Bumps in the Night.
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Last night about 2am I heard a loud bang coming from the hall, we live in a bungalow so the noise could have come from any room. After getting up to investigate we found nothing amiss and returned to bed somewhat puzzled.
This afternoon ,whilst on the terrace planting up some pots, I noticed this dusty impression on one of the windows. Years ago a pigeon met it's end after crashing into another of our windows, but that was during the day.
Look closely and you can see it was an owl.............amazing!! The wing feathers also left their mark about a foot from the head , but I couldn't get them on the photo'. I hope it was OK.
Hi Sandra
It must have given you a fright, but sorry I can't see an owl, only an old man with a flowing beard!
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Hi Jacqui,
My husband said it looked like a human face too, but thought it was a barn owls' face. Yesterday evening, when we were seated in the room, we could also make out the fan of the owls' tail feathers on the glass. There were also the remnants of downy feathers around the eye marks. Poor thing!
Hi Jacqui,
Nice to see that you didn't interpret the "image" as the Face of Christ, lol. After all, he's been seen on pizza and toast, not to mention the now debunked Shroud of Turin. Mind you.......could the downy feathers have been off an angel ????????.........whoooooooo.....spooky !
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