The Comments |
Hi all,
Can anyone sugest a savings account, that can be managed on-line. With a competetive rate of interest, and don't mind if you live in Spain?
We can't keep our savings where they are now as they don't allow non UK residents.
Regards, Febe
No matter where you go, there you are.
ING have branches Worldwide, they normally have good rates. Santander (Abbey in the UK) also have online facilities as have Banco Halifax (you can open the account in the UK too). We are opening an account with Barclays to run alongside our current account that pays 3.5% with no minimum.
Mark, Ing do not permit residents of Spain to have a savings account see this clause from ING'S T&C HERE & anyway, I don't believe you can manage your account online as I'm an Ing saver. Actually ICICI is good for me with me being a UK resident but that wasn't what was asked by Febe. 
A4 Eligible customers
Our savings accounts are available to people aged 18 or over who are 'ordinarily resident' in the UK,
not including the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man (that is, people who are considered to live in
the UK for tax purposes) and have a permanent UK address. To open an account you must have a
personal UK bank or building society current account with a chequebook and Direct Debit facility.
Our savings accounts are not available for trusts, businesses or charities. If you stop being eligible for
the account, we may close it. (See Condition A12)
Just Googled this though so any use, Febe, though I guess not managed online !! This message was last edited by morerosado on 5/23/2008.
That would be ING in the UK though. ING are Worldwide, see Febe didn't say it had to be a bank based in the UK, just that they didn't have to mind you living in Spain and could be managed online.
Mark, I edited as you were posting so see right at the bottom of my post please.
Whoops, it was posted on that site on Thursday, March 8th, 2007 !!!!!! 
Take no notice of me. 

This message was last edited by morerosado on 5/23/2008.
It depends what you are looking for I suppose? If it is token interest on your day to day bank account bits and pieces, Halifax would probably be better as they pay interest on credit balances don't they? If it is serious savings though, i'm not really sure. Are you classed as Spanish resident Febe? I believe I saw somewhere that some of the accounts not available from UK banks to non residents can be accessed via Gibraltar or the Chanel Islands. Don't quote me on that though as I can't find it  .
Hi and thanks,
It's a mine field out there!
No it dosen't have to be UK based, it's just that the UK pay higher interest rates (as a rule) but if we can't use those accounts, then we'll have to look else where. But where?
We don't have residencia (spelling?), we do however have a child in the local school, are registered with the healthcare and have empadronamiento (spelling again, but you know what I mean!). So yes, we are concidered resident.
And , yes, this is serious savings I'm talking about. Not enough to retire on sadly!
We also need access to it from time to time, though we try not to dip into it.
What have others done with their savings?
Regards, Febe
No matter where you go, there you are.