beginner!  Does anyone know of any good intensive Spanish classes in the Torrevieja / Orihuela Costa area?


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31 Mar 2008 9:38 AM by LifeOverseas Star rating in Murcia, Spain. 49 posts Send private message

Hi Rash,

These are a few places I tried, www.academiacats.com, www.fluencyidiomas.com and www.shamrockidiomas.com. They are all based in Murcia and as far as I am aware, all teachers are English speaking. I´m not sure which are the best ways to go about getting in contact, I went to each place and left my CV. However, I´m sure they are also used to receiving CVs by email.

As regards my qualifications for teaching, I have none either. The only thing I had done that was similar was to have had a job in a kids sports club, but I had and still dont have any other qualifications apart from a degree like you. So we´re pretty similar as regards experience!

I´m not aware of language schools in Orihuela but I´ve just gone to the Spanish yellow pages, www.paginasamarillas.es and typed in academias de idiomas in Alicante province and Orihuela in localidad and came up with some results. Obviously I don´t know what these schools are like but it might be a starting point.
Good luck and if you need anything else let me know and I´ll see if I can help!


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