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We have been told that we need to be in Spain for 5 or more working days when we go over to get our keys. On our last inspection we sorted our furniture and we got our NIE numbers done. Besides going to the Notary what else will we have do that could possibly take 5 days..
You should ask who told you that, Demented. We flew over the day before we went to the notary. Maybe whoever told you that porky gem needs you there for reasons only known to himself. Did you ask ? What was their answer ?
Yes we asked the question but we are getting very vague answers, like we'll be taken to see the house, to the furniture store, the bank and the Notary . This to me can be done in two days max.... Can i ask you will we actually get the deeds to our house when we go to the Notary?Did you have problems with getting your deeds?
Hi Demented, I don't know what the situation should be regarding getting your escritura, only what happened to us. As I understood it the actual escritura went to the Land registry & maybe other places it needed to go, after we signed at the notary . We were given a Copia Simple, a copy of the escritura, to bring away with us.
The saga of our escritura I think is well documented in here (a few times  ) somewhere. However, that was because the agent's legal bods didn't do their job properly & this caused problems for us obtaining it. They'd agreed to pay the Plus Valia for us almost two years before we completed (another long story) but then didn't pay enough on day we completed so the notary just held onto the escritura till we ourselves sorted the whole mess out. For many, many months we just couldn't find out where our escritura was. (This period was after realising a year after completing that we still only had the Copia Simple  ) Eventually, someone in Pilar de la Horadada where the builder's notary was, found us the email address of the notary & we asked where the escritura was & why hadn't we been allowed it. Getting our agent to then go pay the extra amount was another task.
You said you had sorted your furniture so the shop should not need you again. Have you snagged yet ? I suspect not so that would be why you need to go to the house. Maybe they're allowing a couple of days for the snags to be taken care of. Do you have a mortgage ? If so, could it be that has to have something done last minute ? (We paid cash outright so haven't a clue as to what's involved with that).
We were taken to the bank then directly to the notary. My husband has just pointed out to me that we flew over one afternoon, snagged next day & went to bank & notary the day after that.
I suggest you tell them what you are prepared to do, say that you'll allow two full days with completion on the 2nd day unless they give you better answers & if they want you for longer then they'll have to say exactly why ! This message was last edited by morerosado on 5/24/2008.
Cheers for that M. I think I will try and keep pushin our agent to make sure that our escritura runs as smoothly as possible.. I dont think i have spoken to anybody that this has run smoothly for. I have friends who bought in villamartin and 10years later they are still fighting for their deeds. They paid €300 to make a will and recently had to get a new solicitor to be told that making their original will had been a waste of time as the bank own their house or something to that effect.
We dont have a mortgage we are doing cash as well and we also have to still snag the house.Like ye thats what we are hoping it would take fly over go to the bank and then to the notary. Here in Ireland you dont hand over any money before you are happy with the snags but thats not very realistic when we are going to be in spain for a week.. Did ye have probs getting snags done or did ye hold the last payment until they were done.
We must contact our agent to give flight times etc.. so defo as you suggest now that i have a better idea (with your help )we are going to tell them how we think it should pan out. I will let you know how we get on with that conversation.. 
Hi Demented - welcome to Playa Golf! I actually did everything I needed to do in one day - flew in, saw the house, went to get my NIE sorted, then to bank to sign mortgage papers and open an account, went to solicitor and did a Power of Attorney at the Notary. There was even time for a nice paella before I flew home again!
The agent organised all of this, although I must say that things went a bit pear-shaped after that. The lawyer did the completion for me and I got my Escritura from the bank when I asked for it.
Hope it goes smoothly for you!
_______________________ Claire
Hi Demented
We have bought four properties in Spain in the four years we have been here, three for cash and 1 on mortgage and not had any problems whatsoever. All went through in one day and on the day that we were told. The longest time was when we bought an old finca and the reason we were four hours at the notary was the large family of the farmer we bought from all turned up! I cannot understand why they are asking you to be here for 5 days unless they have rented you a room or apartment and are charging you!
We also got the copia simple (copy of the deeds) for all four properties but as the first one was bought off plan and was six months early we had to wait for that one a while. We now have all four sets of deeds, (well three as we have sold one) I would suggest you delve a little deeper into the agents request for you to stay 5 days it really is strange if you have all your furniture etc.
_______________________ Denise
Hi all
At the end of the day we are often like lambs to the slaughter, hanging on agents, builder, lawyers every last word UNLESS we have ammo to argue with.
Demented, you asked about snags & last payments. Don't get me started again please ! Suffice to say our buying process almost from start to finish was a traumatic experience I don't think my heart would stand up to again ! Friends say I should write a book on it. However, it was nothing like many of our members are going through & I stress that. There are some who can take more stress than others, I can't & had panic attacks, causing us a lot of concern. I still am prone to these. (I had to take anti depressants to try to combat the attacks for a year, coming off them was another nightmare).
Demented, you just have a wonderful completion & I don't think you have anything to worry about, apart from this 5 working days thingy.
cheers for that claireT and deniseanycs. I supose when you hear all the horror stories that you do forget that some hand overs do go smoothly.. I cant see what they have to gain by us staying a week we asked them to recommened somewhere to rent for the week and the answer we got was thats not my department i will get someone to contact you and needless to say i am waiting and wont be expecting too much... Apparently there is a charge but its the same fee whether we are there a week or a day.. but i am defo going to make contact with them and sort it out because if we could finish in a day or two i would like to have the last few days to stay in our own holiday house.
morerosado you so right its the weekend and i think im going to go shopping for clothes for my holidays
have you got a particular date for completing yet as I have ideas for accommodation. What nights would you be needing ? I've sourced lots of times for accommodation for members, places they'd never have thought of & it's worked out really well. In one of your posts elsewhere you said you are scheduled to go over end of June. Let me know.
that would great moreroseado. Our flights are booked from the sat. 21st to sat. 28th of June. I have been looking on the net for properties to rent but its very hard to judge and we have sent mails enquiring about some houses but any of the decent ones seem to be booked for that week. We have been trying to get a place that sleeps six because my mum is coming with us to mind the kids while we go and do our business.. but i would be appreciate any reccommendations that you have plus in July when we are going for two weeks to our house we have relatives coming over to stay so we will be sussing out places for them..
Aha, so no hotel or B&B ? You want a property for six.
1) Put a post in our rental section Renting your property - Short term detailing where you want the rental as often members respond to these.
2) Look in >>>> EOS RENTALS if you haven't already.
3) Where are you looking for this rental, Cabo Roig area near your home to be ? ? ?
yip the whole clan is coming they have heard about this place for so long.... thanks i will try that .. we stayed in the la Zenia Hotel everytime we have gone over but it was only the two of anywhere from la Zenia, Cabo Roig uptowards Orihuela Costa.. fingers crossed it will be only for a few days..
It might be sensible to rent a place for week in June, if everything works out ok then you can move into your house when you like. But at least you'll have somewhere to sleep if it doesn't.
Perhaps your friends have already gone through this with you but you must make sure that your security is up to date. You need to arrange to have your locks changed before you put anything of value in.
When my friend took control of her new villa, we went for a walk around the estate. I noticed that some of the houses had grills fitted above the galerias. I spoke to one of the owners who told me they were broken into a couple of day after they moved in. He gave us details of who they'd used and she had that done before moving in the furniture.
Hopefully you will be able to speak to some people who have already moved in on this board and will be able to guide you through what need to be done.
I don't want to scare you but you need to be careful when moving in to new urbanisations.
Hope everything works out for you.
cheers semijubilada..we are going to take a place for the week and if our house goes according to plan then we can just vacate our rented accommodation.. We have been keepin an eye on the forums and are aware of the breakins on site but we are been given different advice because in order to get Electricity etc connected then we have to give someone a key so that the house can be accessed.. the general advice was your wasting your time changing the locks etc until all that is done... and the other problem is who we give our spare to key for people to get into the house.
Do they have to come inside the house for the electrics? I thought they could do all this outside at the main box.
As to who you have as a key holder, that can be a problem for non residents as if you have a break in your insurance can be nullified if they find out someone else has the key. It's a catch 22 situation, my neighbour holds mine.
My friend rents her house out and the person who deals with the rentals has a set of keys.
If you decide to rent out your property then you might find someone of your site who will act for you on change overs and hold the keys for you.
Have you spoken to ClareT to see how she got round this dilema when she moved in.
The electricity company turn on your electric at the box in your wall. They don't require access.
We used David Krouse in Benijofar by the church to change our locks last September to the 'one key fits all' type as, with doors & grille doors, we needed 7 ! He's a Master Locksmith. He charged 65€ for the 1st lock & 30€ per lock after that.
There's also Hackett Locksmiths who actually are on our urb outside Guardamar. Richard charges per lock & it was 35€ per lock. I know for the 7 it worked out the same. Having this system means we're not forever trying to figure out which key fits which lock. We find it really beneficial for us.
cheers moresroseado.. I will defo get onto the locksmiths .. Will we have to give the alarm crowd a key for the house..or do you just nominate one key holder on site.
 whats the story with the PM. I answered the relevant questions twice and havent heard anything. I have been checking it all weekend as i have a few pm's to pick up. Is there something else i need to do????????
Haven't got an alarm but any mention of alarms on forums (if that makes sense) says the company call the key holder.
No doubt when you talk to the alarm company they will tell you the procedure they will follow.
As to PM's a lot of people of the thread "forum help" have posted there, is that where you posted? If not try there.
Hi Demented - the alarm is already set up by San Jose and all you need to do is call Securitas out and their engineer (probably Louis who is lovely) will arrange to come and connect it for you - takes about an hour or so. You should really be there as you need to set up all your codes and passwords - I would suggest you phone and arrange it in advance as you are only going to e there for a few days. If San Jose are still doing the same deal, you get it cheap for the first few months and then it costs a fortune! They will need a keyholder locally although I did get a call from them in Glasgow once!
I used a rental company and they held a set of keys (Podehall - who are great and they advertise on this site) and they have been called out a few times - usually drunk guests who forget the code! As they are a properly registered company, they can hold keys and not invalidate your insurance! I've found on Playa Golf II that there are lots of neighbours who hold keys and clean for a fee. However, you are taking a risk there with your insurance unless they are registered as a company, most are not and are working illegally.
As for the locks - I didn't change mine as Louis recommended grills on the front door, plus changing most of the ground floor grills to the upstairs and getting better ones on the ground level. If you do want to change them, then a tip from the forum is to get together with some of your neighbours and swap locks - much cheaper than new ones!
Hope that doesn't sound too daunting! At first it seems like you have moved into Fort Knox but I just remind myself that at home I always kept my doors and windows locked and had an alarm, so there isn't really much difference.
All the best.
_______________________ Claire