It's getting cold now

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21 Nov 2006 1:46 PM by Smiley Star rating in San Pedro de Alcanta.... 2502 posts Send private message

Smiley´s avatar

Hi Hobby I assume you are coming alone - its going to be about 28 degrees and non stop sun.  Seriously a bit soon to say yet. Still lovely today about 22 - had gone out with a leather car coat this morning to do my rounds of the banks in Marbella (about 8am) and was quite chilly. By the time I parked to go back to the office it was too warm for the car coat. Left my suit jacket in the car too. Sods law I wont get out of here until about 9 tonight and will freeze my nadgers off getting back to the car.

Will try and remember to update you for 28th.


Smiley -

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21 Nov 2006 1:50 PM by Smiley Star rating in San Pedro de Alcanta.... 2502 posts Send private message

Smiley´s avatar
Sorry Pete hadnt noticed yours - beer should always be kept in the fridge whatever time of year - even in England - I am a Guinness drinker and think it always tastes so much better if it is ice cold as opposed to just chilly.


Smiley -

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21 Nov 2006 3:19 PM by hobby Star rating in Hertfordshire/Estepo.... 155 posts Send private message

hobby´s avatar

Cheers for that Smiley! No Im bringing a mate out who hasnt been to estepona before or seen our apt(only took possession earlier on this year) Ive got clothes out there but just wanted a rough idea of the weather to tell him what to bring as hand luggage. Look forward to an update if you get the time.

By the way, thanks for all the great info you've posted on various issues, wish we'd known about you earlier!




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21 Nov 2006 3:47 PM by Smiley Star rating in San Pedro de Alcanta.... 2502 posts Send private message

Smiley´s avatar

You can tell Mrs Hobby from me that its about 35 degs projected for next week - tell your mate to bring his thong! Nights are very cool now - going down to about 12 degs or so - actually toyed with the idea of lighting a fire last night - whatever happens I will resist the urge to put on the heating - my missus had a hot water bottle last night. Used to be that I was enough but now I am burning the midnight on this sight I have been booted into touch! Dont know if you heard about the rain last week but we had another deluge of Biblical proportions - 48 hours or so this time and very bleak - Niagara Falls down San Ped high street and the 340 3 inches deep - still good for the garden -  hopefully that is the last of it til February but no doubt we will have the odd day or two in Dec and Jan.



Smiley -

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21 Nov 2006 8:16 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar
It's cerainly getting a bit nippier in the evenings now but during the day it's been absolutely glorious around where we are.

We've just started using our electric blanket again (a must here) and we'll be shopping for some heaters this weekend, mainly for the evenings.


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21 Nov 2006 8:27 PM by Smiley Star rating in San Pedro de Alcanta.... 2502 posts Send private message

Smiley´s avatar
Leccy blanket Justin? I had you for a hard man!


Smiley -

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21 Nov 2006 10:16 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar
I cannot be without my electric blanket these days!  There's nothing worse than gettng into a cold damp bed at night.

I'm sure even "hard men" use them...they just don't admit to it!



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21 Nov 2006 10:25 PM by Smiley Star rating in San Pedro de Alcanta.... 2502 posts Send private message

Smiley´s avatar

Take care if the bed is damp too, I have read somewhere that electricity and water dont make for a comfortable combination - mind you it would probably be warm enough then. I am glad that I am not alone in thinking that at this time of year bedding seems to have a certain dampness about it. I was starting to wonder if I had reached that age, but you are younger than I so if you notice it too I am probably good for another spin around the block.  Funny really because although the UK seems to have a damper atmosphere that sort of thing seems more apparent here but we have our windows open more here at this time of year and the house is getting well aired. Perhaps its the lack of central heating with radiators warming the globe 24/7.

Time for me to head for the hills

Rgds Smiley - must find an avatar


Smiley -

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22 Nov 2006 10:39 AM by JPD Star rating in Hull, East Yorkshire.... 391 posts Send private message

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so,smiley does my sulking teenager need her bikini when we come to Almoradi for Christmas? I keep telling her she will be able to get a tan accross lunch time. She says if she gets a tan it will be worth missing christmas nights out round town here! We are sure we will find some lively nights out in Torrevieja for her too!


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23 Nov 2006 12:01 AM by Smiley Star rating in San Pedro de Alcanta.... 2502 posts Send private message

Smiley´s avatar

Tell her she will have a ball - not sure the bikini will get an outing but depends on her age I guess. To be honest down here on the CDS last Xmas was a bit miserable - wet and chilly - hoping the November rains will have sorted that out for this year. 5th and 6th over here are the big days for Christmas (Three KIngs) - my mum was with us last year and she could not get over how less stressed it seemed in the run up to Christmas - no fights in Waitrose over the last Christmas Pud, no hordes of drunken hoodies strolling up the high street running amok! Gosh, now I remember why I am here! Whatever the weather tell her she will enjoy it assuming Torrevieja is as good as it is down here.



Smiley -

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23 Nov 2006 4:23 PM by selwynf Star rating. 4 posts Send private message

In the run up to Christmas a couple of years ago I spent a weekend in Malaga to finish off the shopping and had a great time.  It was nice and warm and there lots of impromptu road-side markets to explore with some fantastic breads and pastries (remember Dr Atkins died a while back) for you to savour.  I really liked Malaga at that time of the year and would sincerely recommend it

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23 Nov 2006 5:56 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

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i spent Christmas and new year in Benidorm last year and found it to be very pleasant and quite warm  we did visit Almoradi and were in shirt sleeves the temperature reached 75f at times we will be there again this year and are hopping for the same    ever the optimist

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23 Nov 2006 9:48 PM by JPD Star rating in Hull, East Yorkshire.... 391 posts Send private message

JPD´s avatar

Thank you all for your replies I am sure we will have a great time. Our 17 year old said she will wear her bikini even if its cold, its gotta be warmer than Hull! She will probably put some fake tan on for when she sees her friends back at home!

She WILL have fun!

May bump into you in Almoradi haydngj  when we go to check out how Amarion 3 is doing!

Thanks again John and Trish [ and the hopefully warm and smiling Carla]

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23 Nov 2006 11:07 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar
I'm spending this weekend in Cottingham hope it's not too cold

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24 Nov 2006 5:59 PM by Helen D Star rating in York. 48 posts Send private message

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My husband who works in Hessle says anywhere is warmer than Hull!

We were in Spain for last New Year & had to put suntan cream on on New Years day sat on our balcony -  def wouldn't be doing that in Hull.

haydngi - might need your wellies this weekend - forecast looks a bit glum (gales!)

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24 Nov 2006 6:22 PM by Smiley Star rating in San Pedro de Alcanta.... 2502 posts Send private message

Smiley´s avatar
Its been threatening rain here today too - looks like the weekend might be washed out but thats the problem with Spain - if we get it overnight it might be a lovely day tomorrow - hmmmm did I say problem!


Smiley -

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24 Nov 2006 8:46 PM by Helen D Star rating in York. 48 posts Send private message

Helen D´s avatar

Smiley, having looked at the weather forecast for Malaga I would take your 20 degrees over our 11 degrees any time - rain or not! Guess thats why we have a holiday home in Spain though - even when the weather isn't great in Spain it's still a darn sight better than the UK.

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25 Nov 2006 1:08 AM by Smiley Star rating in San Pedro de Alcanta.... 2502 posts Send private message

Smiley´s avatar

Yes but just think Helen you have York Races, York City - Scarborough, Brid just up the road ..... actually yes I see what you mean. Lets hope it stays good for Hobby next week



Smiley -

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25 Nov 2006 1:39 PM by Helen D Star rating in York. 48 posts Send private message

Helen D´s avatar

Sounds like you know North Yorkshire Smiley - & know exactly what I mean :)

If you don't mind the question - how long have you been in Spain? I think along with a lot of people we would love to live in the sun but have too many commitments here at the moment (work, teenagers, family ties etc) - maybe in a few years! Main res in Spain & a holiday home in York would suit me down to the ground (would have to nip back every so often to do a bit of shopping!)

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27 Nov 2006 5:29 PM by pedyer Star rating in Bristol, England / B.... 83 posts Send private message

pedyer´s avatar

Smiley are you out there? We have had nearly 2 weeks of constant rain, rain and more rain here in blighty, so a good weather report from Spain would be welcome at present, are people still in shorts and tee shirts during the day out there?. I know your still keeping your beer in the fridge but I'm going back to the good old warm British beer until it gets warmer here, only 6 months to wait, if we're lucky. Cheers, Pete 


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